Chapter 3- Why Me?

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I felt the air being knocked from under neath me as my eyes fluttered open. I come face to face with the dark eyes I had already rown too know. I tried jerking away but something was stopping me. I looked around me seeing the ground below me moving. Jake let out a little chuckle

"Don't worry, Tom said he didn't want to carry you for some reason" he said with a raised eyebrow. I said the first thing that came too mind

"He thinks I'm heavy"

"Either hes weak then or stupid" he said chuckling again "because your as light as a feather" I felt my cheeks get hot at his compliment so I quickly looked away. His silent chuckle sent vibrations through his chest making me sigh as they connected with my body.

He didnt seem as bad as Tom? But guess thats what the expression, don't judge a book by its cover, come from.

"You can put me down now" I muttered, he quickly put me down smiling sheepishly at me. I jogged in to the house. I went past Tom who was in the kitchen down the hall in too my bedroom. I closed the door but I could still hear the voices coming from the front room. I stayed silent listening too what was being said by the boys.

"What are you doing Tom" Jake snapped at him "shes a young girl, how old is she?"

"17" Tom replied casually, just like him

"Why get her involved with your stupid druggy ways?!" he argued, there were muffled foot steps and the door swung open.

I jumped back so the door wouldnt hit me. Infront of me sood Tom

"I knew you would be listening" he growled

"Well when your tlking about me I'm going to listen" I growled back, he stepped forward causing me too step back

"You nosey little bitch" he spat slamming the door, why didn't he hit me? Not like I wanted too but normally he would hit me. I slammed my foot against the door as hard as I could letting my anger out. Before I met Tom, I was the firery girl, I wouldnt be scared too have ago at someone but he changed me. He changed me in to this quiet little punch bag.

My anger boiled up inside me until boiling point. It had one thing set on doing. Hurting Tom. I heard the fornt door slam before I swung the bedroom door open storming out the room towards Tom. My expression full of anger. I went stright up too him and slapped him round the face before repeatly punching him in the chest. He grabed my hands twisting them behind my back.

"Big mistake" he whispered before pushing me on the floor making me hit my head. He stood above me with a smirk on his face. I tried to push away but he put a foot on my chest. I got ready for the beating that followed.


I stayed as quiet as I could in the morning getting ready making sure I wouldnt wake Tom up. I applied makeup too my even more blacked eye but this time it wouldnt work. I couldnt skip school because I was on my final warning. I sighed grabbing my bag and toast walking out the door. I could walk too school from Toms house as he lived closer too my school than me.

I walked too school ignoring the mummers of the students around me. I pulled my Ipod out my bag long with my headphones putting him in. I put 'Falling In Reverse I am Not A Vampire' on full blast forgetting the people around me. By the time I made it too school it was 10 minutes until the bell. I quickly made my way too the bathroom once again ingoring the looks. I checked my makeup in the mirror. I applied more powder too my black eye trying too cover it more. Once again I had chemistry first. Would Jake realise who did it too me?

I made my way too homeroom knowing Craig or Charlotte would say something. I pushed the door too my homeroom open and walked too the back. There was a couple of gasps and Charlotte looked up at me with what seem too me a expression full of regret. Craig followed her gaze and his jaw tightened. He pushed away from the desk grabbing Charlottes and my hand dragging us outside

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