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Helen's POV
Easton, that scumbag! I thought he was really in trouble! How dare he pull a stunt like that just to get my attention! I have to admit, it was a good plan, but seriously?! Why didn't he just have a conversation with me, like a normal person? 'Maybe he tried,' a voice in my head says. 'Your phone was on silent all weekend.' I pull out my phone. 35 missed calls, 19 voice mails, and 23 text messages. One text from Sierra, a call and voice mail from Gino, a call and voicemail from Rachel, and guess who the 33 calls, 17 voicemails, and 22 text messages were from? Easton Roberts.
Now I feel terrible. Easton probably thought I was ignoring him on purpose! I immediately dial Easton's number. He answers as soon as I call him. "Helen? Is that you?!" An excited Easton asks. I nod, and then remember he can't hear me. "Yes," I say. "I'm giving you a chance to explain yourself. You have 3 minutes. Go." Easton tells me everything. It was just a misunderstanding. "I'll give you a second chance, I guess," I say afterwards. "Yes! Yes!" Easton yells. "I told you she'd forgive me! Give me my 10 bucks back!" I hear a groan from Gino in the backround, and laugh. Yes, I can tell if Gino groans. Gino is a hecka loud groaner! It's just like Easton's shouting sounds multiplied by 100. It's crazy loud. I'm not kidding.

One Week Later
"Easton, give me back my popcorn!" I yell with glee, trying to retrieve the stolen popcorn from him. We were on the couch in our house, watching the movie 'Grandma got run over by a reindeer', which is an awesome movie by the way, especially the theme song. Well, we were sort of watching it. We were mostly throwing and stealing popcorn. Anyway, It was December 17th, Christmas was coming soon, and we started a new tradition, watching a Christmas movie every night. Suddenly, I felt a pain in my chest and felt water running down my leg. My water broke.

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