Chapter 16

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The two dads brought Lan Nian to the village for the first time, it was a whole new world for her. She was in awe at everything she laid eyes on. Whenever she's near a stall she would try to grab on something. Lan Nian was carried in Wei Wuxian's arm, another man was holding a little boy who was around her age passed by them. The boy was licking on sugar-coated haws. Lan Nian grabbed it from the boy's hand and started eating it. The boy cried out loud, and his father immediately shouted at Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian kept apologizing, the man had only left after Lan Wangji paid him an amount.

"Ah Nian, you naughty little girl!" Wei Wuxian scolded.

"Ah Nian wants one too."

"If you want, then just say it, daddy will grab it for you and run away."

"...Wei Ying."

"Hehe, I'm just kidding, Han Guang Jun."


"Hm? Lan Zhan, you're going to punish your daughter?"

"She did something wrong."

"Oh don't be so strict, she's only three. It's her first mistake, Ah Nian, quickly apologize to your father."

"Ah Nian is sorry, Father..."

Lan Nian can see it from Lan Wangji's face that he is upset, and she knew she's at wrong. She lowered her head, tearing her eyes looking at him.

Wei Wuxian could not differentiate if his daughter here is doing the crocodile tears.

"Han Guang Jun, please forgive her."

"...No more next time."

"Thank you, Father!"

Wow, such an impressive act. Her tears immediately roll back into her tear duct. This is indeed the daughter of Yiling Patriarch. The three continued their stroll around the village. Lan Nian was asking to let her walk on her own. After Wei Wuxian put her down, she grabbed onto her parents' hand with Lan Wangji on her left, Wei Wuxian on her right. She did not need to be afraid of getting bumped by anyone with her two fathers beside her. It was a night to be remembered for Lan Nian. They returned to the inn. Lan Wangji was carrying Lan Nian on his back as she was sleeping soundly. They had two rooms that were connected, Lan Wangji put her on the bed and was going to the other room with Wei Wuxian when Lan Nian suddenly called out to him.


Lan Nian was sitting up on her bed holding her doll.

"What is it?"

"I had a nightmare."

"What kind of nightmare?"

"The uncle scolded daddy, and dogs were chasing daddy...daddy was so scared..."

Lan Nian started crying, this time it's no crocodile tears.

Lan Wangji wiped off her tears and lightly stroke her head.

"I'm here, no worries."

"Father...Ah Nian wants to sleep with daddy."


Wei Wuxian was waiting for Lan Wangji on the bed as he thought that the two of them could finally have some time alone. He was thinking of the many ways to tease him until he saw Lan Wangji carried Lan Nian into their room.

"Ah Nian, what's wrong?"

"She had a nightmare."

"Hm? What kind of nightmare would scare my daughter?"

Lan Nian did not answer, instead, she held onto her doll tightly and shook her head.

"Okay, you don't need to tell me. Come here."

Wei Wuxian carried her in his arms and put her to sleep. This was not the first time she had a nightmare. She did not tell him anything too the last time she had a nightmare, but what could ease her was Wei Wuxian holding her till she slept. And after every time, he would ask Lan Wangji. Apparently, Jin Lin's dog, Xian Zi, was chasing Wei Wuxian in her dream.

Wei Wuxian whispered to Lan Wangji as he patted on Lan Nian's back.

"Lan Zhan, what happened?"

"A dog was chasing you in her dream."

"...Again? It was like last time."

"This time is about the man on the street today, he released the dog."

"...What was she thinking?"

"She blamed herself for not protecting you."

"Silly girl."

It seemed the angry man indeed made a mark in Lan Nian's heart. She was feeling guilty to get Wei Wuxian into her trouble, and she was unable to do anything. Lan Nian really loved him even though there was a lot of time that she "accidentally" bullied him. Her every nightmare was always about Wei Wuxian, and she felt better when she slept beside Wei Wuxian, it was like she was taking care of him from the dogs. Wei Wuxian felt helpless when she was doing her crocodile tears, but he never really wanted her to cry. Wei Wuxian held her tighter, laid his head beside her.

"Sorry, Lan Zhan, it seems like today we won't be sleeping together."

Lan Wangji smiled. "It's okay."


Author: Next, final chapter.

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