Chapter 10

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The news of Wei Wuxian's pregnancy was let known to Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren. Lan Xichen congratulated them but Lan Qiren on the other hand did not know how to respond to this. Having an heir was indeed good news to the Lan Sect, but what Lan Qiren worried about was Wei Wuxian misguiding the child, and he had already a series of educational plans for this unborn child.

The elderly of Lan Sect was disclosed with the news, but not young ones, for now, to not distract them from their studies. But the young ones are not thick-headed. They did notice that Wei Wuxian had not been himself lately, at least not his health. He had slept longer than he used to, and was always tired. He couldn't eat well and always feel like vomiting. What's worse was that he actually stopped drinking alcohol. Lan Jingyi was already suspecting some kind of ghost must have taken over Wei Wuxian's body. The same goes for Han Guang Jun who had been missing out on classes, Ze Wu Jun took over instead.

"Jingyi, maybe we should go visit Senior Wei."

"Hm? But he's at Han Juang Jun's chamber, we can't go in there."

"I know, but Senior Wei seems to be very ill, I'm worried about him."

"He hasn't been going night hunting with us lately, do you think he's got this incurable illness?"

"No, don't say that."

After handing in their homework to Ze Wu Jun, Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi rushed off to Jin Shi. They carefully knocked on the door, and got a response from Lan Wang Ji,

"What is it?"

"Han Guang Jun, it's us." The door was pulled open.

"Han Guang Jun." The two bowed, and Sizhui continued,

"We're here to visit Senior Wei, has he gotten ill, Han Guang Jun?"


Lan Jingyi asked, "Did something happened to him?"

Lan Wangji looked down and did not answer them. The voice from inside the chamber called out to him,

"Lan Zhan, let them in."

Lan Wangji turned around and walked back in. The two kids were not sure if they should step in until Wei Wuxian called them again.

"Sizhui, Jingyi, come in."

Timidly, they did. This would be their first time to actually be in Lan Wangji's chamber and they couldn't help themselves to look around. They noticed Wei Wuxian sitting on the bed, and he did not look too good. Lan Sizhui nervously asked, "Senior Wei, are you alright?"

Wei Wuxian wryly smiled.

"So nice of you guys to visit me."

"Senior Wei, are you ill?"

"No, I'm fine, I just vomit a little."

"Wei Ying, let me ask for brother."

"Er Gege, it's fine, just hold me and I'll be good."

Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi had gotten used to the intimate interaction of them.

"So tell me, do you guys like a little brother or a sister?"

"Huh? Why are you asking that?" Lan Jingyi asked.

The moment Wei Wuxian asked, Lan Sizhui immediately relate all the symptoms Wei Wuxian was having, and he already knew what was going on, but he wasn't sure of it because of the possibility for a guy to be pregnant.

"Senior Wei."

"Hm? Sizhui, have you guessed it already?"

"I'm not too sure, but..."

Only Lan Jingyi was still oblivious about the situation, and he couldn't stand it no more.

"What is it? Just spill it out."

"Senior Wei, are you...pregnant?"

"Haha, that's my smart radish. Jingyi, maybe I should dig a hole for you now."

"Preg...pregnant? How is that possible?" Jingyi was stunned, he looked at Lan Wangji and he nodded at him.

"But, how?" Sizhui was confused. He knew Wei Wuxian could do the impossible, but this is impossible!

"Hehe, it is because I'm a woman all along!"

"WHAT?!" Lan Jingyi's shock and he blurted out a little loud.

"No shouting." Lan Wangji reminded him and he quickly covered his mouth.

"Hahahaha, alright, I'm just joking." Wei Wuxian explained the whole story and cleared the question mark in their heads. Han Guang Jun and The Yiling Patriarch are having a kid. They were truly happy for them but still unbelievable. They would stay long but considering that Wei Wuxian needed more rest, they excused themselves, bringing the excitement of a newborn with them.

It was time for bed already, it is some sort of a new norm for them that Wei Wuxian sleeps on the inner side of the bed while Lan Wangji sleeps the outer side. He wrapped Lan Wangji's arms around his abdomen, trying to let their baby feel the warmth.

"What's wrong?" Wei Wuxian startled a little as he had thought Lan Wangji was asleep.

"Er Gege, you're not asleep yet?"

"No, I'm waiting."

"Waiting for me?"

"You did not turn."

Wei Wuxian was known to be very active in his sleep, tossing and turning. This time he was unusually quiet, and he knew Wei Wuxian was still awake.

"Er Gege, your hands are very warm."

Lan Wangji pulled him closer, rubbing his tummy.

"Lan Zhan, did you feel anything?"


"When will he make a move?"

"Let's wait."

"Er Gege, do you want a girl or a boy?"

"As long as it's yours."

"Even if it's not with you?"

"Wei Ying." Lan Wangji's voice turned a little heavier.

"Alright, alright, it'll only be you. Let's have a bunch of kids then?"


"Why are you not saying anything?"

Wei Wuxian turned a little to look at him.

"Are you angry already?"

"Do not talk, sleep."

"If you don't want me to talk, then you could cast a spell on me. Er Gege, you...mmmmm!"

Wei Wuxian was cut off by the kiss, and his words were swallowed. Lan Wangji pulled away when Wei Wuxian started to get a little out of breath.

"Er Gege, you're teasing me. How am I suppose to sleep now?"

Wei Wuxian turned his body and laid on him. Lan Wangji did not forget to hold on to him so Wei Wuxian wouldn't feel uneasy.

"Wei Ying, sleep now."

"My dear husband, you just turned me on, and you need to solve this."

"We can't."

"Er Gege, just be gentle with me."

Wei Wuxian was asking for it, and he knew Lan Wangji had been suppressing himself. He took Lan Wangji's hand, placed them on his thigh, and pulling it down further. Lan Wangji's finger explored down further until they met the entrance. He was slow and gentle towards Wei Wuxian, and it was enough to satisfy him who was extremely sensitive during pregnancy.

After all of that with Wei Wuxian finally asleep, Lan Wangji went to the cold seep to cool down himself.

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