Chapter 5

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     It was now 7:15 and Robert and I were just about done, and I'm really impressed actually. All I had to do was tell him once and then he figured it out. Of course, I was taste testing along the way had to make sure it tasted Italian enough. Now we were standing over my famous marina sauce and I had a bit of it on a wooden spoon for him to taste. "Are you ready? And be honest and tell me if it tastes good okay?" I said lifting the spoon up to his mouth. He opened it and took a taste. I stood there waiting for his response, I don't know why but if he didn't like it I'm pretty sure I would never cook again. He smacked lips a little and I watched as his tongue licked his oh so delicious lips-oh my goodness brain stop. He looked down at me and had the most serious look on his face. Oh no he hates it. "It...taste...delicious. Better than anything I have ever tasted." I literally squealed. I'm such a girl. "Yet." He said interrupting my happy dance. What does he mean yet...? Then I noticed he was looking right at my lips. By this time normal mates would have mated first and gotten to know you last. I guess I'm being a little unconventional. For a second I wanted to know what it would feel like to kiss him. His hands-on my hips. Him in full control. But like I said, only a second. I'm not ready for that yet.

     He started to lean in closer and I...don't pull away. Then before he could get any closer, the doorbell rang. SAVED BY THE FREAKING BELL, literally. I slyly move around him and basically ran to the door. I opened it and first to arrive was my parents. "Ciao dolcezza!" My mom yells as he grabs my face and kisses me all over. "Ciao mamma!" I gave her a kiss on her check then saw my papa and gave him a huge bearhug. Even though I just saw them last week I miss them. We are a big, crazy, close family. "Come on in. Make sure to take your shoes off." I said. "Yes, we know." My dad said chuckling. My parents were good looking people. My mom had tan skin and dark green eyes like me and long curly black hair, she was short though 5'2. I look like mom way more than my dad. My dad was a solid 6'2, he wasn't heavyset but he sure wasn't skinny. He had light brown hair and brown eyes. The rest of my siblings all look like my dad. I was the only one that came out looking like my mom. 

     "Oh, I made desert! And I think one of your sisters did too. They should be here soon, and also your grandparents and the rest of them." My mom said. They still hadn't noticed that Robert was here.  "Well mamma, papa there is someone I want you to meet," I said, suddenly feeling extremely nervous. "What is it dolcezza?" My mom questioned. "I met my mate, and they are here, but before I introduce them there is something you need to's a guy," I said staring at them expectantly waiting for their response. "Well, where is my future son in law then!?" My mom yelled and my dad smiled. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and smiled back to both my parents. "He's in the kitchen." They followed me with the desert they made. When I walked back into the kitchen I saw him standing there with his apron off and a bouquet of flowers I didn't even know he brought with him. "Mamma, papa, this is Robert the Lycan Delta," I said. I looked over and he looked kind of nervous? He smiled his big watt smile at my parents and gave them each a huge hug.

      He handed over the flowers to my mom, which were all yellow tulips which were her favorite. I want to know how he found out, or if it was just a coincidence. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Romano very nice to finally meet you both." He said as sweetly as ever. "Oh no! None of that formal nonsense your family! Call me mamma and papa okay!" My mom grabbed his face and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Whoa, Jacob how did you afford three bottles of this wine!" My papa yelled holding up the bottles. "Actually I didn't, Robert did. Apparently his dad owns the place." I looked over to Robert and he was slightly blushing. "That just means the next family dinner and bring all the wine that he can!" My papa yelled pulling Robert into a hug. I smiled at how easy it was for them to accept him. I looked over at Robert while we are were laughing and we made eye contact and I don't know why but at that moment I knew I wanted to have more moments like these.




     The rest of my family started to show up and I introduced Robert and they all welcomed him with open arms. None of them said anything about him being a guy being a problem and it was a relief? I don't know, I guess I was wanting someone to disagree so that I had a reason to not accept him and I wouldn't feel bad about not wanting him. But do I not want him? I don't not want him...but I can't say I'm ready to come out in front of everyone at work. Because if I accept him, that means we have to mate and I would have to move in with him and I would have to quit my job because the castle is way too far to drive to and fro every day. So much to think about, so much to talk about. Maybe once everyone leaves I will talk to Robert about all of my doubts about this relationship and see his side. But from what I could see he was getting along with everyone, having a conversation and laughing. A small smile appeared on my face as we made eye contact across the room. Man, this night was going to be interesting. 





Alright, what do you guys think? That he is going to accept him? Yes no? maybe so? Do you think it's gonna be that easy? Let me know. Don't forget to like, comment, and follow me for updates! Until the next...


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