Chapter 11

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He was struggling on the bed. Wei Wuxian was stuck in a nightmare, and he tried to get himself out of it. Sweating all over, his robe was half wet. The woman's voice was calling his name, and she's right above the blood-stained lotus lake, waving at him. The scene faded from Lotus Piers to the Nightless City, where the great war occurred. Jiang Yan Li was again dead in his arms and her eyes were staring dead at him. Wei Wuxian couldn't take it anymore and screamed. Finally, he woke up back in the chamber. Catching his breath, Wei Wuxian's heart was pounding rapidly. He tried to calm down in Lan Zhan's arm but he wasn't beside him this time.

"Lan Zhan...?"

Wei Wuxian panicked and he sat up. He then remembered Lan Wangji had gone to the Si Family's for a case, only to return in a few days. Of course, Wei Wuxian would have followed, but Lan Wangji asked him to stay instead. Patting lightly on the little bump on his abdomen, Wei Wuxian let out a deep sigh. He had been feeling down ever since Lan Wangji left.

"I'm glad you're with me, little brat, if not I would be alone."

Since he woke up, Wei Wuxian did not want to go back to that terrible nightmare. He put a robe on him and left the chamber, thinking a stroll might help him take it off his mind. It was about 3am in the morning, and no one was supposed to be walking around in Cloud Recesses besides night watch. Of course, this did not stop Wei Wuxian at all, but he did try to avoid being seen. As we walked he realized he came to where he and Lan Wangji first meet. It was at this particular wall, Wei Wuxian tried to sneak in and got caught by Lan Wangji. It was on this wall, they had their first fight. Wei Wuxian must be out of his mind as he tried to climb on it and sat on the wall.

"It would be perfect if there was wine."

Even if he did have, he couldn't take a sip. Thinking that he has to suffer for another six months because of their child, Wei Wuxian lightly slapped on his tummy.

"It's all your fault."

And it seems like the little one could understand him. He seemed to have kicked Wei Wuxian's tummy to argue with him, but it was a light kick that Wei Wuxian couldn't feel pain from it. Instead, Wei Wuxian was shocked. He quickly wrapped around his tummy, to feel him again, but the baby did not move again.

"Did...did you just move?"

Wei Wuxian was so excited, but he couldn't share this with Lan Wangji who is currently in the Si Family's mansion. Wei Wuxian was already considering to go find him. He tried to look for a way down the wall besides jumping down but was immediately caught by someone. Wei Wuxian turned around to look back at the one who called him. Lan Wangji was looking at him outside and below. Wei Wuxian did not think for a second and he jumped down at him.

"Wei Ying!"

Lan Wangji caught him steadily. But it caused him to clumsily fell down on the floor. Wei Wuxian was safe in his arms but he did not let go.

"Lan Zhan...Lan Zhan..."

Wei Wuxian had no time to think about what he did, he grabbed Lan Wangji's hand and placed them on his belly.

"He moved! He moved!"

But there was nothing. Lan Wangji did not feel anything. "There's nothing." Lan Wangji sighed.

"He really did move..."

Wei Wuxian slumped, feeling disappointed. The anger within Lan Wangji immediately fades seeing him like this. They held each other for awhile until Lan Wangji finally said,

"Why aren't you in bed?"

"I can't sleep."

"Wei Ying, you don't need to hide it from me."

Lan Wangji knows him too well. Too well to hide anything from him, even having the nightmare. Every time, Lan Wangji would hold him to calm him down.

"It was just a nightmare, kiss me and I'll be alright."

Lan Wangji pulled him close and kiss from his forehead to his eyes, cheeks, nose tip, and finally, a pressing his lips deeper on Wei Wuxian's lips.

"Lan Zhan, you came back earlier than I thought."

"The case was solved."

"You rushed back without even resting?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"Hahaha, oh Lan Zhan, was it because I'm not there with you?"


He asked him the question, and Lan Wangji answered a simple "Yeah". It was enough to make him blush.

"Really, it's late now, I thought there a rule saying you can't enter Cloud Recesses until it's sunrise? How did you get in anyway?"

"I climbed in."

"Hahaha, when I climbed in you punished me, it's your turn!"


Wei Wuxian was of course, teasing him. Lan Wangji restlessly came back for him and knowingly broke the rules for him.

"Er Gege, your punishment would be sleeping with me, do you accept it?"


Lan Wangji got up and carried Wei Wuxian back to their chamber while avoiding the night watchers along the way. When they return to the chamber, Wei Wuxian started to feel drowsy. After a shower, Lan Wangji wrapped his arms around from Wei Wuxian's back, and Wei Wuxian felt so much better with him back in bed, it did not take long for him to slip into deep sleep. Lan Wangji was still awake, stroking Wei Wuxian's belly. Maybe the little one knew that it was his father's touch, he lightly kicked Wei Wuxian's belly. It was not enough to wake Wei Wuxian but enough to hit a mark on Lan Wangji's heart. He was finally able to feel him.

"Wei Ying, I felt him."

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