Chapter 17

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"Please, father, spare my life."

Lan Nian was leaning on the wall upside down, with one of her arms supporting and the other holding the pen writing the house rules. She really did it this time, instead of focusing on her study, this young lady took a sip of Emporer's Smile, the wine that Lan Wangji had kept under the wooden floor in the chamber for Wei Wuxian. Lan Nian had Wei Wuxian's love for alcohol, as well as Lan Wangji's gene of getting drunk after one cup. When she was finally conscious, both her parents were there staring at her, and they don't look happy at all.

"It seems we've spoiled you too much, you are starting to drink alcohol now, huh?" Wei Wuxian scolded.

"But aren't you doing the same, dad?"

"Don't talk back at me!"

"Three more times." Lan Wangji was sipping his tea while doing his work beside Lan Nian. 

"Please, father, no more, I'm sorry." She was begging for mercy, and of course,Lan Wangji did not heed her. So she turned to Wei Wuxian.


"Don't look at me. No use for crying now, you're over the line this time."

Poor Lan Nian held back her tears, but it's hard when she's upside down, the tears eventually dropped on the papers. Wei Wuxian couldn't stand looking at her like this, but he cannot let himself spoil her like this, so he got up and left the library.

Lan Wangji followed him. Wei Wuxian held onto the railing outside the library, and asked, "Lan Zhan, what are we going to do? Uncle is going to throw me out of Cloud Recesses."

"He won't."

Lan Nian was the same as Lan Wangji, she won't remember what she did after getting drunk. All she knew was after waking up, there was a big hole on the floor in the chamber. It seemed like something poke through it, and there were bunnies inside.

"Really, she's got none of your good genes, only the bad ones. Where did I go wrong?"


"Ugh, she's none of what I imagined." Wei Wuxian laid onto Lan Wangji, and continued complaining, "What happened to the graceful elegant daughter that I wanted?"

"Ah Nian is good as she is now."

"How is she good now?"

"She's like you."

"Pu, Lan Zhan, you..."

Wei Wuxian wrapped his arms around Lan Wangji's neck.

"I want one that is like you."

"Then what do you intend to do?"

"Let's have another one."


"What do you think, Er Gege?"


"Why not?"

"You'll get hurt."

"It's alright, I can handle it. I won't feel fair if I don't get one like you."


"Er Gege, I'm going to have one, if you're not gonna join me, I'll probably have it with..."

Lan Wangji did not give him a chance to finish that, he immediately shut him up with a kiss, until finally, Wei Wuxian's out of breath.

"Ah...Er Gege is so angry."

"No one else but me."

"Alright, alright, of course, it's you, how am I going to tease another little Lan Zhan if it's not you?"

The two almost forgot about Lan Nian, and decided to go back and check up on her. Unsurprisingly, she turned writing into drawing a bunch of unidentified figures.


"Ah? Boohoo..."

Wei Wuxian could not bear to see her with the punishment, he shooed her out of the library. Lan Wangji was not going to let her go, but he was stopped by Wei Wuxian jumping on him, and the two of them fell on the floor. Wei Wuxian was on top of him and did not intend to get up.

"Wei Ying, do not fool around."

"Er Gege, let's just do it here."

Saying it so bluntly, Lan Wangji's ears were reddened.

"Let's go back."

"What? It's only the two of us here."

"The mixture."

"Oh no worries, I've got it."

Wei Wuxian actually took the bottle out of his sleeves and ate it. He had planned it all along and was just waiting for a nod from Lan Wangji.

"Wei Ying, you..."

"Hehe, I ate it. Er Gege, you won't get away now."

Wei Wuxian licked his own lips and reach out to Lan Wangji's headband...

Lan Nian was feeling a bit dizzy after being upside down for so long, she did not leave the library, and instead, she was sitting outside. After feeling a little better, she turned to see if her parents were arguing because of her. Well hell no, Wei Wuxian was sitting on Lan Wangji and the two were kissing quite aggressively. It's not a rare sight for her to see her parents being intimate, but it is when the kiss started getting intense. Quickly Lan Nian ran off to look for her brother.

"Ah Nian, what's wrong?"

"Yeah, your face is red, are you sick?" asked Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi who were practising sword skills at the training ground.


Lan Sizhui knew this face of hers and immediately he understood what happened. He patted on her head and said, "You'll get used to it."

Lan Jingyi was still figuring out what's happening.


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