Chapter 18

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       I woke up and there was light coming in through the windows. I sat up slowly and started wincing, that's when the memories of last night fled into my mind. Robert and I mated last night and now it is official. I got up slowly and walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I had hickeys everywhere, and I mean everywhere. I looked at my neck and I saw my mark and I started to tear up. It was beautiful, it was an outline of a pair of fangs. I got in the shower and washed my body clean. I got out and put on a pair of underpants and a T-shirt. Robert was still sleeping in bed and I decided to do something nice and cook breakfast. The mountains were sparkling with snow from the sun shining on it. I decided to make from scratch blueberry pancakes. While I was cooking I was thinking about last night. We had sex at least 8 times last night, Robert wanted to go more but I just couldn't handle it anymore. 

        Once the pancakes were done I put them on the table and went upstairs to get Robert and wake him up. He was laying on his back with his hair sprawled out on the pillows and his private area is the only thing that is covered. I went and sat on the side of the bed and ran my fingers through his hair. "Robert, wake up please," I said, he started to move around and finally his eyes fluttered open. "Wow, you are easy to wake up." I chuckled lightly and gave him a small kiss on his lips and pulled away quickly. "Nooo, come back I want more." He begged and pouted. "I cooked breakfast. Also, I'm still sore." I said winking at him and got off the bed. He got up and stretched and put on a pair of sweats. "That means I did my job." He winked back at me and smacked my butt as he walked out of the room. 

         After we ate breakfast we were both pretty full and we were trying to find something to do. "I don't want to do much because I can barely walk," I said to him. He really did a number on me last night. "Actually I was thinking that today you could meet Augusta today..." He said softly. Why didn't I think of that earlier? This where he grew up, of course, she would be here. "Of course baby, I would love to." I gave him a small smile and his face lit up. "She is the cutest thing, I know you are going to fall in love with her." He was about to get up but I stopped him. "Tell me about the mom," I said to him, his whole face changed and he sat back down. "I knew this was going to come up but I was hoping it was later." I was confused. "What do you mean?" I asked him.

       "Her name is Allison and we met when we were both 16 and we were together for five years. It was serious and I truly thought we were mates. But when I moved here some months ago we thought it best for us to break it off and just stay in touch for Augusta's sake. But the plan was if I didn't have my mate by my 26th birthday then I would officially mark her." I just sat there staring at him. I didn't know how to feel about this. "Well, when is your birthday?" I asked him. I can't believe I don't know when it is. "Tomorrow." My eyes literally popped out of my head. "Okay, so what is your plan here? You are home like you said you would be. And you're just going to walk in and be like 'oh yeah, by the way, this is my mate and it's a guy' and then says 'oh yeah I'm gay' but then just leave?" I asked him. "Well not like that. I just thought that me bringing you here and meeting you would make the process easier." I could see that this was hard on him. "Well, I really don't agree with how this happened and I wish I would have known earlier. But I understand why you were worried. But I just have one more question. Were you still in love with her when you met me?" I asked him. He grabbed my hands and leaned closer to me. "I stopped loving her the moment your scent hit my nose. Trust me I have no feelings for her. And what I felt for her is nothing compared to how I feel for you." That made my heart jump and I leaned forward and kissed him.


        We both were dressed and I was currently stress cleaning the kitchen. Augusta and her mom were on their way and I was nervous as hell. I hope Augusta liked me and we got along. And I hope Alison isn't a crazy hoe when she sees me. I mean I basically stole her man, her baby daddy. Now that I think about it, I am the hoe. Robert had his hair down and it was getting pretty long actually. "What are you thinking about Hippo?" He asked me wrapping his arms around me from behind. "I just hope she likes me." I put the rag down and turned to look at him. "Which one?" He asked me. "Both, honestly." We both chuckled and he pulled me into a hug. "Don't stress, I love you and they will too." I nodded and gave him a small peck on his lips and smiled. Then the doorbell rang and my heart jumped out of my chest. Robert pulled away and walked toward the front door. I went to the living room and stood there out of sight. He opened the door and I heard a cute little scream of joy. "Daddy!" I saw these two little arms go up and Robert leaned down to grab them. "Hi, baby girl." His face lit up when he saw her, it made me happy and excited and want to start a family of our own. "Hey, Berty." There was a soft voice that I assumed to belong to Allison. "Oh come on, you know I hate that." He leaned in and gave her a hug and I did get a little jealous. 

