PROOF- Peter Parker

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Original auther: Marvel Trash™

Prompt: Reader is the child of Tony Stark. While talking to Peter one day you discover that Flash is bullying him, and decide to take matters into your own hands by showing up to Liz Allen’s party to put an end to it. 

If asked, most high school students would say that math is their least favorite subject. But for teenage genius Peter Parker, gym was the one class he truly loathed. Of course, it all got easier once he got bitten by the spider and gained super abilities, but he had to keep it in check as a way to avoid suspicion. 

But as he laid on the sweaty mat talking with Ned about how he just could not believe that he was Spider-Man, he did the exact opposite of avoiding suspicion. 

“Peter knows Spider-Man!” Ned blurted as a result of overhearing Liz Allen talk about how cool she thought the masked super-hero was. All eyes turned to Peter and he wanted nothing more than to shrivel up into a ball and die. He glared momentarily at Ned, before jumping to his feet and taking a few steps towards Liz and her group of friends sitting on the bottom rows of the bleachers. 

“You know Spider-Man?” Liz asked before Peter could even think about stuttering out a response. Peter knew all eyes were on him without even looking around. 

Damn it, Ned. He cursed in his head. Why did you have to yell so loud?

“I mean, kinda?” It came out more as a question. It made sense that he sounded so confused, he didn’t know what to say. Technically, he did know Spider-Man. But telling everyone that he did felt like he was abusing the privilege of being Spider-Man. A battle between his two options waged inside his head until his next sentence just tumbled out of his lips. “Yeah, I’ve actually met him a few times during the Stark Internship.”

“Right, and I’m sure you know (Y/n) Stark, too.” Flash teased sarcastically as he sauntered his way over. Peter rolled his eyes, Flash was the last person he wanted in the room. His arrogant demeanor made him want to say that yeah, he did know (Y/n). And yeah, they were on a first name basis, friends even. But he elected to keep his mouth tightly shut. Besides, Ned was doing enough talking for the both of them. 

“Yeah, Peter is friends with Spider-Man. (Y/n), too.” Ned announced and all heads shot to him once again. Flash laughed sarcastically and Peter visibly grimaced. 

“If you’re such good friends with them, invite them to Liz’s party.” Flash grinned as he taunted him. Peter’s eyes darted to Liz, who had until this point watched the conversation with a small frown on her face. 

“I’m having a party at my house this weekend. You and Ned are welcome to come, if you want.” Liz spoke up. Peter nodded his head, disbelief that he was actually being invited to Liz Allen’s party. Suddenly, the bell rang and ended Peter’s torment. 

You sat alone on the couch in the Avengers Facility while a movie you’d seen a thousand times droned on in the background. Things had definitely changed since the Civil War between the Avengers. Your dad was rarely around, Natasha had moved to the Barton farm to help out with Laura and Clint’s kids, Rhodey spent almost all his time in physical therapy, and all Vision did was mope around about Wanda. You couldn’t even bare to think about what happened to the other half of the Avengers. The other half of your family. 

As if a switch had been flicked inside you, your blank stare on the television broke. 

“FRIDAY, who’s currently in the building?” You asked. You wouldn’t let yourself sit in sadness any longer, and bothering whoever was in the building seemed like the best distraction.

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