Chapter 4

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The process of alchemy mixing starts with adjusting the three cornerstones of the body: Jing, Qi, and Shen. After a few days of adjustments, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian starts collecting the ingredients. In the day they went to the mountains, at night they took the juniors to night hunting at places where they could find the ingredients.

Of course the juniors had noticed this because the places they went did not seem to be particularly dangerous. Also, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian always went into villages and start asking questions about the ingredients.

"Si Zhui, are they looking for something? This time they are bringing weird stuff back to Gusu." Jing Yi asked.

"I think they are trying to mix something, like an elixir?"

"But, what kind of elixir?"

"I don't know, I'm not familiar with the ingredients they brought back."

"Could it be... the elixir of life?"

Ze Wu Jun passed by when the juniors were discussing about the elixir. It was known that Lan Xi Chen had kept himself isolated ever since the incident in Guan Yin temple, but it has been three years and Lan Xi Chen knew that he had to gather himself together and take up his responsibility again as the head of Gusu Lan Sect, and so he had returned. However, Lan Xi Chen did not seem to be as cheerful as he was.

As he had read every book in the library, Lan Xi Chen already knows what was Lan Wangji up to. Never had he thought that his brother will want to be a father, how much had he grown since he met Wei Wuxian. Lan Xi Chen decided to visit them at Jing Shi and there he saw them carrying loads of stuff.

"Wang Ji." He called out to his brother.


"Eh, Ze Wu Jun."

Lan Xi Chen stared at the package that Wei Wuxian was carrying and said,

"I heard that you guys have been going around collecting medical ingredients, so I've come."

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian give each other a look, and Wei Wuxian nodded. They had not told anyone about their plan, and they were not sure if they should.

"Wangji, are you guys trying to make a pregnancy mixture?"


"Why didn't you tell us? This is a big deal."

"Erm... Ze Wu Jun, it's not his fault."

"I'm not angry, it's just that..."


"Well, you do not need to go through the trouble to make it, we do have them ready-made."


Lan Sect was known for their medical skill, it's not strange at all that they have the best medicine made by their alchemist. The pregnancy mixture they made was rarely used, close to none, and thus it was forgotten in the alchemy room.

Lan Xi Chen handed them the mixture and said,

"Remember, you will need to wait for the medicine to take effect."

"Thank you brother."

"Then what about all this stuff?"

"Master Wei, you may hand them over to the alchemist, it will be useful to them."

"Alright then, thank you Ze Wu Jun."

The two of them bowed and receive the mixture from Ze Wu Jun. Lan Xi Chen nodded and left them to themselves.

The night falls.

After their dinner, Wei Wuxian took the mixture. Since they needed to wait and god knows how long they will need to wait, Wei Wuxian decided to take a bath while Lan Wangji continued to settle the documents that were sent here by his uncle.

The bath was incredibly nice and Wei Wuxian closed his eyes while imagining their retirement life. Sitting on Little Apple's back with Lan Wangji holding onto the rope, leading the way. And this time, Wei Wuxian is holding a little child in front of him. Wei Wuxian felt nervous with the thought of him soon to be dad, he also started to feel a bit abnormal.

"Lan... Lan Zhan..."

His lover called. Lan Wangji puts down the scroll of documents and went to the room beside.

"Wei Ying?"

Wei Wuxian was shivering. Lan Wangji knew there's something wrong and he wanted to grab him out. The moment his finger touched his shoulder, Wei Wuxian released a moan.

"Lan Zhan... I..."

His body was steaming hot, and he did not mean to moan like that.

"What kind of medicine is this...?"

Lan Wangji quickly took him out of the bathtub and wrapped him with his clothes. Wei Wuxian was carried on to the bed.

"Lan me out here..."

Uncontrollably, Wei Wuxian grabbed Lan Wangji's clothes and kissed him on his neck. Lan Wangji could no longer hold back. Thus, the two "battled" all night long, till finally, the medicine wore off. 

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