Chapter 5

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Wei Wuxian sat on the tree, and he seemed to be sleeping. The cold breeze swept over and Lan Wangji was worried he will catch a cold. As he was about to approach him to cover him up, a small shadow came from behind and ran passed him. This little shadow belongs to a little girl who seemed to be about three years old. She stood by the tree and lightly pulled the corner of the garment that hung from the tree. Wei Wuxian was woken up by her. He slightly bent down and carried her up to him, leaving kisses all over her cheeks. The sweet laughter of the little girl sounded the whole place and deeply imprinted in Lan Wangji's heart as she gave Wei Wuxian a little peck on the cheek as well. He knew that this is a dream, but a wonderful dream.

"Lan Zhan!"

It seemed like Wei Wuxian noticed him, and was waving at him. The little girl in his arm was about to call out to him, but he got pulled out to reality soon after. Morning has arrived, and of course, Lan Wangji woke up at this time. Unsurprisingly, Wei Wuxian is still sleeping in his arm

It has been more than a month since Wei Wuxian took the mixture. Besides getting very well-fed by Lan Wangji and gaining a little weight, there's not the slightest unusual with Wei Wuxian's tummy. Lan Wangji worried that he will be disappointed, and so he looked for his elder brother for advice.

"I've never seen a man experiencing pregnancy, however brother, it usually takes one to two months for symptoms to show for a lady. And the most obvious symptom would be the delay of their period. Do not sorry, Wangji, Master Wei might just take a little while longer to show symptoms. Do not lose hope."

It was not Lan Wangji who is anxious, but Wei Wuxian who is asking him the question every day. Ever since they decided to have a child, Wei Wuxian has taken more notice towards children-related matters. Just like reminding Lan Wangji to get a toy for their child as well as they stroll the market in Caiyi village.

Lan Wangji got up for a wash. After settling himself, he carried Wei Wuxian to bath as usual.

"En...Lan Zhan..."

Wei Wuxian woke up a little while, grabbed and kissed the hand that is washing him, and went back to sleep.

"Wei Ying, it is time to get up."

"A little while longer..."

"Wei Ying, uncle wants to see you."


Lan Qiren had always dislike Wei Wuxian, and Wei Wuxian knows to avoid him if he could. Punishments and scoldings were always how he ended up with every time he sees him, and Wei Wuxian was wondering what he did wrong again. He had been very obedient lately, at least obedient enough to not causing chaos in Cloud Recesses. Though he did something like fooling around with the students and running around. Could it be that Lan Qiren finally wants to take action against him himself? 

"Why does Mr Lan wants to see me?" Wei Wuxian rubbed his eyes as he asked.

"Don't know."

"Is it that he knew our plan? Is he going to object us?"

"No, brother did not tell him."

Lan Xichen told them that he would not say a word to Lan Qiren, as it is best to have themselves to tell him.

"Are...are you coming with me?"

"Uncle had made it clear to have you go alone."

Very well, Wei Wuxian, you've done it, you've pulled the trigger and this is going to be your doomsday. Lan Qiren wants to see you, alone! Then it must be something big. Wei Wuxian quickly got himself ready and off to the tea room.

He lightly knocked on the door, and stepped in after he was permitted of course. Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen were sitting over the table sipping tea.

"Mr Lan, Sect Master Lan." Wei Wuxian bowed. Lan Qiren did not look at him, but at least he gave a response "En." Lan Xichen on the other hand smiled at him and excused himself, leaving him and Lan Qiren alone. It was dead quiet and awkward for Wei Wuxian.

"Wei Wuxian."

"Yes, here..."

"Have a seat."

Wei Wuxian obediently sat opposite him.

"Drink some tea."

He took the cup of tea from the table and sipped. Whatever Lan Qiren said, he did.

"Erm... Mr Lan, you needed to discuss something with me?" Wei Wuxian could no longer hold up with this awkwardness. When he asked, Lan Qiren heavily put down the teacup. It seemed like he made a very big decision.

"Wangji has been under my care since young, and I've been so proud of him. Graceful, obedient to the rules of Lan Sect, and has never defied me."

Lan Qiren slams on the table and stared right at Wei Wuxian.

"Until he met you. To protect you, he'd break the rules, injured the elders! And even if it takes to  bear the punishment of 33 whips, he did not regret anything he did for you!"

Wei Wuxian slightly looked down, feeling the guiltiness taking over him. It is true that he had made Lan Wangji bearing all the pain through thirteen years. Even if the scars do not hurt now, it will never fade away.


Wei Wuxian was surprised to find a "But" afterwords. he looked up at Lan Qiren and he was calming himself down.

"I've never seen him this happy before."

Lan Qiren was not as good as Lan Xichen to decipher Lan Wangji's expression. But for all he knows, Lan Wangji is truly happy now.

"And so, I've decided to have your name included in Lan's Pedigree, to officially become Lan Wangji's partner."

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