Sugar, Spice & Everthing Nice Pt. 2 - Peter Parker

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As you were leaving for the day the next day, a folded piece of paper attached to a web dropped down in front of your face. Normally, a thing like that might make you scream. But your name was written on the note and the webs could only belong to one person. You took the note off of the web and opened it. A shy smile took over your face when you read his note. For so long, he'd been a fantasy. A childish crush on a neighborhood hero. Now, you and Spider-Man were swapping flirty notes containing terrible baking puns. You held the note against your heart and beamed. You let out a squeal and spun around. Walking in the direction of your house, you reread the note over and over. The sound of footprints from above you tore you from your dreamy trance.

"Wait!" You called, looking up but not seeing anything. The footsteps came to a halt.

"This web had to come from someone, and its either Spider-Man or a really flirty spider. I'm hoping it's the former." You projected your voice while looking around at every corner for where the masked hero would be hiding. "Please come out? I want to see you."

You heard feet slap the pavement behind you. You jumped out of surprise and whipped around. There stood Spider-Man, in his suit and a worn out backpack. He approached you slowly, since you stood frozen on the pavement. When he came closer, close enough for you to see the fine details on his suit, he gave you a shy wave.

"Hi." He said with a crack in his voice. He cleared his throat. "Hi. Hey. How's, uh, hows it going?" He stammered.

"Spider-Man." You said stupidly. Well no duh.

"That's me." He said meekly.

"That's you." You broke out of your frozen position and smiled at him, blinking rapidly to pull yourself together. It was really him. In the flesh, standing before you. His voice was younger than you'd imagined, and a little higher. Maybe your own hope was clouding your judgement, but he sounded familiar. Almost like you'd know him from somewhere. "I'm sorry. I was just gonna drop the note down and go, but uh, I wanted to see your reaction." Spider-Man said as he rubbed the back of his neck. A crimson blush rushed to your cheeks.

"So you saw me spinning around like a damn fool?" You asked. He laughed at your words.

"I wouldn't say fool." Spider-man kicked a rock and swung his arms around, reminding you of a child acting shy. "Though, it was pretty flattering. Those were just words on a page and you acted like I got down on one knee and pulled out a ring."

"You might as well have." You stated. "I've admired you for so long now. If I'm honest, I'll probably have this note framed by the next time I see you."

Spider-Man let out a shocked laugh.

"Really?" He squeaked. He cleared his voice again and lowered his voice. "I mean, really? You admire me? That's, that's pretty cool." He said in a nonchalant manner.

"Pretty cool?" You inquired.

"Okay it's the coolest thing ever." Peter admitted. "I just think you're really cool. And you make awesome cupcakes. So it's cool."

"You know, no ones in the bakery right now and I have the key." You said slowly as an idea formed in your brain. "If you'd like, I could teach you how to make them."

"I'd like that." Spider-Man replied. "I'd like that a lot."

He followed you back towards the bakery. You walked in front, so he couldn't see the faces you made as you began to think through what you were doing. You just invited a stranger to come back to your place of work to make cupcakes with you. What if he was an axe murderer?

"Hey, you're not an axe murderer or anything, right?" You turned around to face him and began to walk backwards.

"Not that I know of." He shrugged. You laughed at his response, causing him to laugh.

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