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Easton's POV (thoughts)
I'm gonna win this bet. Also, I'm HAWT 😏

Helen's POV (thoughts)
Easton's goin' down. I shall be the most stubborn person ever. I will never like this date! Like ever!

Helen's POV
Easton has been driving over an hour! "Easton! Are we there YET?!" I ask for like the millionth time. "No!" he yells, and I sigh and sink back into him, defeated. In case your wondering, yes, I am still sitting on Easton's lap. AGAINST MY WILL! "Helen! You're blocking my vision!" Easton whines. "Your the one who said I HAD to sit on your lap!" I fire back. "Well, do you want to crash?!" Easton asks, irritated. "It would be a better date than whatever we're going to do," I mutter under my breath. "You'll see," Easton says confidently.
----like thirty minutes later----
"We're here," Easton says. "Yes!" I say, opening the car door and jumping out. I look around. All I see is an old diner. I turn around with my eyebrows raised. "You'll like it," Easton promises. "Whatever," I say, and allow him to drag me inside. We sit down at a booth by the door, and soon, a waitress approaches us. "Hiya," she says in a southern accent similar to Rachel's cousin Jessie's accent. "What can I get y'all today?" "We'll have the blueberry pie," Easton says before I can say anything. "Comin' right up," she says. "Are we sharing?" I ask. "Why?" Easton asks. "Do you want to?" He smirks, and I glare at him. A couple minutes later, the pie gets here. I grin, and pick up a fork. I am about to plunge my fork in the pie, when EASTON takes the pie away! "Gimme my pie!" I whine. "I'm good," Easton says. I pout. "Eastonnnnn!" I complain. "Fine," he says, handing me MY pie. I smile, and take a bite. Oh my sweet sweet goodness. This pie is AMAZING! As soon as I taste it, my eyes light up, and I start shoving it in my mouth. "Hey!" Easton yells. "Slow down!" I stop and raise one of my eyebrows at him. "Helen...," he warns. Then, I smirk. I grab the pie tin and throw it at Easton's face. The look on his face is priceless! But then it disappears, and Easton looks ready for revenge. "Helen," Easton says slowly. "I would run." My eyes widen and I take off into the woods behind the diner. I hear him catching up behind me, so I speed up. Oh my gosh! I HATE running! At least after I run I don't look like Gino...but still! Suddenly, someone tackles me, and I fall to the ground with a thud. "Ha!" Easton says cockily. "I win!" I look at his face and laugh. He still has pie on it! "Yeah, yeah," he says. "Sooooo....was this a good date?" Easton asks hopefully. I freeze. "It was, wasn't it?!" he says happily. "I win the bet! You have to be my cheerleader!" Easton does a victory dance. Being his cheerleader is gonna suck. Badly.

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