Chapter 19

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        I woke up to a poke on my face and I was very confused. I kept swatting it away but it kept coming back. I opened my eyes slowly and I made eye contact with a pair of green eyes. "Papa, wake up," Augusta said shaking me. "Yes?" I asked her. "It's daddy's birthday. We have to make him breakfast and get him a present." She said with a huge smile on her face. "Okay, mud monster. Let's go get daddy's present ready." I got up out of the bed and grabbed her and tiptoed out the room. "What should we make?" I asked her. I sat her down at the kitchen island and grabbed paper and crayons so that she can make a birthday card. "Pancakes! And french toast." She said. "Both? You must be hungry." I laughed as I grabbed the ingredients out. I started cooking and she was coloring and I just enjoyed having her around. "Papa, are you going to marry daddy?" She asked me. My heart dropped to my stomach because of the question. "I mean, one day hopefully." I smiled at her. "You should ask him today." My eyes literally pooped out of my head when she said that. "Well, I would but I don't have a ring." 

       I love Robert and I do plan on spending the rest of my life with him. But I always thought he would ask me, but I don't mind asking him. I would have like to plan it first. "I have a ring!" She got up and ran into a different part of the house and I followed her. There was a room and there were boxes, some opened, and some closed. She went to the dresser and pulled open the top drawer and there was a jewelry box. "Who's is that?" I asked her. "Daddy said this was his grandpa's rings. And when grandpa went to heaven he gave it to daddy." She gave me the box and I opened it and the rings were absolutely beautiful. The one that caught my eye was a jet black wedding band with the initials 'R.D' inscribed on the inside. "Was daddy named after his grandpa?" I asked Augusta and she nodded. "You can give that to daddy today for his birthday present!" I grabbed the ring and put it in my pocket and walked back to the kitchen with Augusta following me.

      I finished cooking and found a tray, I decided to give him breakfast in bed. I grabbed the food and Augusta's card and put it on the tray. We walked upstairs and he was still sleeping but Augusta changed that quickly. "Daddy! Daddy! Wake up! Happy birthday!" Augusta ran to him and jumped on him and he woke up immediately. "Happy birthday! Happy Birthday!" He sat up and smiled at her and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you, beautiful." He said kissing her forehead. I went and sat down next to him and put the tray next to him. "Happy birthday," I told him. "Thank you, baby." He gave me a quick peck and then grabbed his tray. "French toast and pancakes! And a birthday card?" He grabbed the card and started reading it. "You are the best daddy ever. Awe thank you!" He grabbed Augusta again and started to attack her with kisses and she started laughing. "Daddy stop! I have to potty!" She yelled and got up and ran out of the room. My heart was pounding and I was nervous. Was I really going to do this? Yes, I was, I wanted to and honestly needed too. I mean this is what I wanted, which was to spend the rest of my life with him.

        "What's going on hippo?" He asked me, here goes nothing. "I love you." I grabbed his hand he grabbed it back. "I love you." He smiled at me. "No, like I love you. I know we started off rocky but I am happy where we are now. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You're amazing, literally everything I wanted and more. I never knew that I was capable of loving someone so much. And then you brought that little ball of sunshine into my life, Augusta. Even though I was scared out of my mind, I wouldn't change it for the world." I took a deep breath and reached for the ring in my pocket. "Robert, will you marry me?" I had the ring in my hand and he looked down at it. He was silent and I got nervous and my hand was shaking. "Yes, yes I will marry you." A huge smile covered my face and I put the ring on his finger. He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug and started to kiss my face repeatedly. "How did you know where my grandpa's rings were?" He asked me. "Augusta showed me, she is a smart one," I said. "You know I always thought that I was going to be the one to propose," Robert said and I laughed. "Me too. But I couldn't wait any longer." I shrugged and leaned back into his chest. 

       "Wow, so we have a lot to get done when we get back home. You have to move in, and we have to finish decorating Augusta's room, and plan for a wedding." I said already getting stressed out about all of these new responsibilities. "Don't worry love, we can do this." He rubbed my back as I sat in his lap and then Augusta came back in. "Daddy, eat your food." She said hopping on the bed with us. "Yes, ma'am." We both leaned up and we started eating. "Papa, did you do it!?" She yelled and asked me. "Yes, I did. And I want you to be the flower girl." She screamed so loud and my poor ears couldn't take it. "Yay yay yay!" She jumped and gave us a hug and squeezed extremely tight. "I'm glad you're happy, mud monster." 

       We sat in bed for hours just enjoying each other's company. I loved these two people with everything that I have. This was my family, my world. And seeing Robert with Augusta is making me want a little man or girl of our own. I want little feet running around and hear the crying and all the tears. I can't wait for my parents to meet Augusta, they are going to fall in love with her. This is what life is about. I can't wait for more days like this.









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