Chapter 1- Where Did I Go Wrong?

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"Ann Jones! Get down here now!" his voice echoed all the way through the house as I cowered in the corner of my room hoping he wouldnt come in my room. The stomping up the stairs caused my heart too beat rapidly. I put my head in my hands waiting for the bang of the door followed by the deathly grip of my current boyfriend Tom Mayford. A wimpered cry left my lips as, just like I said, the door swung open smashing against the door way.

"I thought I told you too get downstairs!" he growled gripping a clump of my hair in his hands ripping my head upwards too look at him.

"Dont" I whispered tears leaking out my eyes as he raised the back of his hand and slammed it against my face still holding on too my hair so as my face went sideways my hair ripped the other way. A cry of pain that had been heard 1000 times left my lips as he kicked me from my kneeling position too a lieing down position on to the floor. I waited for something else too happen , but nothing came.

I looked up too see that the room was empty apart from me. I sighed sitting up and letting the tears flow over. I put my hand too my head where he pulled my hair. Wincing as my hand made contact there was a loud crash from downstairs. I quicky grabbed my bag that had my clothes, makeup, phone and my school uniform that I would need for my first day back at school tomorrow from the bed that I had been packing before and my car keys before running over to the window and sliding out on too the roof. I had done it so many times I wasn't scared of jumping off the garage roof anymore.


I glanced in the mirror on the wall in my bedroom in my mums house. The black eye puffed out along with the red bloodshot eye. I sighed walking over to my table and pushing my long blode wavy hair in too a pony tail. I glanced at the time. Half 10. I groanded walking over to my on suit bathroom not bothering too take any clothes as I jumped in to the shower letting the tears soak in to the water.


"What the hell is that?!" my mum screeched when I walked downstairs. I cursed quietly completely forgetting what had happened last night. I knew I should of got ready before I come downstairs

"Nothing mum" I answered walking past her too the fridge and getting the orange juice out

"No it is not nothing Annie! You have a black eye!"

"I fell down the stairs!" I shouted back at her, everytime I come home with a bruise that was visiable I would have too make up an excuse too why I had it. Most of the time Tom wouldnt hit me on the face because he knew it was hard for me too cover up so I'd get questioned.

Okay I'm bet your like 'Why haven't you left him?' which is fine because I think that all the time but then my mind drifts off too when he had threatened me.


Tom grabbed my hair yanking me forwards. It had been 2 months since we had been together and lately he had been getting abusive

"Tom let go of me!" I shouted. He laughed and pushed me on the floor "ITS OVER!" I shouted trying to push myself up. He growled stepping towards me and bending down so he could pin me on the floor.

"I don't think you want to do that princess" he whispered in my ear making my mouth go dry

"Why" I whispered

"Because then I'd hurt everyone you cared about because hurting you" he growled pushing away from me so he was stood up, with one final glance at me he kicked me in the side of the stomach making me cry out in pain and double over.


Everytime Tom made me go over his wed fall out and I'd end up getting hurt. I wanted to say no but I couldnt. I was scraed hed hurt my two best friends Charlotte and Craig. The abuse had been going on all the way through the school holidays, thats when it happened the worst. My mum would let me go over to Toms when she went off too work for the week and then I'd come hom with brusies all over my stomach and god knows where else.

I escaped from the kitchen as quick as I could. I would make some breakfast when my mum went too work half an hour before I left too go too school. I setall my make up on my counter infront of the mirror. Picking up my powder foundation I used too much thse days I started to apply it around my eye covering up the black eye as much as I could before doing the rest of my face. Charlotte and Craig were the only two people who knew about what Tom did too me but they would never question why I didn't leave him. They understood I was scared. I applied the rest of my makeup before picking up my school uniform and getting dressed.

I looked in the mirror, my perfect blonde hair hung down my back in waves as the front framed my face. My school shirt tucked in too my school skirt that went about mid thigh, shaping the top of my legs perfectly while my blazer hung open slightly at the top along with the tie that was loose. I would do them up before I went too homeroom. I slipped on my tights quickly and my dolly shoes before grabbing my 'school bag' which was just a brown sort of shoulder bag and went back downstairs. My mum left 10minutes ago thank god. I popped 2 piecies of toast in too the toaster while trying to find the butter.

By the time I left the house it was 20minutes before I was meant to be at school. Which meant I would get too school just as the bell went. Stupid mother buying a house 20minutes from my school. I grabbed my car keys again before jogging outsides in too the hot summers day and getting in my Honda Civic. Like I guessed I made it too school just as the bell rung. I ran too my home room as fast as I could ignoring the looks some of the teachers gave me. I couldnt be late on my first day back.

I burst through the door just as the teacher said my name on the register

"Yes Miss" I said as walked too the back off the room where Craig was sitting next to Char

"Hey guys" I smiled, Charlotte shook her head at me and pulled me in a hug

"Its hardly visiable" he whispered as she pulled back. I sighed guessing straight away she meant my black eyes. Craig pulled me in too a hug smiling at me. Craig was the best best mate someone could ask for. If I wanted to go shopping he would come and so would Char. He didnt care what people thought of him which was amazing but I know he did used to have a crush on me but it never really went anywhere. I chuckled quietly at the memory just as the bell went.

"Come on" Craig said pulling me and Char out the door by our hands too our first lesson.


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