Chapter 15

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It's been a week since I lost all my friends. I haven't done much. I haven't done anything. I've just binged every show possible on Netflix and eaten endless amounts of ice cream whilst lying in bed feeling sorry for myself. I shouldn't feel sorry for myself. It's my fault this all happened. I decide that today I need to be productive. I can't just mope around for the rest of my life. I chuck on a pair of black joggers and a hoodie. I tie my hair back into a low ponytail. I'm going to go on a walk. Some fresh air would do me some good.

"DAD I'M GOING OUT." I shout down the hallway as I open the front door.


"WILL DO" I reply before slamming the door shut. I've run out of ice cream so I decide to go down to the shops and get myself some. After about a ten minute walk I get there. It's chilly out so it's nice to get into somewhere at least a little bit warmer.

As I'm grabbing my chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream I hear a slightly familiar voice.

"(Y/n)?" She asks almost sounding happy to see me. I turn around to see Olivia Fox. Olivia went to my primary school. She was 'that girl' if you know what I mean. She still looks the same. Her long blonde her straightened with a tight skirt and fancy little crop top on, also wearing high heels.

"Olivia? Hey." I say pretending that I'm happy to see her.

"How's things? Omg I heard that you and Tom got together! Everyone always knew you two would end up a happy couple." She smirks.

"Um yeah. Sure." I say hoping this conversation will end.

"Oh also please make sure to tell him that I'm so sorry about Tessa." She says and fake frowns.

"Oh yeah I wi-" I pause. "Wait how do you know about Tessa?" I ask confused.

"Oh, this morning Harry put something on his story which was all like 'Rest In Peace Tess'. It was really sweet. I never even met the dog and it made me all emotional." She says pretending to be upset. Wait Rest In Peace?? Does that mean? No! No it can't.

"I'm sorry did you just say Rest In Peace?" I ask now worried. Loads of thoughts are stacking up in my mind.

"Yeah. Oh my goodness did you not know? Shit (y/n) I'm so sorry." She says in fake tone of voice.

"I-I have to go." I say as I push past her. I run out of the shop all the way back home and get into my car. I have to see him. He can't be alone right now. He can't. I drive as quick as I can without going over the speed limit. I think a tear rolled down my face at one moment but I was so used to tears that it doesn't matter. I pull up outside the Holland house. Then I start to second guess myself. What am I doing? He doesn't want to see me. He has his family. They can comfort him. They're all going through it together. I'm so stupid. No... no I have to go in. I would want him to come to me. Wouldn't I? I'm doing it anyway.

I slowly but surly walk up to the front door. I let out a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. My hearts beating really quickly. I start playing with my fingers. Then I see the doorknob turn. It opens. And then I see Nikki standing there with every expression possible on her face. It's weird seeing Nikki. I haven't seen her in so long. Five years. She used to be like a second mother to me. "(Y/n)?? Is that really you? Wh- what are you doing her?" She asks shocked at my sight.

"Hey Nikki. I- I was actually here to see Tom if that's okay?" I ask hoping she doesn't refuse me.

"Well he actually isn't in the mood for visitors right now. He-" She starts but I cut her off.

"I know about Tessa." I say a tear rolls down my face yet again and I can see Nikki's eyes fill up. "Please, let me see him." I say hoping my words would convince her. She nods and opens the door wider for me to step in. I'd never been to this house before. I see things like photos from the old house but nothing else. Everything else is new. Well for me.

I love you, I guess it's fate T.H X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now