Chapter 11- Moving in and Disturbing Sights

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"So thats everything?" Jake asked after settling the final bag down on the floor

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'. Glancing around the main room of the apartment the whole floor was covered in boxs and suitcases. Letting a small chuckle out my mouth I turned towards Jake

"So which rooms mine" I smiled, causing Jake too smile back

"Well I was thinking about you coming into my room but instead of me getting on the sofa we could get two single beds or something?" he smiled again. I scoffed stepping towards him.

I didnt even know what come over me too make me say it but I did

"Or you could sleep in the same bed as me" I whispered, a shiver ran through his body as I pulled back a smirk on my face

"Okay" he whispered back pulling me in too his arms and kissing me softly on the mouth before letting me go and picking up the box. As he turned round and walked off I slapped his arse before picking up my keys and quickly running out the apartment.


Setting myself down on too one of the swings in the park I settled my gaze on the sun setting in the distance. I only had a couple of hours left of my birthday so I wanted to make it the best last. Just as I was about too get up from the tree and hold home, is that what I could call Jakes apartment now? Home? Something caught my eye in the distance. It was someone.... waving? I stood up from the tree looking around. No one else was here. As the figure started coming towards me. I picked out the features of Craig. A small slipped on too my far as I quickly jogged over too him.

"Heeeeey" I smiled

"Hey" he smiled back before looking around

"Who you waiting for?"

"Oh just Emma" he replied a smile on his face "Ah there she is" he said pointing too the blonde girl walking over a innocent smile on her face.

"Oh well sorry I got too go Craig, I'll see you tomorrow at school" I smiled one last time before turning my back on the two people and walking away.

By the time I got back too the house it was pitch black and around about 10pm. I had been walkig round for a while but not too long. As I walked down the dark street, the only light being the street lights above me, a man on the corner of the road stood in the darkness caight my attention. I could see the dark wash trousers he had on along with the trainers and a hoddie. His buld head showing the reflection of the light. Before I could look away the man looked towards me. My head rate picked up. I was only about 10minutes from the apartment. I quickly picked up my pace but so did the man on the other side of the road.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket as my heart rate picked up once again. I quickly typed a mesage to Jake in to my phone.

To Jake

Come pick me up please, I'm being followed. I'm just up the road about 20minutes from the house by where all the new apartments are. You should know

Quickly pressing sent I looked up too see the man walking across the road and towards me. I gasped and swivled on my foot trying to think of somewhere too run. I quickly ran too the other side of the road knowing that was where the passenger side of Jakes car would be. A pain ran through my body as my head yanked backwards.

"Who are you" I screamed as the man started too pull me backwards. My tears were really flowing down my face now. What was going to happen? Would I be killed?

My question was soon answered when I felt my head being slammed against a pole. I let out a cry of pain all the images of Tom flashing into my mind before I was spun round and a fist connected with my face. I screamed again my hands flying up too my nose. Pulling my hand back the fist connected with my face again. The blood covering my hand making me feel queesy as my knees gave out and I fell too the ground with a hard 'thump' and a groan.

My head thumped but somehow I was still counicous. My eyes focused on the bald man stood above me his foot raised. Slamming his foot down on my hands, making me scream out in pain and pull my hands closer too me cradling them next too my chest, a cars tyers screeching met my ears. I tried too look up but I couldnt, blackness filled my vision before pulling me completely in.


I woke up the next morning to something cold being help not only too my nose but too my eye aswell. I jerked upwards my head smacking in too the cold thing on my head.

"Argh get off" I groanded trying to swat the hands away but couldnt seem too find them. A small chuckle come from next to me making me shiver. Theres only one person that could do that


"Nope Mr Blobby" he chuckled again. Sighing I sat up pulling the what seemed to be an ice pack from my eye

"What time is it?"

"Umm about 7 oclock so you need to get up and get ready" Jake whispered in my ear.

Rolling over so I was next to him I wrapped my arms round him. He was already in his clothes for school

"Get ready Ann, your breakfast is waiting" he chuckled so I did what he said. Quickly getting out of bed I made my way in too the bathroom. As soon as I looked in the mirror I screamed. My eye was black and I mean black

"WHAT IS IT WITH PEOPLE AND GIVING ME BLACK EYES!" I screamed at the top of my lungs before hearing a full blown laugh coming from the kitchen.

I covered my face with as much foundation as I could too cover the black eye without turning orange which wasn't very much. Sighing I made my way in too the kitchen too eat my breakfast before leaving. I had alreayd put my school uniform. My eyes bet a pile of pankcakes on the table and soon I was sat down scoffing them up as Jake laughed at me.

"Hunger?" he laughed

"Yep" I gigled back my mouth full of pankcake making him laugh even more.

I walked along the science wing corridor heading towards homeroom. I turned the corner my face opened in shock as I took in the image before me.

Emma and Craig






My heart dropped for Char, she had told me she a couple of days ago that she actually liked Craig but I don't think he realised. Before I knew what I was doing I screamed

"PDA!" automatticly they pulled away from echother. Craig knew exactly what 'PDA' meant. Emma scowled at me causing me too scowl back. But Craig ran towards me

"What the fuck happened too you?" he shouted wrapping me in a hug, was it that obvious I had a black eye.

Scuffing my feet a bit I replied

"Umm I got attack" I laughed, it was actually quite funny when you looked at it from my point of view.

"What is it with people giving you black eyes?" he laughed, I sin Emma scowl at me again before walking off

"Thats what I said" I giggled as the bell went. Craig slung his arm round my shoulder pulling me down the corridor. All I had too do was get Craig and Emma away from eachother. It would be easy.


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