Chapter 3

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Lan Wangji was getting ready himself for the morning lecture. Since they are going to be here for some time, he was to take up his role in giving lessons to the students. He was about to wake the one who was still sleeping in bed. As he recalls that they had quite an "intense exercise" last night, Wei Wuxian might even have a little trouble moving. And so, Lan Wangji decided to let him be and be on his way for lectures.

Wei Wuxian woke up about 4 hours after Lan Wangji left, and of course, he did not wake himself up.

"Ouch..." Wei Wuxian was holding on to his waist as he gets off the bed.

"Lan Er Gege, you're really..."

"I'll give you a massage later."

"Yeah, that will much be appreciated."

The two began to have their breakfast in Jingshi (Lan Wangji's room). Wei Wuxian was just stirring his porridge as he stares blankly, in deep thought and pondering of things. Finally, he asked Lan Wangji a bold question.

"Lan Zhan, do you wanna have a baby?"

As expected, Lan Wangji did not take him seriously as he was still sipping his tea.

"Don't fool around."

"I'm not fooling around, Lan Zhan, I'm serious. Do you want to have a baby?"

"Never thought of it."

"How about now?"

Lan Wangji put down his teacup, looked straight at him.

"Wei Ying, I will never take another for the sake of having children, I only want you."

"Of course I know that! I meant having our children."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean if I were to bear you a child, do you want it?"


"Just tell me if you want one?"

Wei Wuxian was determined to get an answer out of him.

"Why do you want a baby suddenly?"

"Well, first of all, it's not sudden. I thought long and hard about it. If we were to retire from this field, I still think that all we left is a little one. Having a version of you would be interesting."

Having a little one just to tease him is just what Yiling Patriarch would do. But from his eyes, Lan Wangji knew Wei Wuxian wanted to have a child of their own. Both of them may be men but there are still ways for a man to bear a child, especially with Wei Wuxian practicing demonic cultivation, his Yinqi cultivation level (I'm not sure if this translation is even correct) is equal to how much a woman has.

However, what makes Lan Wangji indecisive is the thought of Wei Wuxian having to bear the pain of childbirth.

"Lan Zhan, I know giving birth is not easy, but..."

Wei Wuxian clapped Lan Wangji's hands and place them over his cheek.

"I'm willing to do it for you."

And just that simple, Lan Wangji nodded.

"As long as it's you."

For the next few days to months, the two had been busy with research on how to conceive a child. The library was likely to be their second home, but Wei Wuxian was more of a frequent guest than Lan Wangji as Lan Wangji had duties to attend to.

It was late at night, Lan Wangji had just returned from his Uncle's. He saw Wei Wuxian had nodded off on the table as he stepped into the library. He sat beside him and gently moved Wei Wuxian to let him sleep on his lap. Then, he took up the book that Wei Wuxian was looking at and continued his research.

The candle was almost burning out. Lan Wangji felt a slight movement and put down the book.

"Lan Zhan..."

"I'm here."

"When did I fall asleep?"

Wei Wuxian did not intend to get up, Lan Wangji's lap was too comfortable.

"Lan Zhan, we've been looking for months now. We still can't find anything."

"I've found it."


Immediately Wei Wuxian bolted up from his laps, almost hitting his forehead with Lan Wangji's.



Lan Wangji passed him the bamboo scroll. The scroll described an instruction on alchemy mixing and as long as the man or woman has a high-level of Yin cultivation, conceiving is a no-problem.

"This alchemy instruction...gathering the ingredients is going to take a long time, and making the mixture is going to take like what...a year?"

"It's alright, take it slowly."

Wei Wuxian nodded. As long as there's a way, he'll take it. The thought of having a little one in their arms just excites him.


Bear with me with the horrible translation. Some suggestions will be very much appreciated.

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