Chapter 12

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It's passed another 3 months, Wei Wuxian was starting to have difficulty in walking. He's always having backache. The baby was getting more and more active as well as if he couldn't wait to meet his parents. His kicks were getting harder, and Wei Wuxian actually felt pain from it.

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian were sitting at the patio. Lan Wangji was feeding him. Suddenly Wei Wuxian put a hand on his belly frowning.

"Wei Ying?"

"Lan Zhan, your son kicked me."

Lan Wangji put down the bowl of porridge and placed his hands on Wei Wuxian's belly. The baby was indeed making a ruckus, but he calmed down when he felt Lan Wangji's warm hands.

"I can't believe this, this happens every time! I'm going to whoop him up real good."

As if the baby understood him, he kicked him harder.

"Ouch...Lan Zhan, do something about him!"


"Hmph, I'll have you write the house rules 10 times once you're out!"

The baby was finally afraid of him and let him have his meal peacefully. However, Wei Wuxian no longer has an appetite.

"Er Gege, I don't want it."

"A few more scoops."

"I don't wanna, I don't have the mood already."

"What about some Lotus root pork rib?"

Wei Wuxian turned to find the voice, it was Jiang Cheng.

"Jiang Cheng, you came!"

"Why is that surprising? Lan Wangji, why did you bring him out? He's gonna catch a cold."

"Jiang Cheng, stop blaming Lan Zhan, I wanted to come out. It's too boring to lie in the bed every day. Plus I'm wearing this thick robe already."

Jiang Cheng scoffed and placed the containers on the stone table. The moment he opened it, the nostalgic smell of the lotus soup came slapping on Wei Wuxian's face.

"Do you want it or not?"

"Of course I want it!"

Jiang Cheng gave him a bowl of the lotus soup. Wei Wuxian gobbled down it and tried to get another bowl. Lan Wangji had excused himself to let them have a moment to catch up.

"Jiang Cheng, it's so rare of you to come and visit me."

"I came because someone sends letters every day about soup."

"Hehehe, so you did read my letters. I thought the letters did not manage to get to you. I even had Sizhui to inform you when he went for night hunting at Yun Meng."

"And it's started to get annoying, that's why I came."

"You're lucky you came now, I would have let Lan Zhan go and get you already."


Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. He then took out two silverbells of Yun Meng and placed it in front of Wei Wuxian.

"This is for my nephew. Keep it safe."

"Why are there two of them?"

"Are you dumb? Another is yours."

"Jiang Cheng..."

"I don't need you to thank me, just take care of yourself, I'm only worried for my nephew."

"Well don't be, I'm a great parent already, look how well Sizhui turned out."

The two continued to argue and it was almost like the old days. They were like three years old arguing about the little things, and apparently, the little one joined the fight too.


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just this brat kicking."

Seeing Wei Wuxian suffering the pain of a pregnant lady, it reminded him of how his deceased sister was pregnant with Jin Lin. He still can't believe that Wei Wuxian would willing to suffer this for Lan Wangji. He must be really in love with him. He wondered if there would be a day that he'll meet someone like that.

"Jiang Cheng, do you want to feel him?"


"He's moving now."

Jiang Cheng was indecisive. It was the first time he ever saw a guy pregnant, and this guy's Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes at Jiang Cheng and pulled his hands to his belly right away. But the baby was moving no more.

"Hey, give me some respect little brat, move a little."


"Move and I won't have you writing the house rules."

The baby was surprisingly obedient. He did move by kicking hard on Wei Wuxian's belly,


"Wow, that's a real kick."

"Yeah, it's annoying."

Besides the annoyed expression, Jiang Cheng could really see Wei Wuxian was in pain. Something was definitely not right. He had asked someone to get Lan Wangji, but Lan Wangji came immediately before he could and carried Wei Wuxian back to their chamber.

"Wei Ying, are you alright?"

"Er Gege, it hurts..."

It did not seem like the pain was due to the baby kicks. Lan Wangji quickly called his brother to have a look, and everything was fine.

Night came, Wei Wuxian had noticed Lan Wangji was not himself. He was the silent type, but he's too quiet tonight.

Wei Wuxian's belly was bigger and it's hard to sleep on his back. he only finds sleeping on his left to be the best position. Wei Wuxian was lying with his back facing Lan Wangji, he couldn't see his face to know what he was thinking.

"Lan Zhan."


"Lan Er Gege."


"I know you're not sleeping yet, answer me though."


Wei Wuxian sighed.



"What's wrong, Lan Er Gege?"


Wei Wuxian wanted to get up, but Lan Wangji held him down, not letting him move.

"Wei Ying, don't move."

"Then tell me what's wrong, did someone pulled your trigger?"


They were silent for a moment until Wei Wuxian felt Lan Wangji pressing his lips on the back of his neck.  It seemed like Lan Wangji left a mark on his neck as he felt a little pain.

"Er Gege, stop it. If your uncle sees it, he's gonna faint again."

Lan Wangji did not listen to him, instead, he bit again."

"Lan Zhan..."

"Was the soup nice?"


Wei Wuxian finally understood what's going on. Lan Wangji was jealous again. It was probably because he took the soup from Jiang Cheng instead of the porridge from him.

"Oh Lan Zhan, are you jealous?"


"Hm? Why aren't you talking again?"


"Come on, don't be angry."

"I'm not."

"If you're not, then why are you biting me?"

Of course he's biting you, to mark his territory!

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