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Helen's POV
"Helen?" A voice asks softly. I look up to see Sierra and Gino. "Gino? Sierra? What are you guys doing here?" I ask. "Easto-," Gino starts. "Stop," I order. To my suprise, Gino listens to me. "Are you okay?" Sierra asks, her voice filled with concern. "Yeah," I lie. "Did Sarah wake up?" Gino nods. "Jake went to see her," Sierra adds. I give a small smile. "How'd it go?" I ask. Gino steps closer. "Okay, cut it out Helen. I know something's wrong, so spill," he demands. "Gino," Sierra protests. "No. She needs to tell us. I can't stand seeing her like this just as much as you can't," Gino says. Sierra takes a step back and nods, allowing Gino to proceed. He turns to me. "Please, Helen, just tell us. We're your best friends, you can trust us," Gino says softly. "As you can probably tell, I-I'm pregnant," I start. "No, really?!" Gino asks sarcastically. I smile, and he returns it. "With Easton's baby," I continue, and his smile disappears. "What did that jerk do?" Gino asks angrily. "Remember when Sarah woke up and I called Easton to tell him?" I asked Gino. He nodded slowly. "And then you left afterwards," he says, and his eyes widen. "H-he divorced you?" I nodded. "Why?!" Gino asks, hands clenched. "I don't know," I say. "I started to tell him that Sarah woke up, but he cut me off and said to only come back to sign the divorce papers." If Easton was here right now, Gino probably would've killed him. Currently, Gino was pacing around the room, fists clenched, cursing Easton's existence, while Sierra was attempting to calm him down. When I get mad, I start yelling at people in French and possibly throw things, just like I did with Easton. But when Gino gets mad, it's like a huge storm has occurred. He throws things, he paces around with his knuckles clenched, he screams at everybody, and sometimes, in the worst of situations, Gino will attack somebody. And when Gino attacks somebody, he does not stop. He's like a violent machine. First, he'll scream at the person, and then he scratches, kicks, punches, and bites. Yes, bites. Gino is reckless when it comes to something like this. He is violent in every way possible. The last time he attacked somebody was a year ago, and trust me, the damage was bad. The person had been cyber-bullying Sierra for a while now. Gino found her in her room, crying at the comments he left on her post. Gino was more than angry, and tracked down the person. Gino attacked, and I don't think that guy will be cyber-bullying anyone anymore. Right now, I was scared. Not for me, but for Easton. When he was angry, like I mentioned already, Gino was a force to be reckoned with. Easton would have no idea what was coming. What gave me this idea was the fact that Gino was acting just like he did a year ago, before he attacked Sierra's cyber-bullyer. I hate Easton, but I can't help but pity him. Suddenly, Gino pushed Sierra to the ground and stormed out of my house. I quickly rushed to Sierra's side, but she moved me away. "We have bigger problems right now," she says, and I nod. Together, we run outside, where we see Gino leaving, most likely going to attack Easton. "This isn't good," I say, and Sierra and I get in the car and leave.

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