       "I missed you. And now your back, and the day before your birthday. Does that mean?" I know what she was talking about and I could see Robert get stiff. "I need to talk with you about that. There is someone I want you to meet." Hey stepped back and closed the door. Allison was beautiful, she had strawberry colored hair that was naturally curly and bright green eyes. Augusta looked just like her mom. "You met your mate?" I could hear the disappointment in her voice. He just nodded and gave him a small smile. "Well let me met her." Oh gosh, she said her. Robert just laughed and started walking to the living room and my heart started beating faster. "Augusta, I want you to meet someone who is very important to me." He said. "More important than me?" She started to pout and I could see she is such a daddy's girl. I have my work cut out for me. "Of course not beautiful. But he is just the same okay?" She nodded and smiled again. "He?" Allison said and she and I made eye contact. "Oh, he." I waved my hand at them and smiled.

        "Hi, I am Jacob. Nice to meet you." Augusta put her head in Robert's neck, she seemed shy. Allison stood there in shock and just looked between us. "Robert, your gay?" I bet this was all so confusing for her. "Nope, I'm just gau for Jacob. Trust it was a surprise to me too. But I am happy." Robert looked at me and my heart fluttered. "Yeah, I wasn't gay either." I chimed in. She gave me a smile and sat down on the couch and I followed and so does Robert. "Augusta can you say hi?" He asked her. She leaned up and walked over to me. "Are you dating my daddy?" She asked me, her green eyes show she is protective. "Yes, I am." I gave her a smile. "Do you like him?" She crossed her arms and waited for my answer. Oh yeah, she is sassy. "Can I tell you a secret?" I leaned to her ear as her little eyes lit up with excitement. "I love your daddy." I leaned back and there was a giant smile on her face. "Shh don't tell him." She nodded with excitement, how cute. "I promise Daddy number 2!" She wrapped her little arms around my neck and I could have almost started crying. 

       She pulled away and went back to Robert. "Hey Augusta, go play. We need to have grown up talk." Robert said. "Grown-up talk is boring." Robert laughed at her and gave her a kiss on the forehead and she ran away to where I guess the toys are. "You could have just called and told me. You didn't need to come all the way here." Allison spoke up and leaned back with her arms crossed. "I wanted Jacob to meet Augusta before she comes and stays with me. I didn't want it to be overwhelming." Robert said grabbing my hand. "I get it, I wish things were different though. No disrespect to you Jacob, you seem great. But Berty I love you and I always will." She shrugged, and it stung my heart hearing her say she loved him. "You just haven't found your mate yet. And when you do then you are going to truly be in love." I felt bad for her, it must be hard knowing the person you love, your child's father is happy with someone else. "It's not that, I know who my mate is. I just wish it was you." Now, wait just a minute.

       "You know who your mate is and yet you are still in love with Robert?" I had to say something. "Of course, I can't imagine my life without him." I could see Allison was close to crying. "I get it Allison, it must be hard seeing him with me here. I don't want to sound rude but you can't keep holding on to something that isn't going to happen. I would love for this blended family thing and co-parenting to work. I want to be your friend and not your enemy. But I need your cooperation here." I felt Robert's eyes on the side of my face and I could see the corner of his lip turn up. "I get it, I understand. You are his mate, and I need to respect it." Wow, that went better than I thought. "Augusta come here!" She yelled and all I heard was two little feet running back. "Yes, mommy?" She asked her. "Go tell daddy bye-bye, we have to go." Augusta's eyes started to water and she immediately started crying. "No! I don't want to leave yet!" She started having a tantrum and I had no idea what to do. "You have to ask Jacob if it is okay for you to stay the night with them." She stopped screaming and immediately looked at me with a pouty face that I couldn't resist. "Of course you can stay the night." She screamed out in happiness and ran to me and gave me a hug. "Thank you daddy number 2!" I laughed at that, we are gonna have to find a name for me now. 









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