Chapter 9- Love Bites

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Jake P.O.V

The bus pulled back up outside the hotel at about 4pm

"Off the bus" Mr Walker shouted along the bus, the students started to pile off the bus talking loudley as they got off. Charotte and Craig got off but Ann didnt. I waited till all the students piled off the bus followed by the rest of the students before walking up the back of the bus where I knew Ann had gone too sit. She lay there on the back of the seats fast asleep, her face peaceful, not her usual cocky facial expression or the one I had grown too know, her scared one but a relaxed one. Smiling too myself I moved a piece of hair from her face causing her too sture

"Ann come on" I whispered shaking her slightly, her eyes fluttered open captivating me.

Her eyes locked with mine and in a split second she pushed past me and ran down the bus out of sight. I sighed, I knew she was scared but I didnt understand how she could be scared of me, I told her last night that I would never hurt her so why wouldnt she listen? I will always blame Tom for what he did too her, he wrecked her life and her personality, Ann didn't come off too me as a person who would just take the crap she was getting from Amy, she come across as someone who would fight back, who would make sure she told people not too mess with her. Raking a hand through my hair I walked down the isle of the bus towards the front of it before getting off.

Ann P.O.V

As soon as I was in the hotel room after running once again through the lobby I broke down, the dream flodding back with the memories. The memories no one knew about, what used too happen too me. The big secret. No one knew how I was feeling, not one person. No one knew the way my farther made me feel. I rolled over on my bed and unlocked the little box on the top of my cabinet.

The contense inside filling my vision. The used ones and the new ones. I hadn't done it in ages, last time I had done it was about 3months ago when Tom was hurting me daily. A tear slipped done my cheek as I picked up one of the razor blades and pushed the sleeve of my jumper my eyes settling on the scrars glistling in the sun from the last time I had done it. Taking a deep breath I pressed the blade too my skin the coldness of it sending shivers throughout my body. A single tear escaped my eye as the razor pressed in too my skin making me shudder from the pain.

It was like I remembered, as the blood flowed from my arm the pain in my heart decreased, it was like it was draining the pain away from me, draining the memories of my farther and Tom away. The blood that dripped on to the bed didnt even bother me, the only thing I cared about what making the pain go away. I pressed the blade to another bit of my arm doing the same as the pain decreased faster and faster with the more slices I made.

Jake P.O.V

I sat in the lobby for what felt like hours before I made my way back up too the hotel room. I checked the time on my phone 6pm. People would be going for something to eat at the moment. I jogged up the stairs towards the hotel room thinking about how I could make it up too Ann. It was like a lightbulb appeared above my head.

I could get her a birthday presant.

I rushed in too the room trying to find my wallet. I left it on the side. I quickly grabbed it before the movement in Anns room made me stop. Walking up too her bedroom door I pushed it open slightly sticking my head in. She lay on her bed, the covers wrapped round her fast asleep again. But what caught my attention was the red stains on her face. It looked like she had been crying.

I sighed running a hand through my hair before closing the door and making my way back through the front room and out the door too. I would go too the mall here and buy something for Ann and then give it her on tuesday when shes at my house.

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