Chapter 15

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       I didn't mean to say it, it just slipped out. I stood there staring at Robert and him staring right back at me. I was waiting for him to say something back, well say IT back. Instead, he just grabbed the tomatoes and the rest of the cart toward the checkout. He didn't say anything. Wow, Jacob, could you make things any worse? We stood in the checkout line in silence. We went to the car in silence. I am starting to think that maybe he didn't hear me? And maybe that's why he didn't say anything. We made it back to the house but again in silence. I helped grab the grocery bags brought them to the kitchen. "So I said something earlier, I don't know if you heard it but if you did then...well--uh--" Before I could finish my thought he cut me off. "I heard what you said." Oh, he did well which makes me feel even worse. He walked toward me and I walked backward until I was backed up against the wall. "I didn't say anything because I knew if I had, I would have attacked you right in the produce aisle. Say it again." He put his hands on my hips and pushed his body flush onto mine. When I didn't answer him soon enough I saw his eyes go slightly black. "Say. It. Again." He moved closer to me, his lips inches from mine. I leaned forward and looked him in the eyes. "I love you," I said. He connected our lips finally and it was soft and slow and meaningful.

      He pulled away too soon and stood there locking eyes with me. My heart was beating fast and my wolf was waiting in anticipation to see if he will say it back. "I love you too." I let out a sigh of relief and Robert looked at me confused. "I just didn't think you would say it back," I told him honestly. "Hippo, I was just upset that I didn't say it first. I have loved you since the first night we met at the ball. I didn't want to seem crazy if I did say something too soon."I smiled at him, I loved how open he was being with me and at the nickname. "Let's finish putting groceries away." I grabbed his hand and went back to the kitchen. We were in a comfortable silence putting groceries away. "Where is someplace you have always wanted to go?" He asked me. "I have always wanted to go somewhere during the wintertime. To see snow for the first time would be great, well like in the mountains and go skiing, and snowboarding. Have you been?" I said to him. "Well, the Lycan territory was based in America, Colorado. I basically grew up with snowy mountains." He went and sat down on the couch and I sat next to him. 

      "Do you miss it?" I asked him. "All the time, there is something about the mountains that makes me feel free. I had a close-knit family. I was only ever around Lycans, people like me who understood what I was going through. Then when the whole thing with Damon's brother happened and we all moved here and it was a culture shock. Werewolves are weird." I laughed at that. "Yes, we are kind of weird," I said grabbing his hand. "We should go. Take me to your home town and show me where you grew up. Are there Lycan's still there?" I would love to make a trip for us to take before Augusta comes to stay with us. "Yeah, not all the Lycans came with us, there are some friends there, well family, that I would love to see. But maybe another day, like next year." He said. "Yeah sure." Welp, there goes my idea. "Alright come on love, let's take a nap." We both stood up and walked up the stairs to his room. I went to his drawer and grabbed a pair of gray sweatpants to change into. I walked into the bathroom and took off my clothes. I didn't grab a shirt only because I was trying to get something started. If you know what I mean. 

         I pulled the sweatpants and they did exactly what I needed to do. It made me look like how I needed it. I walked out of the bathroom and Robert was there in a pair of black sweatpants, with a shirt on. He had his hair put up into a bun and was already laying in the bed waiting for me. "No shirt?" He smirked at me and leaned and took his off. "Also nice sweats." He looked down and looked back up and licked his lips. "You're not making this easy." I climbed in the bed next to him and pulled up the comforter. "What are you talking about, I am just getting comfortable," I said to him. "Not yet beautiful, weren't you the one that said you wanted it to be special?" He asked me kissing me on the forehead. "And that means we can't fool around?" I put my hand on his chest and started to run it up and down. I saw him close his eyes and growl lowly. "I wouldn't be able to control myself." I rolled my eyes and I pulled my hand away. "Fine, since you want to be all honorable and crap." I snuggled back into his chest and closed my eyes. He laughed lowly and pulled me closer. "Go to sleep Hippo."


       I woke up and Robert was gone from the bed. I got up and walked downstairs to see him sitting lazily on the couch watching TV. "What the heck how long have you been awake?" I asked him. "Only a couple minutes, come sit love." He patted the seat next to him. I walked over and instead of sitting down next to him I sat on top of him straddling his waist. He looked at me questioningly and put the remote down and put his hands on my hips. "What's going on hippo?" He asked me. I really didn't know why I sat down on him, it wasn't to get anything physical started but I just needed to be near him. I leaned my head into his neck and breathed in his scent that sent me into a whole nother world. "I just need to be near you." I gave him a small kiss on his neck and I heard him hum in contentment. He chuckled lowly and moved his hands to my back and rubbed it. "And so it begins." He said to me. "What are you talking about?" I looked up at him and moved his hair out of his face. 

        "It was in the packet, you will start to become, well needy. Your hormones are changing and it is going to make it harder for you to keep your hands off me. And you are becoming more submissive to me." He said rubbing my back soothingly. "Well, work is going to suck then. If I have to be around you all the time then how can I handle a 9-5 job and you not be around all the time?" I asked him. "You will just have to wear something of mine then. My scent will calm your wolf down, and you. You can wear one of my shirts, or jackets, it's up to you." He shrugged and pulled me back to his neck. "Just know that if you ever need me then just come to my office and I will take care of you. But if that doesn't work then quit. You can be a stay at home dad with our future kids." He laughed at me. "Quit? Yeah no." I rolled my eyes at him. "You would be such a cute stay at home dad. Or would you like dada more? Or daddy? Wait, nevermind that one is mine." He winked at me, and I blushed slightly. "I love how you still get embarrassed when I flirt with you." 









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