Chapter 1

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     I woke up the sound of my alarm at 6:30 in the morning, I groaned and rolled out of bed. Why did I have to work, why can't I be rich or be one of the top ranking wolves? Instead, the moon goddess put me in the middle-class part of the pack. I made enough to have my own house on the territory but not enough to have a Mercedes. I work at the Packs Sports center I make around $70,000 a year, and I am the Sports consultant. I am in control of the football teams, basketball teams or anything else there is on the territory. And since our Territory is huge and just a couple months ago Alpha Tyler found his mate and decided to move her entire pack to ours...I have had a lot of work to do. To say I'm stressed is an understatement. I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror, I was a pretty attractive guy if I could say so myself. I had black curly hair that was short on the side and faded in the back. I had high cheekbones and a defined jawline. I had dark green eyes with long black lashes that make all the girls go crazy. I had a pretty defined chest, I had the outline of abs. I wouldn't consider myself a bodybuilder at all, I go to the gym occasionally. 

     I got in the shower with the water on hot, the soap I normally use is pine and coconut since that is my natural scent as a werewolf. At least that's what my girlfriend says. No, my girlfriend isn't my mate but she'll do for now. She was a part of the pack that was merged into ours, she was sweet and short with brunette hair and brown eyes. Nice curves here in there, but I wasn't extremely attracted to her. Mostly because of my wolf, he was still holding out for his mate. I'm 23 years old, and you're supposed to find your mate when you turn 16. I just kind of gave up hope and stopped looking. 

     I walked into my closet and put on a pair of boxers. I decided to wear a white polo and blue slacks with tan dress shoes for work. I checked the time it was 7:15, and I had to be at work at 8, but the drive to the sports complex is about 30 minutes long so I needed to go. Again this is what happens when you have a large territory.  I poured some black coffee into my togo cup and then grabbed a granola a banana. Before I walked out the door I grabbed my wallet and keys and my briefcase then locked the front door. I got to my car which was a silver 2019 Honda Civic, which was a nice car for someone like me to have. But I didn't have a mate or kids to take care of so all my money was mine. 

      The drive to work was fast and I made it at 7:50 and walked in and was greeted by Bethany the Sports Complex secretary. "Good morning Jacob. Boss is in a good mood today." She said smiling. She was a sweet girl, had long curly red hair and light green eyes, very beautiful. I would have tried to date her but she met her mate an hour after she turned 16 so that was a big no. "Thank you Bethany, have a good day." I gave her a warm smile and walked to the elevators and went to the eighth floor where my office was. I was greeted with a lot of hellos from other coworkers. I made it to my office in just enough time to check my email. My office was one of the bigger ones, it was decorated in brown and navy blue, with a couple of pictures of my family which was huge by the way. I had three sisters and two other brothers, to say parents don't know what a condom is...

     I was checking my email, and one said I had a meeting in the conference room B3 at 8:30, good thing I got here early. I heard a knock on my door and looked up to see it was my close friend Bryan. He was a handsome guy, was 6'0 even, with a nice built body, not too big. dark brown hair that was always styled and brown eyes. "Hey man, ready for this meeting?" He asked leaning on my dorm frame. "Yeah I just saw. Do you know what it might be about?" I asked grabbing my briefcase and turning my computer off. "Yeah,I think it has to do something with the new members to our pack, finding jobs for them here. The lycan delta should be joining us too I think. He is over the day to day affairs of the pack now I guess. Which means no more Kenny!" I closed my office door and started walking to the elevator, and laughed at his comment about Kenny. There was nothing wrong him, it's just that all the girls had a crush on him which meant less for us. "What is the new Delta's name?" I asked, just curious. "Robert Damien." Bryan said as the elevator closed and led us up to the 15th floor. I don't know why but when he said that guys name my whole body shivered in...delight? Which cause my wolf to purr which he never does. "Hey man, you alright?" Bryan said giving me a once over. "Yeah I just got cold for a second."

      For some reason, as we got closer to the floor, I was getting nervous and Axel my wolf was pacing in my head almost causing a headache. The elevator doors opened and it smelled different up here, it smelled really really good. It was Pine and cinnamon with a hint of vanilla...yum. I followed Bryan to the conference room and as we got closer the scent got stronger. Axel was going crazy, it was annoying. We finally made it and walked in to see we were the first ones there, but the smell was strong in here. It was only 8:15 when we sat down so we were waiting on other people to get in and get settled. I pulled out my MacBook and pulled a word document to take notes. Bryan and I kept up with some small talk as a couple of other people filled in the room. One, in particular, was Marissa, she was the Cheif coordinator of sports relations. She was stunning, she had long black hair that goes to her wide hips. She had the nicest body of any female werewolf. She had blue eyes which contrasted her dark hair and tan skin. "Good morning boys. How we doing today?" She asked sitting down next to me. Part of me hoped that the smell was coming from her, but it wasn't. "Better now that you're here." Bryan said as he attempted to flirt with her.

     "Well Delta Robert is here and unfortunately Bryan I am no longer interested. Robert is a stud." She said smirking at him, I don't know why but I got jealous when Marissa said that about Robert. Not at the fact that she wanted him, but that he might want her. I should not feel this way about some random guy. "Whatever Marissa, you know you want it." Bryan said wiggling his eyebrows. "And I bet your ex-boyfriend does too." She said and they both started laughing. "Oh low!" Here's the thing about Bryan he has dated a lot of girls, but he recently came out as gay when he dated this guy he met. But they just didn't work out and now he just mindlessly flirting with people till he gets his mate. We all got quiet once our boss walked in, he was a heavyset man with a beard and a baldhead. He was wearing a blue suit and brown shoes. "Alright everyone let's start. As you know we have a new pack on territory and it's putting everyone in hyperdrive. Our poor real estate companies have been working nonstop trying to find homes for all these people. Anyways we are trying to fill jobs and the Lycan Delta Robert is going to help us place those people." Mr. Sheffan said.

      My heart started pounding and my hands were getting sweaty, and I don't know why I am so nervous. "Alright Delta Robert please join us!" Mr. Sheffan said and in walked a beauty I have never seen before. He was 6'5 and built to perfection, he had dirty blonde hair that was shoulder length I assumed since it was slicked into a man bun. He wore black slacks and a white button-up with the top two buttons opened. I could see a little bit of his chest which was perfectly sculpted, he had to have had an 8 pack under there. He had these beautiful hazel eyes and thick brown lashes to make them pop, and firm pink lips and- OH MY GOSH! what the heck am I thinking I'm not even gay. But it wasn't until I took a sniff of the air and the smell was coming from him. I just met my mate.






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