Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
After the GuanYin Temple incident, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji travelled around solving cases and helping out the people who are in need. Three years of doing so, they made alot of great achievements. Yiling Patriarch has become a great hero image in the hearts of the people, some may even become admirers.

In a small town, a black robed man stepped into an inn. A waiter welcomed him. He noticed the man to ha e a real touch of class, immediately he realised that he must be a master from one of the big Sectors. He served the man with the best of the inn has to provide, but when he draws his black flute from his belt, the waiter's face turned pale and he ran to report to his boss. The boss heard and quickly arranged the best room for this man and asked the waiter to serve him the best tea.

“You just be the infamous Yiling Patriarch. We’re so honoured to have you in our inn, sir. But is Han Guang Jun not travelling with you?” The boss asked.

The man did not answer his question, but simply waved his hand at him to ask him to leave. The boss understood and did not ask more than he should, as he did not want to be black listed by the Yiling Patriarch.

“Ah haha, yes, I shall take my leave. Rest well, sir.”
The moment he stepped out and close the door, the waiter asked,
“Boss, is that really Yiling Patriarch?”
“Are you dumb? Did you not see the black flute Chen Qing?”
“But Han Guang Jun isn’t with him, isn’t he his partner?”
“How should I know what happened to them, maybe they are travelling separately, who knows? Stop asking questions and quickly prepare the dishes!”

The sound of footsteps seems to be further away, the black robed man feels more relieved and relax on the bed.
“Hahaha, I can’t believe it. Getting a big room and the best wine just because they thought I’m Yiling Patriarch!”

He spins the flute while thinking a plan, which is to escape this place through the window after having his luxurious meal. Since people had already know him as the Yiling Patriarch, whatever blames they have after this is on that guy. Yiling Patriarch was already known to be the most evil existed in this world, so this teeny tiny issues won’t worth much to be anything to him.
While thinking what a genius he is, the door was kicked opened. The man jumps up from the bed. Stepped in was another man dressed in clean white robe.

The other seems so dull and cold. He did not seem to be someone to be messed with. The “Yiling Patriarch “shouted at him angrily,
“Who the hell are you?!”

The white robed man gave him a death stare that send chills down to his spine. Quickly “Yiling Patriarch” takes up his flute and shouted again,
“You better leave at once, or I'll...”

“You’ll what?”

Another stepped into his room, and he dressed a lot like him. All black and equipped with a flute on his belt. But there’s something different about him. Something evil. The black aura was surrounding him.

“Go on, say it. What will you do, my good man.”

Oh shit. The man thought. Is he that unlucky to bump into the real Yiling Patriarch?
His hands started to shiver. He was scared, but he knows he had to save himself. The man took a charm and threw at them and tried to escape. However, the other two can’t be fooled by this. Before he could reach the window, the white robed man grabbed him.

“Yiling Patriarch” was tied up and pressed on the floor. Wei Wuxian put up one leg on the table, while his arm was placed on his other knee. He looked down at “Yiling Patriarch “ and smiled,
“Well done, using my name to cash on petty things.”

“Ah haha, Yiling Patriarch, a generous man you are, I won’t do it again, please let me go.”

“You have the guts to disguise yourself as the Yiling Patriarch, you must have thought , ‘Oh, this teeny tiny matter won’won’t much of a difference with all other bad things that he has already done,’ don’t you?”

“What is this? Chen Qing flute? Are you kidding me? Hahahahahaha...”

The imposter awkwardly smiles, feeling a little embarrassed to be caught and laughed at.



Lan Wangji finally spoke.
The moment theh met their eyes, Wei Wuxian knows that Lan Wangj is trying to tell him not to make nonsense.

“Alright, alright, I know.”

Wei Wuxian handed in the imposter to the boss and have him work for the inn to clear his debt. The boss thanked them and gave them this best room to them as a token of appreciation for helping them.

Wei Wuxian did not have the intention put his nose in this so called teeny tiny matter, as this king of thing happens all over and all the time. But night has come, he and Han Guang Jun were in need of a place to rest after a long night of hunting. For some reason, the inns here were all full house. Then they heard that “Yiling Patriarch “ was staying in one the big inns. And so they have come.

“Weiying, come here.”
Wei Wuxian had just came out from a good bath, his hair are damped.

“What is it, Er GeGe (second brother)?”
Wei Wuxian sat beside Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji took his hand and pulled up his sleeve. From before, Wei Wuxian has been trying to hide his wound from Lan Wangji. Yet, Lan Wangji's keen eyes still noticed it.

“ I’m fine, Er GeGe, really.”
Lan Wangji did not respond to him, but continues to apply medicine on his hand.

“Does it hurt badly?”

Compare to the previous life, this little wound meant nothing. But Wei Wuxian wanted to play with Lan Wangji awhile.

“It hurts so much, I need Er GeGe's kiss to feel better.”

Lan Wangji knows what Wei Wuxian is trying to do. For so long he act on concert with him as well. Lan Wangji placed his lips on Wei Wuxian's hand. In an instant, Wei Wuxian blushed.

“Lan Zhan, you’re flirting again.”
“You said you wanted it.”
“Well then, now here too.”

Wei Wuxian pointed at his lips, Lan Wangji did not hesitate and lowered his head, gently kissed him on his soft lips, and bit him before letting go.

“Er GeGe, you bit me again.”
“Come on, don’t be mad.”
“Do not force yourself next time.”
“I know, I know, I won’t . “

Wei Wuxian knows that seeing your lover getting hurt doesn’t feel good. If this was to happen to his Lan Er Gege, he feels the same.

“It’s passed bed time, rest now.”
“Oh come on, let’s talk for a bit. I’ve still got something to ask you. Let’s get some wine!”
“You’re wounded, no alcohol.”
“Ah? Just one cup will do, pretty please?”

Lan Wangji can never beat Wei Wuxian when he tries to butter him up with his “pretty please". In the end, Wei Wuxian  managed to get a cup of wine. The two went to bed after this. When Wei Wuxian laid his head on Lan Wangji’s chest, he immediately feels drowsy. It may have been due to this less healthy body of Mo Xuanyu that makes him more tired than before.

Lan Wangji kissed his forehead and whispered a “goodnight".

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