Chapter 20- New Starts

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"Bianca Henzel" the princible was currently calling out the name of each student, we had just finished all of the H's and next it was on too the J's and guess who was first. Yep you got it. Me.

"Ann Jones!" his voice ran all the way through as stoup from my seat making my way down the aisle and on too the stage.

Whop whistles, whooping, shouting, cheering, clapping and screaming were all the mixture of noise that was currently being sent all the wya through the school hall. My eyes scannned the Hall for Jake and they finally landed on him at the back, a big smile on his face as he stared up at me.

Taking my Diploma from the princible a rush of excitment sent a shock through me. I was no longer a student at this school. It was no longer innapropriate for me too be with Jake. A huge smile was on my face all the way back to my seat.


2hours later and we had all actually managed too escape from the hall. Now we all got to do what we want. We could either stay for the part that was at school or we could go home. Well me, I had too say bye too everyone seeming as we had pack tonight for the trip up too Oxford. Which would only take a couple of hours on plane.

First too tick off the list was all the teachers I had had this year and before. So starting with the princible and carrying on from there until I had said by too all the teachers and occasionally said where I was going on college I was finished.

Next was friends. This was going to be fun. Char and Craig already new I was leaving so we had said a proper goodbye but I still wanted too say it again. Searching the cwds for my two bestfriends I finally spotted them standing next too the table in the far corner talking too Emma and Harry.

Making my way over too the pushing through the crowds I could already see the smiles on their face as they sin me walking towards them

"Hey guys" I called pulling them both into a hug and hugging them tightly

"Hey, guess its goodbye?" Char smiled sadly making me feel bad. I could see the glint in Emma's eye as she stared at me, I just couldnt work out what the glint was so I ignored it.

Turning back too the guys I shrugged

"Guess so" Chars face fell and I could already see the tears in her eyes "hey your see me in too years" I quickly added on too the end but that didnt stop her, she started too blubber like a baby making me cry as well.

Craig laughed at the sigh of us before pulling us both in too a hug

"Guys your such babys" he laughed making me laugh and cry at the same time

"I know" Char sighed pulling away

"Bye guys, make sure we always keep in contact and I love you both" I smiled one last time before pulling away from my best friend completely and leaving everything behind.


2hours later and I was sat in the airport waiting with Jake for our flight too england. It was about 8pm and I was tired already. Sighing I rested my head against Jakes shoulder

"Not long now" was all I heard him say before I passed out from being tired.

Next thing I knew I was being woken by Jake

"Come on you, we gotta go get our flight" he chuckled as I stood up taking my suitcase from his hand and following him forwards through the now dead airport. We walked up the long tunnel way too first class. Yep Jake was awesome enough too get us first class tickets.

Sitting down in our seats I looked out the window taking Jakes hand. The lights were the only thing letting me see out the window. Guess it was now about 11pm. We were there long.

Everyone please take your seats. We will now be taking off the captians voice come through the intercom.

Strapping myself in I took Jakes hand even tighter I waited for us too Jake off. He started too laugh next too me

"Scared?" he teased

"No" I fake shocked putting my free hand over my heart and gigling. He shook his head before looking at me again

"Go too sleep beautiful" he chuckled.

I did what he said, putting my head on Jakes shoulder for the 2nd time tonight and closing my eyes. Pictures of the house flashed in my mind making me smile. Thats where we would be staying until the fall starts for me too go too uni.


My eyes fluttered open not too darkness but too light flowing through the window next too me. Yawing I looked over at Jake who was sound asleep. Smiling to myself I stood up grabbing my travel back and heading too the bathroom too redo my makeup and tie my hair up.

Tieing my hair up in too a messy bun I looked in the mirror. Okay not too bad, just mascara under my eye. Getting rid of that I put on some more foundation and then started on my mascara and eye liner before going out the bathroom.

This time thought Jake was awake looking aroud, guess he was looking for me

"Over here" I chuckled, his head snapped up too the sound of my voice as a smile slipped on too his face making me chuckle again

"Hey" he smiled just as the intercom come on.

Could all passengers please take their seat as we will now be landing in Heithrow airport, London. Thankyou for flying with British Airways

Chuckling too myself I took hold of Jakes hand again. Our new life was starting now. After landing and stepping off the plan too be met with really warm weath I slipped off my jumper revealing the strappy white top underneath.


After finally getting through the airport we managed too get a hire car until our cars were imported. We made our way too the house in oxford using the sat nav Jake had packed with him just incase we got lost which didnt take very long.

Taking the winding roads through the country until we come too the 'Welcome To Oxford sigh' I was sat on the edge of my seat the whole time just wanting too see the house in my eyes. It looked amazing and Jake said he said seen it in person and he said it was as good as the picures if not better which made me so happy.

We finally come on too the street where all the posh houses were. Rows and rows of them. All posh cars or range rovers. We parted out side the gates before Jake dug for the key in his pocket and putting it in to the panel on the wall so the gates opened.

Staring up at the house infront of me I was gob smacked. I couldnt find any words to say at all. It was beautiful. Tears welmed up in my eyes as I took jakes hand

"Its beautiful" I smiled, he nodded

"I know and its our house" he stopped the car and lent over capturing me in a kiss full of passion.

He pulled away resting his forhead against mine

"Guess what babe" he smiled

"What?" my eye brow raised, he pecked me on the lips

"I love you" he whispered. My heart stopped as I stared at the man infront of me. Thats what he was, a man. He wasn't some kid from my school, he was the teacher I had had a forbidden relationship with for a couple of months now.

"I love you" I whispered back kissing him and this time not pulling away as he pulled me on too his lap in the car.

This was it. We had just Left my home behind. Left my life behind me. Left everyone I knew behind me and taking the only person that I could love more than anyone else. No more people judging me for a couple of months.A new start that not even Tom or my dad can find me.

But best of all I can no longer say the one thing I always would say to myself.

Where did I go wrong?

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