Chapter 2

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I can't believe my mate is a guy...and a delta...and a LYCAN! Why do these things happen to me. I sunk into my chair a little hoping he didn't see me. He looked around the room and his eyes landed on me and it was like no one else is in the room. I knew that he could tell that we were mates. He smirked at me and then he winked. HE WINKED. Who does he think he is? Just because we are mates does not mean I'm going to fall for him. "Good morning everyone. My name is Robert Damien, I'm the delta to Alpha King Damon." He started speaking and his voice was like velvet and it was deep and perfect. I closed my eyes and relished in the sound, even though I hated the fact that it happened. I could tell he noticed and he was smirking again at me. "Anyways, I'm here to help like Mr. Sheffan, fill these empty spots. Also one of my main jobs now is to run Territory affairs which include finding jobs for the thousands of people that moved. This is my first stop because it seems this company has the most open positions. I'm excited and honored to be working closely with each of you." He said with his eyes landing right on mine.

All I did was roll my eyes and continue to ignore him, that was until he asked for me. "Alright so where is the Sports consultant? I need to discuss some things?" He said looking around and landing on mine again. I stood up and fixed my pants. "That would be me." I looked in his eyes and stared him down almost challenging him. I noticed his eyes flicker black slightly and I kinda smirked knowing he was affected by my voice too. "And which one is the Cheif Coordinator?" That's when Marissa stood up and I swear he checked her out. And I felt my heart start to burn in jealousy, oh so he's not gay? But I'm not gay either, but either way he shouldn't be checking out another girl in front of me. I looked at Marissa and she was smirking and checking him out too. Alright I'm over today. "Looks like us three will be working closely together."

I sat back down and pouted because I don't even know why. "Well for those who didn't know there is a ball happening tonight welcoming us Lycans. And I would like to personally invite you all to join tonight at 7. I'll have a list of your names so you can get in." With that,he smiled one last breathtaking smile and walked out and followed by Mr. Sheffan. This has been the worst meeting of my entire life. "Oh Marissa you have an admirer, Mr. Delta was checking you out." Bryan said as we all started to pack out things away. "Yes I know, and I'm super glad that me and him will be working closely together." She said. I just walked out toward the hallway ignoring the rest of their conversation. I was annoyed beyond belief that he would do that. Whatever. I don't even want him as a mate anyway. I have a great girlfriend who is beautiful and you know I might marry her. And then he won't be able to do anything about it can he? Nope. I finally made it back to my office and sat down and my chair praying that this entire day goes by fast.




The day went by relatively quickly, which I am thankful for. Unfortunately, I spent most of the day thinking about that guy that was here earlier. Which again was extremely annoying. It was 4:56 and I thought it was about a good time to get out of this place and head home and I guess get ready for this stupid ball. Bryan came to my door and waited for me to finish packing. "Robert is hot, and I would totally date him." Bryan kept going on and on about him and it was driving me insane. "Alright I get it you think he is hot. I've had enough of Robert for the day thank you." I said with quite an attitude. We got to the bottom of the building and I saw Bethany packing up her things for her to leave also. "Have a goodnight Bethany!" I smiled at her as she waved said goodnight back. I said my goodbyes to Bryan and was just happy to finally go home and be alone and think about what happened today.

I made it home and pulled into the driveway and with an irritated sigh I saw my girlfriend Ashley's car in front of my garage. This was the last thing I needed right now. I just wanted to be alone and I don't want her asking questions like what did I do at work today. Because I was not prepared to answer that. I walked in my house and set my things down and smelled that she was cooking dinner. She was standing in the kitchen over a stove wearing an apron and a tight black dress. "Hey baby, how was work?" Ugh dang it. "Work was good. You shouldn't have cooked though, I was invited to the ball tonight. But thank you for the gesture." I said kissing her forehead...honestly wishing it was Robert I was coming home to. "Oh silly, they don't serve food at the ball. It just a fancy way of saying dance. And make sure to get your nicest tux and I brought one of my dresses too." She with a huge smile on her face. She loved the royal family and everything to do with them. "Okay then." I said smiling at her.

Dinner was simple, just spaghetti and garlic bread, her usual go to dinner. I think this is the only thing she knows how to cook honestly. "Okay well, you should go get dressed so I can help you with your tie and then I need to change too." Ashley said smiling if you can't tell she is excited. I got up and put the plates in the sink and went up to my room and found my favorite tux, gotta look good right? It was all black with a white button-up underneath. I slid my black dress shoes and walked down to see Ashley wearing another black dress. This one was off the shoulder and tighter and went to her knees. She let her brunette hair in waves and had red heels on. She looked good. "Alrighty ready to go?" I asked her. She just nodded and followed me to the car. All of a sudden my stomach started to hurt and I got nervous again. Tonight was going to be interesting.




We finally made it to the other side of the territory which took about an hour since they lived on the outskirts so they can have privacy. There was valet parking so I gave the young man my keys and helped Ashley out the car. I looked around and there were so many rich people here and the smell of Lycan filled my nose. "Hey! Jacob." I turned and saw Bryan walk up to me. "Hey man." I said. Ashley grabbed my hand and all three walked into the castle, which was huge by the way. I wonder what it would be like to live here. We were shown where the ballroom was and it was gorgeous. It was decorated gold and black, and everyone was wearing these elegant gowns and Tuxedoes, to say we were underdressed was an understatement. "Well, maybe I should have worn a different dress, maybe get one on lease." Ashley said looking around. I could sense she was getting self-conscious. "Hey don't worry, you look beautiful," I said then giving her hand a tight squeeze. "Thanks babe."

The night started with a speech from the Lycan King which was underwhelming if I say so myself. Probably had some girls he wanted to flirt with. They started playing some music and me and Bryan and Ashley met up with some other coworkers. Some of them being Bethany and her mate Austin, and of course Marissa. Marissa is wearing a red gown that is strapless and mermaid style. Her hair was in a high slick pony, with barely any makeup...cause she didn't need any. "Oh Jacob and Bryan you guys look handsome. And who is this you brought?" Marissa asked looking at Ashley. "This is my girlfriend Ashley, Ashley this is my coworker Marissa." I said looking down at her. Ashley was nervous and I had no idea why she is normally a big people person. I looked over at Marissa and she had this huge smile on her face as she looked at my girlfriend...uh okay? "Hi nice to meet you..." She said quietly reaching her hand out to shake Marissa's hand. This is awkward and I'm confused. "Well now that we are introduced lets' dance!" Bryan yelled and we all followed him to the dance floor.

We spent hours on the floor dancing whether it was by ourselves or each other. Ashley was currently grinding on me, and I was kind of enjoying it. But I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if Robert saw me. I was trying to focus on my girlfriend but I couldn't focus because I felt someone staring. I looked around and I didn't see anyone other than Marissa dancing with Bryan but she was staring right at Ashley. A slow song started to play and I told Ashley that I was going to get a drink and use the bathroom. I walked into the hallway and then finally found the bathroom. I did what I needed to do and then looked in the mirror to fix my hair. I added some water to my curls cause they were getting a little frizzy. Then all of a sudden the door opens and in walks the man I've been dreading.





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