Chapter 14

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       We just finished breakfast and we were sitting in the living room lazying around. "You are going to make me fat," Robert said and pulled me closer. "You, with a dad bod? Hot." I said looking up to him and giving him a kiss. "So I read the packet this morning." I leaned and grabbed it again. "Oh yeah? Very informational right?" He said. "Yeah. Very. Just one thing, when I am pregnant and start to show there is no way I am going to go out in public." Robert found that hilarious. "Why love? I am sure you will look so cute pregnant." I rolled my eyes at him. "Basically what this is saying is that my body is going to change and I am basically going to look like a girl now." I was kind of irritated at that, I like my body how it is. "Oh trust me, you are no girl." He leaned in and pressed his lips onto mine, it was soft and sensual. I pulled away because it was not the time. "Oh come on. Give me some love I've been deprived." He pouted at me and I couldn't help but laugh about it. "Move in with me," Robert said so suddenly that I was taken aback by it. "What?" I looked up at him and he was being serious. "Move. In. With me. We have been apart way too long. Taking this way too slow. We both know how we feel about each other but we are both scared. But I'm not anymore. Move-in with me." Robert got up and to a drawer and pulled out a spare key. 

       He handed it to me and waited for my answer. I stood up and took it from him. "You're right." I grabbed his face and kissed him. "Yes, I will move in with you." The man's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Next weekend?" He asked. "Yeah, next weekend." 


       It was later in the afternoon and Robert and I have been doing nothing all day. "I need to go run some errands. You know I have only been here for a couple of months, and there is one room I need to finish. I was wondering if you would go with me to shop for Augusta, our daughter." My heart fluttered when he said our daughter. "Our?" I just needed to make sure I was hearing it right. "Just as she is mine, she is yours too." He gave me a kiss on my nose and pulled away. "Is that a yes? I just need to get some decorations for her room and get clothes. Nothing too much." He said. "Of course. Let me get dressed." 

         After I had got dressed, I put on a pair of khaki's and a navy polo, with tan Sperry's. Robert had changed too, he was wearing dark blue jeans and a black v-neck, and black tennis shoes. He had his hair down and it framed his face perfectly. I loved when he wore his hair down. "You ready?" I nodded and followed him to the garage. "Which car?" And by which car, he meant which car! There was almost every style in there. I choose the white 2020 Model Y Tesla. "Definitely this one." I was basically drooling. "Gosh, this is sexy." I heard growling and I looked over to Robert and his eyes were black. "Are you seriously jealous right now? It's a car!" I was laughing uncontrollably, he really was upset. "The only time that word should ever come out of your mouth is when you are talking about me." His voice was low and demanding and But I won't ever tell him that. "Okay sorry jeez. Can we go now?" I rolled my eyes at him, and he finally unlocked the door. I smirked at him and slid in the car. "Where to first?" I asked. "The happiest place on earth...Ikea." Oh hell yes.


       When I saw those big yellow letters, a wave of happiness took over my body. Ikea baby. "I am so happy, you don't understand." I was bouncing up and down in the chair I couldn't suppress my joy. "If I had known you would get this happy I would have brought you here sooner." Robert laughed at me. We pulled into a parking spot and I basically jumped out of the car and ran inside. I was in heaven. "So what is Augusta's favorite color?" I asked Robert and we looked through all the kid's stuff. "How about we do a baby pink, gray and white?" I suggested. "Ohh I like that." He said. We walked around and we found a full-size bed and found baby pink and gray comforter for the bed. We saw white flower lamps, and many throw pillows. A few other decorations that matched. "When is Augusta coming to visit?" I asked as we went through the checkout. "In a month, she is in pre-school and it makes me feel old. She spends the summer with me which is two months long. So no more alone time...for a while." That is one of the downsides of having kids, that means this mating is going to have to happen before then, and soon. 

       I think he could tell that I was slightly nervous at this fact. "Oh come on, calm down love. Everything will be fine, you are going to be a great dad." Robert put his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. "I don't know...I'm feeling a little weird watching another persons' kid," I said. "Whoa now, she is just as much as yours now as she is mine," Robert said grabbing the shopping bags and headed back to the car, the bed was going to be delivered during the week. "Robert, I am just scared," I told him honestly and got into the car. "I know love, but I will be right here with you the entire time." He grabbed my hand and gave it a slight squeeze. "I was thinking that next week you have your family come over, and then have like a house warming at my place or something?" He said and I am thankful for the subject change. "My family will definitely like that, they miss you," I said. "Oh and you can cook this time," I smirked at him and I guess he was extremely happy about that. "Oh yes, bought to whip out my mad cooking skills," Robert said jokingly. 

        "Can I just say you look really good today?" Robert said winking at me. "Oh?" I laughed at him a little bit. "You always look good though, especially last night. Sexiest thing I have ever seen. I have no idea how I liked girls before. And I also don't know how I didn't rip you to shreds last night."I started laughing, but I could see he was being serious. "Yeah, I'm surprised too," I said smirking at him. "Oh well, if I had known that's what you wanted I would have given it to you," Robert smirked. "I'm kind of glad it didn't happen though, I want our first time to be special, real, and you know." I shrugged my shoulders hoping he would get what I am trying to say. "Oh, I get it alright." We pulled into the target parking lot to go grocery shopping for dinner tonight and tomorrow. "What are we thinking beautiful?" Robert asked as he grabbed my hand and led me into the store. I loved this affectionate side of him, especially in public. I have gotten so comfortable around him that the stares don't matter as much to me.

       "I want to make pizza, homemade pizza. It would be super cute." I said to him. "You're such a nerd," Robert said as we went to get the ingredients. "I want pepperoni on mine, and maybe a veggie one. Like I would make two medium pizzas. You know?" I said to him. "What a hungry hippo. I think that is going to be your new nickname." I looked up at him laughing. "Hippo? Are you saying I am fat?" I crossed my arms and gave him a slight attitude. He grabbed me and pulled me to him. "The only thing 'fat' about you, is your ass." He smacked it as he grabbed tomatoes for our marinara sauce. I started laughing and looked up at him and before I even knew what I was saying it slipped out. "I love you."








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