Chapter 5- Hmm....

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Jake stopped the car in the parking lot just round the corner from the school for me too get out. Good idea to be honest, dont want stuff going round school and I don't want to get expelled or anything. I jumped out the car waving to Jake as I walked away

"Cya 5th lesson" I called over my shoulder walking away up the street watching as he waved going past me in the car up too school. I laughed quietly too myself as I walked through the school gates over to Char and Craig. Instantly Craig wrapped his arms round my neck

"Char told me, the police arrested Tom" he whispered as he pulled back a huge grin on his face, I chuckled


"ANN JONES!" someone shouted cutting me off.

I swivled round, the local bitch of the school Amy was walking towards us in her short skirt, high heels, crop shirt, if thats what you want too call it and her fake blonde hair shining in the sun. Behind her followed her lap dogs as I like too call them. There was always 4 of them. I didn't even know there names. I sighed looking at her, Amy hated me since I started and I don't even know why

"What?" I groanded, she shook her head at me, grabbing my hand and pulling me away using her free hand too wave her hand dismisivally too her lap dogs. As soon as we wereout of ear shot of anyone she let go of my arm coming too face me. I raised an eyebrow at her.

Once again she shook her head at me, a small smirk playing on the corner of her lips

"I know your secret" she sneered stepping towards me, I gulped, what secret? I had so many

"What?" I asked looking at her, she growled stepping towards me once again, I took a step back slightly worrie she was going to slap me or something

"Don't play dumb" she sneered again, looking me up and down with a face full of digust

"No seriously what?" my expression must of gave me away that I didn't have a clue what she was on about

"You and Mr Mayford, I know what you two are up too, I hope he knows its not legal" she sneered, I burst out laughing. She thought me and Jake were dating?! "what?!" she growled

I burst out laughing once more

"You.... you actu....actually think.... me and.. Mr Mayford.... are...are dating?" I asked through my laughter fit

"Your calling me a lier?!" she growled, before I had anything else too say her hand connected with my face making my whole right cheek sting. My head whipped too the side, my whole body shook with anger, she just slapped me.

I grabbed her by the top of her shirt slamming her against the wall. I was sick of people using me as a type of personal punchbag. Her mouth fell open as her back connected with the wall.

"Even try too slap me again and I'll wreck your pretty little face" I sneered whispering in her ear. I pulled back and stepped away from her ignoring the crowd that had formed. I looked at her again, her mascara running down her cheeks

"I'm telling the princible! Hope you and him get expelled!" she screamed tears still running down her face

"Go a fucking head!" I shouted back through my head back in laughter. How pathetic.

I walked too homeroom ignoring the people around me saying stuff about what happened with Amy less than 5minutes ago. I pushed open the door to my homeroom seeing Mr Mayford stood there, just as I stepped through the door my home teacher spoke too me

"Ann, Mr Mayford wants a word with you about your chemistry homework" she smiled, chemistry homework? we didnt have any. I just nodded and smiled at her following Jake out the door. Jake closed te classroom door behind me and then turned towards me

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