Chapter One

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April 1912

In the early morning hours, a young woman named Eve wakes from her sleep. She cleans herself up before changing into her nurse uniform. After Eve had put on her silver cross necklace, she put her gold circle clip with rose and leaves on her bun before sticking a single gold stem rose pin through the bun. Eve went over to her desk and sat down before writing her book, which she had yet to tell her family about, with her typewriter. After half an hour, Eve hid her typewriter in a secret compartment in the wall next to the bed. When she finished, she turned to German Shepard, Hera, a puppy less than three months old.

"Come on, Hera. Let's start the day."

Hera responded with a little whine.

"Oh, come now, Hera. You can't spend the day in bed. Now, either you get out of bed, or you won't get your walk today."

Upon hearing that, Hera jumped right off the bed and ran to the door waiting for it to be open.

"Silly little girl," Eve chuckled.

Eve opened the door, and they walked out of her room. She and Hera walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Eve spots Mrs. Hughes and walks up to her.

"Good morning, Mrs. Hughes."

"Good morning, Milady," Mrs. Hughes returned. Hera barks, gaining Mrs. Hughes's attention. She looks down and chuckles, "Good morning to you too, Dame Hera."

"Is there anything I can help with before I go to the hospital later, Mrs. Hughes?" Eve asked.

"You and Hera can help Anna and Gwen. They should be in the drawing room, Miss," She answered.

"Thank you, Mrs. Hughes. Come along, Hera."

Eve and Hera return upstairs and enters the drawing room, where she found Anna, Gwen, and Daisy. Daisy was over by the fireplace while Gwen and Anna unfurled the room's curtains.

"Good morning, everyone," Eve greeted them.

"Good morning, Miss," Anna greeted back.

Eve goes over to the couch and fluffs the pillows. Soon Anna and Gwen help her.

Anna looks at Daisy and asks, "Whatever are you doing there, crouching in the dark?"

"You weren't here, and I didn't want to touch the curtains with my dirty hands," Daisy held up her dark, dirty hands.

"And quite right, too," Gwen agreed.

"Why didn't you put the lights on?" Anna asked Daisy.

"I daren't."

"Well, it's electricity, not the devil's handywork," Gwen told Daisy, "You'll have to get used to it sooner or later."

"Skelton Park have even got it in the kitchens," Anna told them.

"What for?" Daisy questioned.

"You'll have to ask them, Daisy," Eve said, chuckling.

A short while later, Mrs. Hughes entered the room as Eve, Anna, and Gewn finished.

"Is the library tidy?" Mr. Hughes asked.

"Yes, Mrs. Hughes," Anna answered as she, Eve, and Gwen stopped fluffing the pillows and turned to her.

"Good," She nodded, "I want the dining room given a proper going over today. You can do it when they've finished their breakfast," Mrs. Hughes sees Daisy still at the fireplace, "Oh, heavens, girl! You're building a fire, not inventing it. How many have you done?"

"This is my last till they come downstairs," Daisy nervously answered.

"Very well. Now, get back down to the kitchens before anyone sees you."

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