Chapter 16

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       It was Monday and I was at the office trying to get work done but my wolf was whining to be with Robert and be cuddled with him. I was wearing one of his jackets at the moment but the smell was fading and I just couldn't focus on the work at hand. I heard a knock on the door and Bryan came in. "Oh wow look who it is my best friend who I haven't seen in weeks. How have you been, cause you look like shit." Bryan said as he walked in and sat in front of my desk. "I've been busy I'm sorry," I said rubbing my temples. "WIth Robert? You guys back together?" He asked me and he leaned onto the desk. I nodded my head slowly, my head was starting to hurt from my wolf clawing to get to Robert. "What's going man? You really don't look good." I could see he was concerned but I don't know how to tell him that I am having Robert withdrawals. I guess just like that. "I am having withdrawals...Robert withdrawals. My wolf won't shut up about being around him." I whispered, everything started to hurt. Suddenly, he started laughing at me and I was very confused. "Why are you laughing Bryan?" I said. "You and Robert haven't had sex yet." I looked up at him in shook, how would he know that. 

       "Look, this happens to every male mated couple. Females go through heat, but since you obviously aren't that then you go through something a little different. It makes it so that you and your mate are around each other to make the mating process faster." Bryan explained to me, it made sense to me. "Did Robert not explain this to you?" I leaned back in my chair. "Well he gave me this packet thing, I haven't read all of it yet." He gave me a look and rolled his eyes at me. "Yeah well, maybe next time you should. Go to your mate, take the week off. You're not doing anyone any good if you can't focus. I'm sure if you ask Mr. Shefan he will let you go." He stood up and walked to my side of the desk and patted my shoulder. "Go to Robert, I'll see you in a week." He was right, I needed to see Robert and be with him. I couldn't take it any longer. I got up and grabbed my briefcase and keys. I locked my office behind me as I headed to the elevator. 

       I made it to the floor and I saw the receptionist and stopped by, it was the same one from before. "Hey there, how can I help you?" She asked me. "I need to see Robert. Is he in?" I asked her. "Yes, do you--" I walked away before she finished that sentence, I needed him I was hurting all over. I walked back and made it to the office door and knocked and waited. Finally, I heard a strong 'come in' and I opened it. He was wearing a suit today, an amazing suit. All black and his hair in a sleek bun in the back of his head. He looked at me and smiled and I couldn't help but want to jump right then and there. I closed the door behind me and locked it and went to his chair and straddled him and into a hug. I stuck my head in his neck and took a deep breath. "Hey hippo, what's wrong?" He rubbed my back soothingly relaxing me and my headache was already leaving. "I missed you." He chuckled lowly and we just sat there in silence for I don't know how long. "I'm in male heat," I said to him. "Yeah love, I know you are. Which is why I have a surprise." I leaned back and he went into a draw in his desk and pulled out two plane tickets. "I planned this yesterday after the moment when you sat in my lap. I'm taking you on a trip, we leave tonight." I looked at him and smiled. "It's like you read my mind, I was just going to tell you I think I need to take a week off work." He closed the gap between us and gave me a soft and sweet kiss. 

       "Listen I need to finish this work so we can leave tonight, so you can't stay on my lap. "Where am I supposed to go? I can't go back to the office it's too far away." I looked into his eyes and I almost started crying. Damn these hormones. "Baby, don't cry. How about you just sit on the couch over there? You would still be around me and you can watch me work, how about that?" I nodded and reluctantly got off his lap and sat on the couch. I sat there watching him as he worked. The way his muscle moves when he types. How his eyebrows squint together when he is focused on something. He would look up at me every once in a while and it would set my entire body on fire to the point where my friend was getting excited. There was a knock on the door and I smelled the air and it wrecked of perfume. I forgot I locked the door and Robert stood up to open it. It was the girl from the front desk and it wasn't until now that I realized how pretty she was. She was around 5'4 and had amazing curves. She had long strawberry red hair and bright green eyes. To say I was jealous was an understatement. 

       "Felicity, what are you doing here?" He asked her smiling. Ew, why did he smile at her? "I was just seeing if you wanted to go for lunch?" She walked in and was wearing a skimpy black dress and heels. She walked in and that's when she finally noticed me. "Oh, Jacob right?" She asked and I just nodded at her. She sat down in the chair in front of Robert's desk, crossing her legs. "But lunch? I was thinking somewhere nice like steak or something. Just you and me." I had to hold in a growl, I was getting jealous and I am not afraid to admit it. "I'm sorry Felicity, but I have plans with my mate." I could see she was taken aback by him saying he has a mate. "Mate? Oh, Robert, I promise you that I am way better than she could ever be." I was about to jump and rip her throat out but Robert said something before I could. "That's where you are wrong, HE is amazing, and sitting right behind you. You can leave now." Robert leaned back in the chair with his hands folded. She looked back at me in embarrassment and stood up. 

       "I am so sorry I had no idea, I'm just going to go now." She hurriedly stood up and walked out the door. I went up and closed it after her and locked it. I turned around and looked at Robert and he was leaning back in the chair with a smug look on his face. I walked over to him and straddled his lap again. I was breathing heavily and I couldn't seem to calm down. I grabbed the collar of his suit jacket and pulled him close to mine. "Why did she think it was okay to flirt with you?" I put my head in his neck and took a deep breath. "Are you jealous, love?" Robert moved his hands up and down my thighs. I growled at his response and laid small kisses on his neck. I started to rub myself all over him so my scent was mixed with his. I could feel our excitements rubbing against each other and Roberts grip tightened on my thighs. 

        "Calm my love, calm. You don't want our first time to be on an office desk now do we?" Robert's voice was filled with lust as he tried to stop me. I whined at him for stopping me and smashed my lips on to his. It was heated and intense I licked his bottom lip and he easily gave me entrance and he tasted like heaven. Our tongues collided and we both were in a fight for dominance but he let me win for once. He moved his hands to my butt and started to squeeze at it which made me release a small moan. I moved my hands up to his neck and pulling him impossibly closer. The problem is we were wearing too many clothes, I reached my hands to his tie but that is when he stops me. "Not yet baby. Soon." He grabbed my hips and lifted me onto the desk and walked away. He stood as for away from me as possible and tried to even out his breathing and readjust his pants. "I'm sorry, I got out of control. I can usually handle myself well." I fixed my clothes and was about to walk out of the office. When he grabbed my hand and stopped me. "Don't ever apologize for that. We can't do this here okay? Just a couple of more hours and we will be alone together okay?" He grabbed my face and looked me in the eye so I could see his sincerity. I nodded and looked down at the ground. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and pulled me into a hug. Just a couple more hours and I will finally mate with the man I love.









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