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8 Months Later
Helen's POV

Everything was turning out okay for once. I was 8 months pregnant, and the due date was coming up fast. Easton's company was thriving, and the gang was still in jail. It was great. I walked into the family room in Easton and I's house and turned on the TV. What I saw shocked me.

Easton's POV
Lucky for me, everything was running smoothly at work. Well, it would be safe to say I was now filthy rich, and so are most of my employees. "Mr. Roberts," my PA, Zoë said through the intercom. "There's a call from Mrs. Roberts." Mrs. Helen Roberts. My pregnant wife. I like the sound of that. "Okay, thanks Zoë," I say, and she patches me through to Helen. "Hey," I say. "Easton I have to go. Like away from here," Helen says. "What?! Your leaving me? And taking our child?" I yelled, angry and rejected. "Of course not. Well, sort of," Helen says, and she's about to continue when I interrupt. "You know what?" I say angrily. "Leave. And only come back to sign the divorce papers." I hear a gasp at the end of the line, and hang up. It serves her right, leaving me with our child. We were married too. Why? Why would she do this to me?

Helen's POV
I gasped, and Easton hung up. He should of let me finish! I was going to tell him I was leaving to see her. She woke up. But now, I feel rejected and miserable. I love him. Correction, I loved him. I angrily and sadly packed all my stuff, and put it in my car. I was about to leave when Easton's car pulled up. I clenched my jaw and headed over to the front seat. "Why Helen?" Easton asked. "I loved you. And I thought you loved me too." I glared at him. "I wasn't going to actually leave you, you idiot. I was going back to my hometown for a couple hours or so. Sarah woke up from her coma. But now, I guess I'm not coming back, except to sign the divorce papers," I say, getting in the car. Easton looks shocked. I guess he wasn't expecting that, huh? I start the car and leave. He's such a jerk.

2 Hours Later
I arrive in my hometown. This was the place where all my old friends were. This was the place where Justin died. Where Sarah got in a coma. This was the reason why Veronica went to mental camp. Why all of us have heavy, grieving hearts. I drive straight to the hospital and run out of the car. I come inside and see Rachel, Diego, Logan, Brady, Haley, Jessie, Gino, Sierra, Jax, and Jax's friends, Riley, Evan, and Rix. Everyone was there except Veronica, Jake, Justin, and Sarah. Well, Justin died, Veronica moved to Colorado, and Sarah's probably still recovering, but where's Jake? "Hi," I say, approaching them. Everyone smiles. "Where's Jake?" I ask. "With her," Diego says. I nod, understanding. Jake is in love with her. I visit Sarah, and then I decide to go back home. I'm glad she's awake. I didn't get to talk to her because when I came in she was sleeping, but it's still nice to see her. I drive home, and notice an unfamiliar car in the driveway. I open the door with my keys, and walk inside. There, sitting on the couch, watching TV, was Easton Freaking Roberts.

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