Chapter 7

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Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji brought the students and Jin Lin to night-hunting at Yun Meng. It was late and Wei Wuxian had thought to stay at an inn for the night. Jin Lin had forcibly brought Wei Wuxian to Lotus Pier instead. He knew that his uncle Jiang Cheng had been angry with Wei Wuxian for not coming back to Lotus Pier for a visit, even though he came here during his travel, but his uncle was too arrogant to say anything as always. So, Jin Lin brought Wei Wuxian to him, but Wei Wuxian stood at the door, too afraid to step in.

"How about you guys stay here, Lan Zhan, and I should just stay outside?"

"You're here already, just go in, uncle won't bite."

Leaving him with that, Jin Lin went in straight. But, Sizhui and the others were still waiting for his signal. Wei Wuxian knew that they had a lot of trouble with the night hunting today, and all of them are tired, so for them, he stepped in.


Jin Lin ran into the main hall to see Jiang Cheng sitting on the chair waiting with Zidian in his hand.

"Stop shouting, it's late already! And you still know to come back, hm?"

Jiang Cheng raised up his head, intend to continue his scolding, but as he saw the bunch of Lan Sect students follow behind Jin Lin, and finally Wei Wuxian with Lan Wangji into the hall, he shot up from his seat.

"Who let you in?"

"I let them in! We had a tough hunting today, Uncle, they are injured and tired, so I brought them here."

"Sect Master Jiang." The Lan Sect students bowed to Jiang Cheng, but Jiang Cheng just kept staring at the one behind.

"Erm, Jiang Cheng, stop staring."

"What? Now I can't stare at you? This is my home! I can do whatever I want."

"Alright, alright, do what you like."

"Then it must be alright that I whip you now?"

Jiang Cheng raised his Zidian, the spark on Zidian was glittering with anger. Lan Wangji quickly held Wei Wuxian behind him. Jiang Cheng threw his whip at them but only to hit the furniture beside them. 

"Coming back after a long journey, and the first place you went to is Gusu! What's more, is that now you are part of Lan Sect! Then why did you come back?"


"Shut up, Jin Lin!"

"Uncle, please, you wanted him to come back, and now he's here, why are you chasing him away now?"

"I said shut up!"

"Alright, that's enough!"

Wei Wuxian stepped out, he was going to stop them from fighting, but he could feel something isn't right, and the next thing he knew was a pitch black. Wei Wuxian body felt a little slanted and Lan Wangji caught him right on time. "Wei Ying!"

He didn't mean to chase them away, he was too arrogant to admit it. Now with Wei Wuxian fainted, he let them stayed. The Lan Sect students were arranged to their respective rooms, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian with their own.


Wei Wuxian wryly opened his eyes to see Lan Wangji cleaning him.

"Lan Zhan..."

"I'm here."

Lan Wangji held him up and let him laid on him.

"What happened..."

"You fainted."

"Oh...this Mo Xuanyu's body is just too weak, I see."

"Wei Ying."

Lan Wangji lightly placed his hand on Wei Wuxian's abdomen.

"You did it."

"Did what?"

Wei Wuxian was still oblivious about what he's trying to say. Lan Wangji took Wei Wuxian's arm and placed it together with his on Wei Wuxian's tummy.

"You did it."

Wei Wuxian was finally wide awake, and cannot believe what he's hearing.

" mean..."


Wei Wuxian was way over the moon. He tried to feel the baby, but there's nothing.

"Should have given us a heads up you little brat!"

Lan Wangji smiled. It is within expectation to hear Wei Wuxian scolding their child when they first "meet".

"Wei Ying, it's only been 2 months, you won't feel anything yet."

It is hard to tell without period, but from taking his pulse, Wei Wuxian was about two months pregnant. Wei Wuxian held Lan Wangji's hand tightly, feeling the warmth on his tummy.

"Lan Zhan."


"I'm hungry."

"I'll go get something for you."

After Lan Wangji left the room, Wei Wuxian was lying on the bed waiting and he noticed there's something familiar with this room. It was his old room when he was still living in Lotus Piers. Wei Wuxian got down from the bed and walked around. Everything was still in place, his stuff, the arrangement, they were all exactly how they were before Jiang Cheng asked someone to demolish his room. Apparently, someone has been cleaning up his room as well.

Jiang Cheng had been waiting for him to return.

"You arrogant bastard."

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