Chapter 9

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There was still a day's road back to Gusu, and Lan Wangji was worried about Wei Wuxian getting tired, so they decided to stay in a small village for a few days. the Lan Sect students were thanking Wei Wuxian in their heart for getting a few days more of stay, and they get to relax longer before returning to their studies. At night, the village was so crowded with people, and vendors with interesting stuff were all around the village, it was like nothing they ever saw.

The students went to join the crowd, Wei Wuxian was stuck in this inn, and he was so jealous of them.

"Lan Zhan, can we go?"

"No, too crowded."

"Oh It's not that crowded, you'll be with me and you will protect me, right?"

He was giving all his effort, begging Lan Wangji to let him go, but it did not work on him. So, he decided to change course.

"Er Gege, you know being in here is not good for the baby too, I'm going to be bored to death."

Lan Wangji let out a deep sigh and surrendered. He took his Bichen sword and help Wei Wuxian all the way down the stairs. When they were together in the crowd, Lan Wangji held him tight, shielding him from all the pushing from the crowd. They strolled awhile until they notice Lan Sizhui was standing at a stall.

"Sizhui, what are you looking at?"

"Ah? Oh, Han...Han Guang Jun, Senior Wei."

"Hm? Is this a clay figure?"

"Erm, yeah, haha, I think it's interesting." The nervous laughter sold him out.

"Alright, it is done!" The stall owner handed over two figurines to Sizhui.

Quickly Sizhui grabbed the figurines and stuff them to his sleeves.

"Yes, thank you! Well, Han Guang Jun, Senior Wei, I'll be going then!"

"Eh? Hold on..."

Lan Sizhui ran away before Wei Wuxian could say anything. Even without asking, he already figured out who are those two figurines. A moment there he got a glimpse of a yellow-gold and another white figurine.

"Er Gege, look at our radish here, how he've grown. Finally he has someone he likes."


"You knew?"


"Young lads, would you like to make figurines, you could gift it to your ladies."

"Hm, is it? Lan Zhan, do you want to? For your lady."


"Hehe, you don't want it, but I do!"

Immediately, Lan Zhan's face turned pitch black, and a cold aura spread out from him, Wei Wuxian noticed but he didn't care.

"Hey, sir, let me make one myself."

"Sure, sure! Here, have a seat."

The stall beside the figurine stall was a tea shop. Lan Wangji ordered tea and some local snacks for them while Wei Wuxian sat there making the figurine. He was looking and smirking at Lan Wangji when he molds the figure. Lan Wangji knew he was molding a figurine of him.

"It's so hard, I made it ugly. Oh well, nevermind, let's just throw it away."


"Hm? What?"

Lan Wangji did not answer him. He just took the figurine from him and kept it in his sleeves.

"Pu, Er Gege, you still want that ugly figurine?"

"You made it."

"Hahahaha, Er Gege, when did you learn to tease me like that?"

"I didn't."

"Okay, okay, you didn't."

Wei Wuxian plunged into his arm, scaring the stall owner. He held two sides of his cheeks and pulled him close, pressing his lips over his for a moment. Lan Wangji's ear was already red.

"I love you to death, Er Gege."

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