Chapter 17

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       Robert and I were currently in a private airport meant for royalty, which I was now I guess. "Okay, so all of the windows have been darkened so you don't know where we are going," Robert said to me as we got onto the plane. We packed pretty quickly after work, I was excited to get out of here and go on our vacation. "What time will we get there?" I asked sitting down on Robert's lap. "Tomorrow." I looked up at him in shock. "Where are we going that it's going to take hours to get there?" I asked hoping he would tell me and give up the surprise. "Nope. Not telling you. Now love you are gonna have to sit in your own chair or I won't be able to control myself." I groaned and reluctantly got up and moved to the seat next to him and laid on his shoulder. I just hope this trip goes by fast so I can finally be alone with my love. 


       "We are here, are you ready?" Robert stood up and helped me up too. My legs were numb from sitting for so long. I saw him grab two coats and put one of me and then on him. He grabbed my hand and the flight attendant opened the door and it was beautiful. I saw mountains of snow and blue skies. The cold weather was crisp and hit my face as soon as I walked out. It was the best thing I have ever seen. "Welcome to my home," Robert said walking to a black car with a chauffeur. "Good to see you again Mr. Anderson," Robert said to the man who was going to be driving us. "You too Mr. Damian. No worries your cabin is all set and ready for you and your mate." He gave me a gentle smile and opened the door for us. "So this is where you grew up?" The car started moving and I never took my eyes off of the moving mountains. I heard Robert laughing at me and my amazement. But I have never left the country before and being in America seemed surreal. 

       We pulled into a driveway and this cabin was amazing and big. We grabbed our luggage and walked inside, I can't believe Robert grew up here. "This is where Damon, Trey, Christina and I grew up. This place holds a lot of memories and firsts." When he said that I glared at him. "Firsts? Did you take me to the place where you fucked all your ex-girlfriends?" I asked him angrily. He just started laughing and walked towards me and pulled me into a hug. "No love. I never brought any of the girls here, this was sacred ground. I meant firsts as in Augusta. This was where I found out I was going to be a father. The first time I ate a pickle was on that couch." He pointed to a leather couch in the living room. "That is a weird one to remember," I said to him. "Oh no, it changed my life." He said smirking. He continued to show me the rest of the cabin and we made it to the master bedroom. That was what I was most excited for, I ran to the bed and jumped on it. Finally being able to lay down, my back was killing me. 

       I leaned up and looked out the window and we had an amazing view of the mountains. "Can we just relax for the rest of the day?" I asked him. "Of course baby, this is your trip." I smiled at him and opened my arms so he knew that I wanted him to come to lay with me. He snuggled up next to me and I was finally the big spoon and that has never happened before. "I don't like being the little spoon," Robert said sitting up and repositioning us. "I need to shower and change my clothes." I sat up and walked to the bathroom. "Seriously? We just laid down." I could hear the irritation in his voice. "Well, I'm sorry I don't want to stink." I rolled my eyes and closed the bathroom door and hopped in the shower. I let the water run over my body and it was relaxing my muscles. I washed my hair and the rest of my body and got out finally. I looked at the clock and I realized I was in the shower for 40 minutes. I dried myself off and left my hair how it was. I grabbed a pair of boxers from my suitcase and a pair of sweat pants and walked out of the bathroom. When I looked in the room I was in awe...this man, the man I love, just took out all the stops.








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