Chapter 11

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       I had finished going through all of the paperwork from past events. It was hard to focus after the interaction between Robert and me. I don't know what to do. Whether to forgive him or not. I know for a fact Axel wants me to, he is always whining for Roberts Lycan. I pulled out my phone and dialed my mom's number. I had been keeping her updated with me and Robert's situation. She could tell me what to do. The phone rang for about 3 rings before she answered. "Ciao my dolcezza! Come va?" (Hello sweetie, how are you?). "Hi mom, I need your help. Robert just came in and apologized to me, and I don't know if I should forgive him." I leaned back in my chair and relaxed a bit. "Alright now listen here. I know that what he did hurt you. But you have to understand his side of things, this is very new for both of you. Be patient with him and understand that this entire situation is crazy. If he apologized then accept it. Take things slowly, get to know each other too. Okay?" What she was saying made sense and I couldn't help but agree with her. "Yeah mama you're right. I need to just forgive him and move forward." I sighed and rubbed my temples. "Alright dolcezza, ti amo. Addio." My mama said. "I love you too mama." I hung up the phone. I stood up and decided to take the file to Mr. Shefan's office since it was all filled out.

       I made it to the top floor and saw the receptionist and I don't remember her name. "Is Mr.Shefan in?" I asked her. "No he isn't, but I can take that from you." I handed her the file and I was going to walk away but I stopped and turned to her again. "Do you know if Delta Robert is in?" I asked her, my heart beating fast. "Yes, he is. Last office on the right." She gave me a small nod and I started walking toward the office and his scent started to invade my body. I have never been to his office before and I am kind of excited to see what it was like. I stood at the door for a couple of minutes waiting for the courage to knock. I took a deep breath and knocked. A few seconds later the door open and there he was. I could see he was surprised that it was me at the door. "Jacob, uh come in. It is a little dirty in here just getting some pack work done." I walked in and his office was a dark gray with silver accents all around. 

        I sat down on one of the silver chairs and he sat down behind his big oak desk. "So um, what is going on?" He looked nervous and was fidgeting around. "I am free tonight. What are you going to do about it?" I said to him. I crossed my arms and leaned back. "Oh uh, I-uh." He was stuttering and he started blushing. I guess he wasn't expecting that to be the first thing I say. "Well...?" I said and leaned back. "Did you want to come over? I could cook you dinner?" He asked. "To the castle?" If it was at the castle then I would freak out. I could run into the Alpha and I would freak out. "Oh no, I only go there to hang out with Damon. I have my own home." He smirked. "I think you will really like it." Okay, now he was getting a little too confident. "We will see. Anyways text me the address and I will be there at 7, in a suit." I stood up and walked to the door. He followed me to the door and stood there. "Bring an overnight bag just in case." I grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. 

       I walked out and rolled my eyes and blushed but I didn't let him see. I walked away and turned around to see him still staring at me. "What?" I asked him. "I just like watching you walk away." He said smirking at me. I turned back around and went to the elevator. This should be fun.


       I just made it back home and ran inside the house to try to find an outfit. I said I was going to wear a suit but now I don't know what kind to wear. I went into my closet and started to look through my different suits. I wanted to look like a freaking meal.  I decided to wear a dark green suit with a white button-up with a black tie with white polka-dots. I put in a pair of black dress shoes and a black belt. I left my curls how they were and shaped up my scruff on my face. I looked in the mirror and I couldn't believe how good I looked. He was going to have a hard time keeping his hands to himself. He sent me his address earlier and it was about a 45-minute drive. I decided to actually listen and pack an overnight bag just in case. I grabbed a pair of boxers, sweatpants and a sweatshirt for tomorrow since it is Saturday. I also know myself and if I stay long enough I won't want to drive back. I grabbed a toothbrush and toothpaste and some soap. I grabbed my keys and my briefcase and headed to my car, this was going to be a long drive.







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