Chapter 19- No Wonder I Dont Like Surprises

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"Baby that was amazing!" Char said running over too me and wrapping me tightly in too a hug. Last lesson just finished meaning I had just finished telling the story too my year. Not many people were left in the year today because of how many had been suspended which I really didnt mind.

"Thanks Char" smiling back I wrapped my arms round her. In every year I had a different reaction.

Year 7's just sat there still listening

Year 8 boys sat listening and the girls were crying

Year 9's were crying and gob smacked, even  couple of boys had tears in their eyes, the class that I had told before though sat there listening again

Year 10's were on the edge of their seat listening

Year 11 boys sometimes messed around but then when I got on too the bit about my own life with it thy started too listen and I let it slip by accident that I got hit a lot by Tom so they all got sucked in then and well

And well my year I just told them everything and they listened, some girls crying, some girls were gob smacked but some girls just sat there emotionless and the boys all gave me their sympathy and listened.

But most of all, they all seemed too believe it, I was scared they wouldnt listen but they did and I'm greatful for that. And just like the prinicible said he sorted out the roumers and said they people spreading them and causing trouble have been doubt with.

A hand waving in my face soon brought me back too reality

"Huh?" I was dumbfound, Charlotte doubled over laughing at me while I was just stood there with a raised eyebrow and my bag half way on and half way off my shoulder. We must of looked like we had escaped from some sort of mental hospital.

She calmed down after what seemed too me hour but was only a matter of minutes

"Done yet?" I sighed really wishing we could just hurry up so she could drop me off at Jakes

"Yep" she popped the 'p' before pushing me out of the door down the corridoor all the way too her car. Thank god no one was still here, well Jake still was.

I wouldnt see Jake until about 6 because he had school work too do and then we was going too Mc Donalds or somewhere too get some food for us before coming home. Apparently he doesnt trust me when I cook in the kitchen unless its then toaster or microwave.

"Get out my car then" Char lauged nudging my shoulder bringing me once more out of my trance

"Alright alright I'm going" so thats what I did, chuckling I pushed the door open too the car and stepped out with one last wave I made my way up the stairs too the apartment. But what shocked me the most was the apartment door was open.

Lexi doesnt leave doors open and I know that! Reagranging my back on my shoulder I tip toed up the stairs just incase someone was in there. As soon as I rounded the corner and had view of the apartment I screamed.

"Awwh shush will you, dont want anyone too hear us now do we" my dad smirked, another scream left my lips as my eyes landed on Lexi knocked out cold on the floor. Everyone thought my dad was dead but he isn't. As you can see now.

He went missing. Just got up and left my mum when I was 8. No one knew he used too hit my mum and me about. I scared dumb founded at my father sat cross legged on the sofa in my apartment. Okay well Jakes apartment but I live here too.

"GET. OUT" my voice come out with so much anger it was weird. Not once had I had some much hatred towards one person not even Tom.

His chuckles filled the air in the room making my body go stiff with hatred

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