Chapter 3

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"We can go together if you want?" He asks and smiles at me. Together. I like that idea. Together. Him and I. Wait no. I can't like Tom. Can I? We're friends. We can't be more than that. That would be weird. Right?

"(Y/N)???" Tom snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh um yes. Yeah sure. We can go together." I stumble. Great now he's gonna think I'm a wreck.

"Okay cool" He says and then giggles under his breath. I smile up at him.

"Right who's next?" The instructor asks.

"Actually we were thinking about going together." Tom replies.

"Ah I see." He says and winks at Tom. Tom quickly looks over to me to see if he saw and I just laugh. "Come on then love birds."
The instructor says signalling over to the equipment.

"Actually we're not-" I say to the instructor quickly.

"Yeah we're um we're not." Tom says nodding with me. We're pointing at each other and for some reason both of us are getting flustered.

"Yeah sure, keep telling yourselves that." The instructor says and smiles. Me and Tom both ignore what he said and keep walking towards the equipment. We get all tied up and they attach us to the wire. They start lifting us up. I can feel Tom shaking behind me.

"You scared?" I ask him and giggle to myself.

"Just a little. If I pee a little I'm sorry in advance." He says jokingly.

"Oh me too. Don't worry bout it." I say and turn my head to smile at him. The person controlling the bungee starts counting down from 10.

"Ready in 10"

"Shit this is actually happening." I say my voice starting to tremble.


"Yes, yes it is. Jesus I've never been this high before." Tom replies his voice trembling as well.


"I don't wanna do this anymore." I say looking down.


"Are you crazy?? Don't look down!! That's the one rule in everything to do with heights" Tom laughs.


"I can't help it!" I reply even more scared now.


"Well try your best because now you've made me look down!" Tom says still laughing.


"Tom" I say turning round to Tom again.


"Yes?" He smiles at me. 


"Hold my hand?" I ask nervously.


"I was just about to ask that myself" he takes my hand.

"Go!" I close my eyes shut and squeeze Tom's hand tightly as he squeezes it back. We drop. The drop feels like it lasted 200000 years but it was only about two seconds. We get to the bottom and we come to a little bounce.

"Oh... my... god." Tom says not really sure weather to be relieved or still scared.

"I am never ever doing that again." I say with a relived tone of voice.

"Really?? I was just going to suggest having another go." Tom says sarcastically. I laugh.

"How have you been? How's everyone?" I ask randomly after a few moments of silence.

I love you, I guess it's fate T.H X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now