Chapter 14- I Hate Swimming

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That bus ride was the worst of my life! I mean it. It was horrible after about an hour.


"Come on Ann speak too me" Jake whined after I had too take my headphones out because my ipod died.

"Go away" I mumbled turning my back too him and watching out of the window. It was quite a nice day if I do say so. Shame Jake had too be a twat.

"Ann" he whispered in my ear making me shiver but then poked my side. The poking went on for about half an hour before I snapped and bent his hand back causing him too wince in pain. I think the whole time he forgot Emma was waching though. The worst time though had too be when we were getting of the bus.

Standing up I grabbed my bag from my feet when I felt a hand connect with my backside. I smacked the person behind me instantly know it was Jake when my hand met his rock hard abs. Carrying on forward I could now feel a hand on my back pushing me forward. I wish he would fuck off.


We, and by we I mean the whole of the girls on the trip, made out way through the swimming place trying to find the changing rooms which right now wasn't going very well.

"Go left" some blonde girl next too Amy sneered at the girls in front, but they did what she said and turned left where me, I wanted to do what I want and went right.

And after about 5minutes of walking down the corridor I come across the changing rooms. I pushed the door open hearing it was silent. Guess they still hadn't found it. Putting my bag on the bench in one of the cubicales I stripped off. My Bikini all ready underneath my clothes. The dark purple material of the bikini shining in the light. Smiling too myself I grabbed my towl wrapping it round my waist as I made my way out of the changing rooms towards the swimming pool.

"Awh there you are Miss Jones, where are the rest of the girls" Mr Walker asked, he wasn't going swimming thank god but he did have a coffee in his hand.

"They got lost" I smiled, he smiled back before walking past me and down the corridor from the way I just came. Making my way in too the swimming pool I could already see it was filled with boys messing about.

My eyes caught a group of boys as I walked over too the bench and popped my towel down. What surprised me the ost though was the fact they were speaking about something too Mr Mayford.

Jake P.O.V

None of the girls had come in yet, were they all going too come in at once? My eyes snapped too the door of the swimming pool as it was pushed open. I spun round back too the group of boys I was with not bothering too see who come in too the room. I soon spun round again though when the boys let out a low wolf whistle.

My eyes Anns back, the purple material of her bikini shinning. I told her not too wear a bikini. She spun round then her eyes locking with mine. But I couldnt help myself, I raked my eyes over her body. Her flat stomach and big boobs. Okay I need to stop, I was just staring at my students boobs. Not good. I spun round too the boys for the second time in about 5minutes but this time they wernt grinning. They were actually staring at Ann making jealousy boil up inside me.

"Guys, you look like retards" I hissed at them, Tom snapped out of it grinning sheepishly towards Ann. I cast my eyes back too her but now her back was towards us as she made her way ovver too the side of the swimming pool sliding in too the water.

"Man shes fit" Zach whispered "I wouldnt mind bedding that" he chuckled making me angry. Ann wasn't something too just play with!

"Teacher here" I snapped before walking off towards Craig.

"Hey Craig" I smiled

"Hey sir" he smiled back

"You might want too keep the boys away from Ann, they seem too want to jump in her pants" I whispered making sure he heard. He nodded before making his way towards Ann who was out of the pool again. Soaking wet, okay turn on much. The sight sending tingled through my body. I needed too get out of here quick.

Ann P.O.V

Craig made his way over too me a smile on his face but my eyes landed on something jogging out of the swimming pool area. Well it wasn't something it was more of a someone. My eyes caught the swimming trunk. They were Jakes swimming trunks. A smile slipped on too my face as I wondered what he was jogging out the room for.

"Earth too Ann" someone chuckled waving a hand in my face causing me too snap out of my dreams.

My eyes met Craig. Oh that was right, he was walkig over too me.

"Hey" I smiled slipping back in too the cold water followed shortly by Jake. My door behind us swung open and the whole room went quiet. I glanced over my shoulder too see Mr Mayford walk back in a smile on his face followed by Emma, Amy and her lap dogs. Argh. Grimcing I turned back too Craig who was staring at Emma.

Sighing I stood up wrapping my towel round my waist and making my way over too the door that led through too the Jucuzzi. Gazing round the room I realised it was empty. Thank god. I sighed unwrapping the towel from my body slipping in to the Jacuzzi. The bubbles instantly warming my whole body up as the popped against me. My eyes started too get heavy but as they were about too close completely the door opened making them pop back open again.

My eyes bet Jakes bare chest making my body tingle. Id love too rub my hands on them. Mentally slapping myself I brung my hand back up too Jakes face. He had a smirk on his face, great did he know I was checking him out?

"What?" I asked looking at the floor

"Nothing" he smiled. The water around me started too move indicating that Jake had just got in the water.

Too anyone this would look weird but there was always a cover story for us. The fact that I live with him but nothings going on. I looked up too see Jake sat opposit me with his legs stretched out. It was lucky my legs were facing the side otherwise our legs would be touching.

"Ann" Jake said softly causing me too look up "Give me your legs" he whispered. Okay what the heck. This was kinda wierd but I did what he said anyway.

Moving my legs and placing them next Jakes gave me a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. Jake dug his hands under the water wrapping them around my ankles and lifting my legs up so they were resting on the top of his legs. I felt my face heat up so I did the one thing I was good at.

Looking at the floor.

Jake chuckled before rubbing his hands along my legs

"There very smooth" he chuckled again making my face heat up even more. I moved my legs back in the water not wanting too get caught touching him just incase. Standing up I climbed out of the Jucuzzi and picked up my towel before walking out the door checking the time as I did.

Half 2. I walked over too Mr Walker.

"Sir, I just wondered, would I be able too walk in too town and be back here by 5 because thats when the bus is going isnt it?" I smiled causing him too chuckle

"Of course you can Ann as long as you get something too eat while your there because were going soon anyway too get some lunch, and yes were catching the bus at 5 so back sure your back by then"

"Okay thankyou sure" I smiled once again before making my way out the room.

I was so glad my school was relaxed. I made my way back too the changing rooms before getting in the showers quick and washing the clorine off of me. Picking out another change of clothes. My light/dark skinny jeans, my off the shoulder sol coul jumper and my daps. I quickly got changed pushing my hair in too a messy bun but leaving my fringe so I could blow dry it.

I blow dryed my fringe, so it was my normal swooping side fringe, before applying powder foundation too my black eye that wasn't as visuable now before putting on my eyeliner and mascara. I picked out my purse from my bag but left the bag hanging up before making my way out of the place all together.

Finally away from boys, or should I say away from men.

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