Chapter 8

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      It was only 9:30 and Robert and I just finished the tour of the entire complex. I was still flustered from what happened this morning and the fact we were so intimate this morning was still weird to me. "Hey Robert, can we talk for a minute please?" I said pulling him to an empty office. "What's going on Jacob?" Axel purred in my head. Ever since this morning, I can tell Axel and Robert's Lycan have been communicating and getting to strengthen their bond. Making the attractive way stronger than it already was. "Okay look this morning was-" he interrupted me. "Amazing, wonderful, spectacular." He said grabbing my hands and pulling me to him. "It can't happen again, at least not for a while. We are doing too much to fast. We haven't even gone on a date or anything and technically you're still not even my boyfriend. And I feel like a hoe just letting you do all that to me you know? Like I'm not least I don't think I am. Oh my, I sound like a teenaged girl." I sighed and rubbed my temples, that's when he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. 

     I felt safe, and happy when he held me like this. All my worry faded away and I just wanted him to hold me like this forever. "Better?" He chuckled softly. "Look I know this is all a lot to take in. And this morning even though it was probably the most magical moment, but I understand that this is happening fast. And yeah your right we aren't boyfriends, but I would like to change that soon. And then Saturday remember I said I was taking you out? I promise nothing else sexual will happen until we are official." I looked into his eyes and I could see the sincerity in his eyes. "Whoa now, let's not go so far as nothing sexual...just give it a couple more days. Maybe one." I said, and I could feel the blush rising on my cheeks. "You're cute when you blush. I'm going to have to make you do it more." Robert leaned down and kissed my nose. "I feel like such a girl, stop making me blush." I smiled, he moved his hands to my hips and pulled me closer. "Oh trust me, baby, you are no girl. Your little friend down there says otherwise." He winked at me and I blushed again. "Nothing about it is little, I've never had any complaints." I folded my arms and I instantly regretted saying that.

     He pushed me roughly into a wall and his eyes went black and he started growling lowly. His Lycan was fighting for control. "You are MINE! No one else's. All of those girls you were with before are nothing compared to me! Do you understand?!" He said lowly, his hands traveled down over my hard member and rested it there. "No one will ever make you feel the way I make you feel. DO you understand?" I was panting at his aggressiveness with me and I loved it. "Yes." It was airy and low and I was starting to get dizzy and lightheaded. "Say yes sir." He squeezed harder and it felt amazing, but also frustrating because I wanted to release. Needed it. "Yes sir," I said. "LOUDER!" He squeezed harder. "Yes...SIR!" I yelled. I swear I bet the entire office can hear me. 

     He finally let go and those beautiful hazel eyes came back and he backed away. "Good. Now we have work to do." He backed away and left me standing in the office, hot and bothered. Axel was going crazy and was upset at the fact that I didn't let him to more. Today was going to be a long day.


     There were some new werewolves coming in today for their job orientation and Robert went to go talk with Mr. Shefan and Bryan and I were on our way to do that. "What is going on with you lately? I miss my friend it kind of feels like you are blowing me off." Bryan said. "Yeah I'm sorry, things have been crazy. I found my mate so I'm just navigating what it's like to have one." I sighed and I noticed Bryan stopped walking. "YOU FOUND YOUR MATE! Why am I just hearing about this for the first time?" I was trying to calm him down, I saw some people look over at us. "SHH, I'm sorry it's just been weird. it's because its a guy."I said lowly trying to give him the hint. "Now you have to tell me who it is, and I'm serious." He stood there staring me down and I could see he meant it. "Okay just don't freak out. It is Robert...the delta." I said. I waited for his reaction and a huge smile appeared on his face. "Lucky son of a bitch. You are mated to not only a delta but a Lycan? The moon goddess must love you." He said laughing, we continued walking finally and I got him to calm down. "You know you're gonna be the bottom right? No way a dominate guy like him, especially a Lycan, will let you top him."  When he said that my heart dropped to my stomach. Oh gosh. He was right, but I've always been dominate but now I don't know what I'm doing. What if I'm not good at sex with a guy? Oh gosh, and I bet he is huge too and it's not gonna fit. Why would he say this now? I hate everything.

     We made it to the entrance of the sports complex and there were about 10 people standing waiting for us. I really needed to pull it together, I couldn't be thinking about Robert and I in that way and try to do the orientation at the same time. "Hello everyone, my name is Jacob Romano and I am the Sports consultant here and this is Bryan Alexander and he is the Event coordinator. You all have been selected to work under us and that's where we have the most positions. We never had to have them filled before only because there weren't many big events that happen here. But now that we have expanded, Bryan and I will need all the help we can get. Follow me this way." I said, let's get this show on the road.






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