Chapter 15

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It was the worst day in history, as history repeated itself. When Lan Sizhui heard of the news, he rushed to Han Guangji's chamber, but all was too late. Wei Wuxian had put Lan Nian with a bunch of rabbits.

Lan Nian was not afraid. She was sitting there quietly watching the rabbits as they were hopping around her. She even tried to touch them.

"Senior Wei!"

"Hm? Oh it's you, Sizhui."

"Why did you put her with the rabbits?"

When Lan Nian saw Sizhui, her eyes blinked and she reached out to him with her tiny hands. Sizhui did pick her up from the rabbits. Lan Nian got what she wanted and giggled, and again Wei Wuxian witness the scene of how his daughter wanted everyone's hug beside his.

"Senior Wei, Ah Nian is only a year old."

"And that is why I put her with the rabbit than burry her in the soil."


Lan Sizhui felt pity for her to have to experience what he did. But it did not seem to be a problem for her, she just kept giggling.

"Did you know what she did to me?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"What could she have done to you?"

"I've been teaching her to say "Dad", I even show her, and she...Ugh!"


Wei Wuxian could not continue to describe the tragedy. Lan Nian grabbed hold of Sizhui's hair and said, "Dada!"



This is the first time Sizhui ever heard her calling him "Dada" (In Gusu language, it means "brother"). His cheeks reddened, "Senior Wei, Ah Nian called me "Dada"!"

"Yeah, congratulations."

Wei Wuxian did not felt as excited as Sizhui. He thought that this daughter of his is here to be his worst enemy. What she did was always up against him. Sizhui knew it must be that Lan Nian called Wei Wuxian something weird, and so he curiously asked,

"Senior Wei, what did Ah Nian called you?"


Lan Nian was innocently eating her finger while looking at Wei Wuxian. She then took her finger out and pointed at him, blurting out the most shocking words.

"Didi!" (In Chinese, it means little brother)


Lan Sizhui almost fell when he heard that. His little sister was indeed a brave one. Wei Wuxian knew she'd do that again, and he grabbed her from Sizhui's arm and put her back with the rabbits. He angrily crossed his arms and scolded,

"You young lady, will sit right here and think about what you did!"

The one-year-old Lan Nian, of course, did not understand why her dad was so angry. In fact, she did not even know that Wei Wuxian was angry with her. She thought that he was praising her when she let her play with the rabbits and she laughed out loud clapping her hands.

"Wei Didi (little brother Wei)... oh no, I mean..."

Wei Wuxian threw the cold gaze at Sizhui.

"Erm, Senior Wei, I did not mean to..."

"Argh, I'm going to bury her!"

"Senior Wei, please don't, Ah Nian is still very young, she doesn't know how to properly pronounce."

"Is it? I feel like she did it on purpose."


Lan Nian laughed out loud again as the rabbits hopped over her tiny legs. She was such an angel. Wei Wuxian sighed and picked her up in his arms. He tidied up her clothes and pinch her face. "It was supposed to be a punishment, why are you even laughing?"

Lan Nian giggled as he pinched her cheeks. She touched Wei Wuxian's face with her little hands and peck on his cheek. Technically not pecking, she had her mouth wide open and just stick it to his cheek. And, she left a big stain of saliva.

"Do you even know how to give kisses? Your saliva is all over."

Wei Wuxian was complaining, but he did not try to wipe off the saliva. Of course, you can't, it's your daughter's kisses for you.

"Senior Wei, I must be going now to prepare for the night hunt, Han Guang Jun is leaving with us tonight."

"Oh, I see, where are you guys going this time?"

"Qing He."

"Then Wen Ning must be following you guys?"

"Yes, he will be meeting us in Cai Yi village."

"What about Jin Lin?"


"Don't play dumb, we know what's going on with the two of you. Jiang Cheng even whooped him up."

"But...Ah Lin did not even tell me that... I mean, Senior Wei, you..."

"Oh please, you guys have been together almost every hunt, sometimes you did not even bring Jing Yi with you, it's pretty obvious."

"Erm..." Lan Sizhui felt so embarrassed as he had thought nobody knew of their secret.

"Alright, be careful during your night hunt, take good care of Jin Lin okay?"

"Yes, Senior Wei, you take care of yourself too. I'll be leaving."

Wei Wuxian brought Lan Nian back into Jing Shi. Lan Wangji was already waiting for them. He took Lan Nian from him and kissed Wei Wuxian lightly on the forehead. Wei Wuxian was pretty angry with Lan Nian, but all the anger vanished when his husband came back. But still, it did not stop him from complaining.

"Er Gege!"


"Your daughter bullied me!"


Lan Wangji sighed. He looked at Lan Nian who was smiling at him, and back at Wei Wuxian.

"What did she do?'

"Hmph, I don't want to tell it, you ask her to tell you."

"Wei Ying, she's only one."

"It's alright, let's show you what happened. Ah Nian, say 'dad'. "


For once, Lan Nian got it right, but this time Wei Wuxian did not want her to get it right.

"You..." He did not know whether to laugh or cry. It is the first time Lan Wangji heard her calling "Dad", of course, he is happy, but at the same time worried for Wei Wuxian who was about to vomit blood.

"You did not say that earlier!"

"What did she say?"

"This lady here, she called me 'Didi'! "

Hearing the familiar words, Lan Nian said, "Didi!"

"Stop calling me 'Didi'! Lan Zhan, she really did call me that when you were not around!"

"I know."


"I trust you."

Wei Wuxian had thought Lan Wangji would not believe him, but he chose to trust him over their daughter.

"Hehe, did you see that? Ah Nian, your father trust me."


"What are you laughing at, you little brat? Say "dad" again."


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