Chapter 9

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      It was finally 4:50 and I was ready to go home and eat dinner and just relax. I had trained 5 people today and next week will be orientation. But it was just in time though because in 2 weeks we are kicking off the sports season, football. Yay. Our busiest time here. I made it to my office and plopped down on my chair and closed my eyes. I am not excited for the next two weeks honestly. I wanted to have a night in with my boo. Yes, I said boo. He has me falling for him and he doesn't even know it. I grabbed my phone and dialed his number and waited for the phone to ring. After only two rings he answered.

'Yes, beautiful?'

Do you want to come over and watch a movie, eat some wings?

'Of course love. I will be at your place at 6:30 with Wingstop. What flavor?'

Hot and mild, please. 

'Anything for you. Okay, see you tonight.'

      With that, we hung up the phone and a smile went on my face. I was so excited and looked forward to seeing him tonight and just spending time with him. Just chilling out together. I grabbed my briefcase and headed out of my office. I needed to get home and shower and clean up a little bit before Robert comes over. 



      I finally made it home and it was 5:30 so I had an hour to finish cleaning and showering. I did the dishes and cleaned the rest of my kitchen. I fixed up the living room and vacuumed. It was 6:00 and I needed to go shower. I took a quick 15-minute shower and let my hair flop however it was after it is wet. I then put on a pair of black Nike sweatpants and a gray sweatshirt with some black socks. As soon as I got dressed the doorbell rang right on the dot. My heart skipped a beat and a giant smile appeared on my face. Robert makes me giddy and makes me feel happiness and safety I have never felt before. I made it to the front door and there he was with Wingstop in his hand which is what I was worried about the most. He looked great, he wore black Nike sweatpants also, and then a white v-neck shirt. "Hi," I said as I let him walk in. "Hello love." He pulled me into a hug and held me, and it was amazing. "Okay come on, I'm hungry." I grabbed the bag from him and went to the living room.

     I sat down on the couch in the living room and started eyeing the wings. I was so hungry and ready to devour these wings. "What no thank you?" Robert said chuckling sitting down next to me. "Thank you," I said with a chicken wing already in my mouth. We sat down and ate in silence, it wasn't awkward or anything, but I think he could tell I wasn't in a mood to talk much.  Once we got done eating and threw all the trash away, I turned on the TV and Avatar was on, which is one of my favorite movies. Robert laid down on the couch and opened his arms for me to lay with him. I was hesitant not gonna lie. I've never been the little spoon before. "Are you still hesitant? I mean at this point I would think you would be comfortable with me. Seeing as I sucked your dick this morning" Roberts said putting his hands behind his head. I could feel myself start to blush and realized he was right. Maybe this entire situation would be better if I just let my guard down and stopped over-analyzing. Just be in the moment with my mate.

      I sighed and climbed on top of him. I straddled him with my butt perfectly sitting on his dick and I could see him stiffing. I bet he wishes I sat somewhere else now. I ran my hands up and down his chest and his eyes watched my every move. I leaned over grabbed a blanket and finally laid down on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I started to listen to his heartbeat. It was so soothing that I almost fell asleep. 

      I started moving around and wiggling my hips around. Robert moved his hands to stop me from moving. "Don't do that." He said lowly. I decided to mess with him for a little bit. I stopped and decided to play the innocence act. "I'm sorry," I said. I waited a couple more minutes and I wiggled again. "Jacob." His voice was the deepest I have heard. I started to move up and down grinding harder and harder. Yet he still didn't stop me.

      I started kissing on his chest and up to his neck and I could tell that he was still stiff and didn't know whether or not he should let me or stop me. I started kissing his lips to get some type of something to start but he didn't kiss me back. I tried again and still nothing. I moved around one more time and he grabbed my hips again. "I said stop," Robert said, it was very authoritative and I guess I never thought he would use that voice on me. I don't know why but all of a sudden I started getting really insecure. Maybe he doesn't like me like I think he does. Or maybe he isn't used to being with a guy I'm making him uncomfortable. I quickly got up and started walking to my room. I heard Robert calling my name but I ignored him. I made it to my room and then to my bathroom and locked it. Why would he be so physical with me this morning but now when I try to be he doesn't want me? 

     "Jacob. Jacob, please talk to me." He said knocking on the bathroom door. "Jacob, I'm sorry I didn't mean it. I just- will you come out so I can talk to you?" I don't know if I wanted to talk to him. Maybe he realized that he didn't want a guy mate anymore. "Baby, whatever you are thinking, please it isn't what you think." He said. "You don't know what I'm thinking." Gosh, when did I get so emotional? "Yes, I do. Babe, the reason I said to stop was because...because if you kept going I would have lost it. You were right about taking our time okay? I don't want to rush into anything physical even though I want to. Being with a guy is new for me too and I'm learning just like you. I think we should just take things slow, just like with our entire relationship." Wait what did he just say. I got opened the door and was fuming, why would he say that. "What do you mean take things slow?" I said I could feel my face get red by how mad I was getting. "Just maybe not spend as much time together. I think we are rushing into this whole thing. I just think we should be friends for now. Being mated right now just doesn't seem to be in the cards for me right now." 

      "What the hell man. I fucking trusted you and here you go and basically what dump me?! So what you suck a guy's dick and then you're gone? Fuck you." I yelled pushing him out the way. "No babe-" I was getting even more upset. "No, I'm not your babe! Get out of my house. You're disgusting."  I can't believe this guy. I couldn't help the tears that started to swell up in my eyes. "Why? Why would you do all that? You could've said something earlier you know before." I could feel my heart breaking into two. "I don't know I guess after this morning I realized that I didn't know how to be with a guy...or I guess I'm completely comfortable with it yet." He stood there with his hands in his pockets. I couldn't believe that he was saying this, did he mean anything he said before? "Can you just go and leave me alone." I was over this entire conversation. "Jacob, don't do this." I just ignored him hoping he would get the point. 

      "Leave me alone. Forever. I don't want you in my life ever again." I walked out of my room and downstairs knowing that he would follow. I went to the front door and pulled it open and waiting for him to get the hint. He walked in front of me and stared me in the eyes not moving still. "Goodbye." And this was going to be the last time I see him.






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