5pt. 2

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I walked into the huge house before Easton, eyes wide and excited. "You've never been to a party before, have you?" Easton asks teasingly. I grin. "Nope," I say. "Great," Easton says. "This'll be your first-and best party ever." Before we left, I had changed into jeans and a sparkly tank top (with a green one piece bathing suit under it), so I wouldn't be in my pajamas. That would suck. I looked around. Some people were obviously drunk and embarrassing themselves on the dance floor, while others were making out on the couch and in corners of the room, others were drinking, and there were the SANE people, who were laughing and chatting with others. Easton smiled at me and dragged me over to the sane people. "Hey, Amers," he says to a girl with wavy brown hair talking to a guy with shaggy blonde hair. "Hey, East. Who's this?" Amers asks, raising an eyebrow and smiling. "This is Helen. She's my girlfriend," Easton says. I turn around to him, eyebrow raised. "And when did we discuss this girlfriend thing?" I ask. Easton shrugs. "We just did," he says. I roll my eyes and turn back around to Amers, who was laughing with the blondie. "I'm Amy, but everyone calls me Amers," Amers says, holding out a hand. "I'm Helen, as you probably figured out," I say, shaking her hand. I turn to Blondie. "And what's your name, Blondie?" I ask. Amers and Blondie laugh. "I like her," Blondie says. "And I'm Zachary, but don't call me that. At all. I hate my first name. Call me Zach. Or, I guess, Blondie." I smile. "Let me introduce you to some people," Amy says, grabbing my hand and leading me towards a girl with ginger hair and another girl with dark brown hair. "This is Helen," Amy says. The girls wave. "This is Waverly," Amy says, gesturing to the girl with dark brown hair. Waverly grins. "You can call me Wave," she says. "And I'm Emma," The ginger haired girl says. "Hi," I say. "Oooh, let's play 10 questions!" Wave says. "Okay," I say, while Emma and Amy smiled and nodded. "Okay, Helen. Favorite movie?" Wave asks. "The Incredibles," I say, grinning. It may be for littler kids, but I still love it. "Favorite Animal?" Emma asks me. "Tiger," I say. "Really?" Emma asks. I nod. "Me too," Emma says. Twenty questions carried on, and I learned that Wave loved surfing, Emma was obsessed with 5sos, as am I, and Amy hated bongos, and much more. "Helen!" Easton called from outside. After saying see ya later to Wave, Emma, and Amy, I walked outside to meet Easton. "Yeah?" I ask. Easton smiles, but doesn't say anything. He beckons for me to follow him, and starts walking near a grass area. Confused, I follow him until he stops. "Why did you-," I was interrupted by Easton pushing me into the pool, jeans and tank top still on. "EASTON!" I yell, climbing out of the pool wet and cold. Easton laughs at me, and then he starts running away. I sprint after him, and eventually corner him. I smirk at him, and his eyes widen a little. I drag his sorry butt over to the pool and push him in. I smirk and turn around, ready to walk away, when Easton grabs my ankle and drags me in with him. With a loud splash, I join him. "Oh no you didn't!" I yell after I resurface. Easton just smirks. I start splashing him with my hands, starting a splash war. He joins in, and we probably look like idiots, wet, in our clothes, and splashing each other while laughing and coughing. But it was fun being an idiot. At least with Easton it was.

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