Chapter 14

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Whenever Wei Wuxian holds Lan Nian, she always ended up crying and throwing tantrums. She pulled his hair every time and stuff it in her mouth. The total opposite happened when Lan Wangji held her. She was sweet as an angel, smiling at him always, and very obedient. With this heaven and hell treatment, Wei Wuxian was always complaining about her to Lan Wangji. He almost got used to Lan Nian treating him this way until one day, she actually fell asleep peacefully in Wei Wuxian's arm.

This was indeed an odd situation, and Wei Wuxian did not want to put her down in the cradle. He held her and just stared at her until Lan Wangji came back from his uncle's. Lan Wangji was glad to see him and their daughter made up.

Wei Wuxian whispered quietly, "Lan Zhan, she looks so much like you when she's not crying."

Lan Wangji smiled. "Are you tired?"

Wei Wuxian shook his head. "No, I want to hold her a little longer."

Lan Wangji knew that he still loves her even if he always complained about her. And when they were trying to enjoy this precious moment, someone shouted so loud that it woke her. Lan Nian turned back into this demonic baby and started crying. At this moment, Wei Wuxian wanted to tear the one who shouted apart.

"Uncle, save me!"

Oh, it's that brat Jin Lin. and Jiang Cheng. They came to Cloud Recesses to visit Lan Nian. Surprisingly these two Sect leaders are pretty unoccupied with their own Sect's work as they came to the Cloud Recesses almost three days once. Lan Wangji was irritated. He got up and opened the door to see Jin Lin running towards them with Jiang Cheng chasing him behind. Jin Lin immediately stopped running and shut his mouth when he saw Lan Wangji. And that is how Jiang Cheng managed to catch him and hit him on the head.

"You brat!"


Jiang Cheng did not notice the grumpy Lan Wangji, and he continued to scold Jin Lin. Lan Wangji could no longer tolerate them and he put a spell on them to shut them up. Wei Wuxian was trying to calm the crying Lan Nian down while walking to Lan Wangji's side. When he saw the two sect leaders standing there "mmmmm!", he scolded,

"What are you guys trying to do? She was asleep in my arm and you made her cry!"


"You basta..."

Wei Wuxian was about to swear but swallowed it when Lan Wangji looked at him,

"Ugh, Lan Zhan, here you go, I'll deal with these two."

Lan Wangji took Lan Nian back inside. "Put on a robe, don't get cold." He said before he turned his back.

"Alright, alright."

Jiang Cheng knew it was their fault. He was an adult who acted like a kid. Of course, as an adult, you blame it on the younger ones, and so, he slapped Jin Lin's head.

"Mmmmm!" [It was all your fault!]

"Mmm!" [It's not me!]

"Mmmmm!!" [Don't talk back at me!]

Wei Wuxian covered his forehead and shook his head. They could continue to fight even if they were put on a spell. But as the fight continued, Wei Wuxian started to find it funny, and he started laughing. Suddenly Lan Wangji's arm wrapped him from behind with a robe covering him. Well, it didn't take him that long to actually put her to sleep, and only Lan Wangji was able to do that.

"How do you always manage to calm her down like that?"

"I don't know."

"Lan Zhan, you did not give her medicine, did you?"


"Hahaha, I'm just joking."

Wei Wuxian said while lightly patted his face, and his focus went back to the two idiots in front of him.

"Stop fighting already."


"Stop and we'll let you guys talk."

And the two immediately stopped.

"Lan Zhan."

Lan Wangji lifted the spell on them. Jin Lin was about to say something until Jiang Cheng, for the third time, slapped his head.

"Jiang Cheng, stop hitting him on the head, he's gonna get dumb." Wei Wuxian said.

"Then so be it!"

"Quiet." Lan Wangji said, sternly,


Jiang Cheng death-stared Jin Lin and Jin Lin did not dare to look at him. He looked down instead. Wei Wuxian knew that Jin Lin must have got himself into big trouble to have Jiang Cheng being so mad at him.

"Jin Lin, what did you do this time?"


"Why aren't you talking?"


Jin Lin did not say a word, it might be because of Jiang Cheng being here. Wei Wuxian sighed and he thought to let Jin Lin go and asked Jiang Cheng to tell them instead.

"Jiang Cheng, stop chasing him, just tell us what happened."

"Hmph! It's because of you!"

"Oh wow, what did I do this time?"

"This brat, he, he and that Lan Sizhui of yours!"

Oh, it seemed like Jiang Cheng found out Lan Sizhui had been courting Jin Lin. Jin Lin had been coming to the Cloud Recesses more often lately, and he always went missing when Jiang Cheng visited him. He started following Jin Lin one day and found his nephew was playing with the rabbits with a certain Cloud Recesses student. It's not weird that the kids were playing with the rabbits, it became weird when the two of them became too close and one was on top of the other. It was just like how he accidentally saw Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji hugged below the tree. Jiang Cheng did not jump out immediately. He waited until Lan Sizhui left and took his Zidian and swoop it at Jin Lin. And that is how they ended up at Wei Wuxian's place.

"Oh, okay."

"What do you mean 'okay'?"

"Oh I knew it all along."


"Jiang Cheng, Jin Lin is 19 already, you should stop treating him like a kid."


Jiang Cheng was trying to argue back, but Wei Wuxian waved at him and said, "Yeah yeah, just come in, Lan Nian is sleeping."

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian went back inside, Jiang Cheng followed. Lan Nian was sleeping soundly in the cradle, not even noticing three pairs of eyes looking at her. Lan Nian was smiling in her dream, and this smile was what calmed Jiang Cheng. Wei Wuxian lightly pushed the cradle and Jiang Cheng heard a familiar bell ringing. It was Jiang Family's silver bell.

"Isn't she cute?"

Wei Wuxian asked, but he was not waiting for an answer.

"Of course she's cute, I gave birth to her."


Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes.

The little niece of him really took his mind off Jin Lin, more accurately, he forgot about Jin Lin. This is the day when little Lan Nian saved her cousin's ass.

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