king and Queen (pt.1)- draco malfoy

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The scenery behind the window was a moving blur, green and blue mixing into something you couldn't quite make out.

"-When I was in Spain I saw this gorgeous designer bag that I just had to get. Sure, it's muggle made, but I'm telling you it's absolutely to die for...-"

"-And again I can't seem to shake off the drowsiness. Do you think I might be sick?-"

"-My parents had a laugh about that nutcase Harry Potter...-"

"-Honestly, I'm scared going back to Hogwarts. That Harry Potter is completely off the rocket!...-"

And it went on and on and on. The Slytherin compartment was full of gossiping young males and females, but you didn't feel like joining in the conversation. Lazily, you stared out the window with unblinking, tired (color) eyes, your arms crossed over your chest.

"-My father is furious-" Ah yes, Draco Malfoy. Even if his arm was wrapped around your waist, your side practically pressing to his, you refused to look at the ice blond boy. You refused to even listen to him.

You were always known as the stoic Princess, never really saying a word just looking down at people as if they were ants. You smiled frequently, though most of the time it was as fake as your intolerance for mudbloods and bloodtrators - in all honesty you didn't care about any of that pureblood-mudblood crap, but being a popular Slytherin left you no choice but to shut your mouth and silently agree with the popular beliefs.

Just like now.

Draco was never the best boyfriend, but he respected you. Or so you thought.

Just thinking about what happened a few weeks prior made your blood boil, skin heating up red. You frowned at the window, disliking how close Draco was to you.

And yet he was as oblivious to your displeasure as anyone else on the train. After all, you were (Name) Chavarone, of the Italian strictly pureblood family that had positions of high ranking officers and Death Eaters by the dozens, whilst he was Draco Malfoy, his history similar to your own - you were a match made in heaven. This was how it was meant to be. This was how it was supposed to be.

"(Name), are you listening?" The annoying voice of Pansy made you immediately snap to her. She was the reason of your hatred. She was the reason why your last two weeks of summer vacation were ruined.

If only she hadn't snogged Draco, then maybe you'd still consider her a friend.

But alas, you couldn't push her away, even if she backstabbed you. You knew she liked him, but for him to like her too-

Enough, (Name), calm down you thought, mentally exhaling and fixing a pained smile on your pretty face.

"Sorry, I was a bit... Dazed." You finished after a light pause, narrowing your (color) eyes to stare her down. She smiled, shaking her dark head lightly.

"It's alright." She assured "I can understand why." She added, her eyes sparing a glance at where Draco's arm rested, but quickly looking away.

Again, you couldn't push neither her, nor him away, even if you wanted to so badly.

"What were you discussing?" You figured taking your mind of the betrayal will do you good. After all, you couldn't just stare out the window forever and ignore everyone around you - people will start to think you're as crazy as Harry Potter.

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