Chapter 3

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     I continued washing my hands, ignoring the fact that his smell was surrounding me. He walked to the urinals and completely ignored me, which hurt a little. Once I was done washing my hands I went to the door to leave and thats when I realized it was locked. I kept pulling and I couldn't make it budge. I leaned my head against the door and sighed I'm stuck. I turned and watched him wash his hands. "Who was that girl you were dancing with." He asked as he dried his hands off. "My girlfriend." I leaned against the door and close my eyes waiting for the night to end. "Interesting, she seemed pretty interested in that girl from your job." He said leaning against the sink. "Well, maybe they are mates." I hope he can here the attitude of my voice. "Like me and you are mates." He said. I didn't want to look at him cause I didn't want it to be true. "Well,that sucks. Because unfortunately,I'm not gay. And I'm not going to change that mate." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms and before I knew it he had my hands pinned by his forcing me to look in my eyes. 

     His eyes were flickering from hazel to black and his fangs were extended. He was around 6'5 which was towering over my 6'0 height. His eyes were such a beautiful Hazel and I just couldn't tear mine away from his. "What is your name mate?" He asked, his voice was very deep and smooth and affected me in a way that was starting to piss me off. "My name is Jacob and I'm not your mate, I'm not gay." I tried to push him away but he just held on tighter. Gosh,he is strong. Oh my goodness brain stop. He leaned his face into my neck smelling me. "You smell sweet. Coconut is my favorite." His lips grazed my neck and tingles shot through my entire body. "Don't do that." I said through gritted teeth. He let go of my arms and put his hands on my hips. "I know what you're trying to do. I 've seen this before, you're gonna play hard to get and you're gonna make me work really hard." He placed a small kiss on my neck turning my legs to jello. "But eventually you'll come around, you'll realize you can't live without me. And I will be here waiting always. And I will rock your world when you're ready." I didn't notice he had gotten my phone out of my pocket. "Here is my number, now whenever you are me." With that he gave me my phone back and unlocked the bathroom door and walked out.




     I was finally back in the ballroom and I saw Ashley dancing with Marissa. No this can't be happening and it won't be. I walked up to Ashley and grabbed her arm to get her attention. "Ashley we are leaving say goodbye to everyone." I said as I continued to walk away. I heard her footsteps running behind me. "Jacob, what's wrong? Why are we leaving?" She asked me grabbing my arm. "What was happening with you and Marissa?" I said telling the valet which one was my car. "N-n-nothin-g-g-." She said looking at her feet. "Okay good." The valet finally pulled up with my car and gave me the keys. Ashley and I get in the car and I started driving as fast as I could. "Marissa isn't good news okay? Stay away from her...please." I said gripping the steering wheel. "Okay." She said with her head down, fidgeting with her fingers. Why do these things always happen to me?





     Sorry for this relatively short chapter...I'm trying to move the story along. Personally I really don't like writing the beginning of stories I like writing the end and middle parts you know? That's why I kind of rushed it. But I hope you enjoy! Until the next...



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