Chapter 12- Argh Why Me?

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As we walked i too tutor my jaw dropped.

"Morning Craig and Ann" Jake smiled from behind the desk

"Wheres miss?" the words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them causing Jake too laugh

"Well I guess either she forgot too tell you or you wasn't here, im your new homeroom teacher" he smiled, I nodded before going to the back where my seat was too only see Craig sat there.

With Emma.

I scowled scanning the room for anymore seats. My eyes spotted the final one. Right at the front next too the window but next too Jakes desk. Sighing I went too sit down as Jake started too call out the names on the register. I was just about too stand up when Jake come too stand infront of me.

"I need too talk too you, come too my room at lunch" he whispered, nodding I picked up my bag slinging it over my shoulder before heading for the door

"Oh and Miss Jones" Jake called, I scowled spinning round "pull your skirt down" he called as a smirk sat at the edge of his lips.

Looking around too see if anyone was looking, only too find the classroom empty, I stuck my middle finger up at him. He winked before bending over too pack his bag. I quickly dropped mind running over too him and slapping his bum before running out the room picking my bag up as I went.

Before I had a chance too react and get out the door someone grabbed my wrist pulling me back in too the room. A small squeal left my lips before it was covered with a hand.

"You think you can slap my bum and get away with it" he winked, I pressed my lips too his hand kissing it."Eww" he chuckled pulling his hand back, I was just about too move when he grabbed my bum and squeezed it.

My eyes winded as I stared at him. Did he really just squeeze my bum. The bell rang through the classroom snapping me out of my shock. I quickly pushed him away and grabbed my bag running out the classroom too my first lesson. I was going to be late.

Very late.


"SWIMMING TRIP!" the head teacher called through the hall. When I said I had lesson I meant I had an assemberly. Right now I was sat right at the back because I had come in quite late and I didnt want too stop the assemberly. Or in other words I didnt want attention on me. The head teache was currently explaining about what would be happening on friday. Or in other words, in two days time.

"So we get in too school by about 8am and then we all get on the bus including the teachers that already know who they are and then we all go swimming for the whole day, but if you get bored of swimming you can sit out for a bit with your friends and talk" she smiled, okay this was lame. Why was we having a swimming trip in the first place? As if they read my mind someone called out

"Why are we even having a swimming trip?"

"Because next week we wont be able too do anything, and the reason for that would be that we have a space week going on" she smiled, argh a space week.

A space week was when for a whole week you have to spend all your lessons in one classroom with that teacher. You help around the class, almost like a teaching assistent and you have your own chair at the teachers desk. Cool right.


"The class you will be in next week will be up on the board outside my office. Just look for your homeroom number and then your name and it says what teacher you have in what class" she smiled again before leaving the hall. Everyones groaned when she was out before standing up and making ti too our first class.


By the end 3rd lesson I wanted too punch someone. Okay so flash back a bit. I just had english and once again Emma was sat in my seat but this time she knew he had done it because she was smiling at me like there was no tomorrow which really pissed me off. And now I had too go too Jakes class. Wonder what he could want oo talk about. Cue Sarcasm.

I already knew.

I made my way through the science wing before stopping outside Jakes door. Pushing open the door I looked around.

"Mr Mayford" I called just incase anyone was in the room. There was a muffled ow before Jake walked out of the supply cupboard with what seemed too be a bunson burning in his hand.

"You made me burn myself" he scowled causing me too laugh at him "Stop laughing"

"You know fi you keep scowling your not gonna look as handsome as you do know" I chuckled making me pout.

Omg he looked cute!

"What did you want too talk about?" I asked popping myself up on too the desk swining my legs.

"Oh yeah, about what happened yesterday" she smiled the cutest smile that had been smiled in the history of smiles "I found out who did it"

Those sinple words made my heart dropped and my smile slip. He knew who did it?


"My dad" he replied my anger boiled up

"WHY?!" I screamed

"Too put it in too a short version, I never got on with my dad but Tom always did, my dad used to smack my mum around until she well died, and Tom must of said too my dad about me sticking with you and everything and got him too rough you up abit" he wrapped his arms round me as a couple of tears slipped down my face.

It was Toms dad who had hurt me last night. I pushed Jake away from me and slapped him round the face. Okay maybe it was more of a tap than a slap.

"What was that for?" he hissed

"For not telling me this before" I hissed back pushing him away but this time he didnt move an inch so I did what anyone else would.

Ran out the room all through the corridor and out of the school until I was down the road.


I sat in the same park as I did yesterday at the same true but this time I didn't wait for it too do dark. Why had Tom's dad come after me? Did Tom tell him too? Sighing I checked my phone.


Jake would be at home by now. I stood up picking my school bag up and brushing off my skirt before walking down the park and past a group of boys. Just as I was about too turn the corner the group of boys shouted

"Hey sexy!" but instead of replying I just stuck my middle finger up at them and carried on walking. I coudl hear footsteps behind me as a wave of Daja vu washed over me making me shiver.

"Hey come on come hang with us" the voice come from behind me as he lanched on too my wrists.

In an instant I spun round bringing my knee too his private area, just like I hoped he let go of me giving me the chance too be able too run. Run was what I did. I ran all the way back too the apartment tears down my cheeks. What was with males trying to hurt me lately. I was sick of being their personal punchbag.

Always the one too be hurt.


Sorry that this chapter is short but I had too get it done because I needed too start on my college assigment which is due in tomoz and I have too write an essay, how fun

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