swim down -oliver wood

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Author: moonylove13

Fred Weasley sneaked his head through the portrait and looked both ways to make sure the coast was clear.

“Alright, Percy’s gone” he whispered before walking out of the portrait followed by George, Lee, Angelina, Katie, Alicia, Oliver and (Y/N).

“How do you guys know where Percy went?” Katie asked him.

“We don’t” Fred and George replied.

“Well, then how do you know when he’ll be back?” Alicia asked a bit nervous.

“We don’t” they said at the same time.

“Being bad feels pretty good, huh?” George asked smirking.

“Shh! Guys, shut up, somebody is going to hear us” Angelina whispered as the group of friends walked through one of the secret passages the twins had shown them.

“Nobody comes through here, we’re fine” George assured her.

“I don’t really know how settling that is since you guys get caught continuously” (Y/N) said walking a little behind of the group with Oliver by her side.

“Don’t you trust us, (Y/N), dear?” Fred said placing his hand on her shoulders; both of them not noticing a certain brown-haired wizard glaring a little at them.

“Why of course I do, Freddie” she said mockingly as she wrapped her arm around his waist.

“We’re here” George said standing in front of the Hufflepuff Common Room. The four girls looked at them confused.

Why are we here?” Alicia asked.

“Well, Hufflepuff is throwing a party because of their victory against Slytherin and Diggory invited us because he said they won today since we pointed out Slytherin’s weakness to them and that helped them” Oliver explained.

“Translation?” Angelina said looking at (Y/N).

“Most likely a bunch of girls invited the guys and they brought us along so they could get drunk and we’d get them back safe to Gryffindor” she stated.

“Hey!” the four of them said offended. “That is not how it happened!” Oliver told her but before she could reply, the door opened revealing a group of girls, led by Susan Bones, that giggled and looked dreamily at the four boys standing there.

“Hey, you guys made it” Susan said never taking her eyes off Oliver. (Y/N) turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Shut up” he said ignoring her and turning to the girls.

“Hello, ladies” George and Fred said smirking at them.

“Come on in” they said leading them inside.

The eight friends stepped inside the big room decorated with Hufflepuff’s colors. The party was already in full mode and they didn’t hesitate to follow the other ones’ steps. Throughout the entire time Susan Bones hadn’t left Oliver’s side; something that hadn’t passed (Y/N)’s attention.

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