Prom Steve Harrington

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Original auther: nailriddenbat

Prom was ending. Groups of teenagers rushed out of the dance hall while couples lingered behind, determined to share the last two dances together. With their bodies moving slowly and their heads pressed together, they were sharing whispers of love and promises. It was practically a picture perfect moment.

Then there was you, Y/N Henderson.

You sat off to the side at a round table pushed far back into the room. Your dress was perfect and your hair was perfect. You glanced down at your hands, your nails fresh and polished. That was perfect too. But you were alone and this night had been far from perfect.

Earlier in the night, you had wandered through the crowd with your clutch under your arm and a glass of punch in your hand. You looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of your date, and eventually found him out in the hall with other classmates. They were laughing as they passed a flask around, heads thrown back. You took a deep breath before stepping up to him, tapping him on the shoulder to say, “Hey. I couldn’t find you in there, almost thought I lost you.”

Billy Hargrove turned around, a smirk etched onto his face. “Y/N,” he said in a long drawl.

He was drunk. Plastered. Wasted. Inebriated.

You smiled up at him nervously. “You okay, Billy?” you asked, almost worried about what sort of answer you would get.

“Oh I’m great,” Billy reassured you as he slipped his arm around your shoulders. “Listen…” he trailed off as he led you away from the others. “I know that we had plans for after prom, but Tommy over there,” he stopped to point at his friend, whose face was twisted in disgust as he held the flask up to his mouth, “Well Tommy’s throwing a house party, so I think I’m going to go there instead.”

Your heart dropped into your stomach. Blinking rapidly, you pushed his arm from around you as you spoke in a low tone, “Billy I already bought the tickets for the amusement park. It’s for their after prom special, and I can’t get my money back.”

“Well you can still go!” Billy said optimistically, waving his hand as he began to walk backwards to the group. “Have a great time. Really. I hate amusement parks anyway.”

You opened your mouth to speak again but by that point, Billy and the others had migrated further down the hall. Your eyes watered as your shoulders began to tremble, inhaling suddenly as you looked up at the ceiling to blink the tears away. You shut your eyes tight as you whispered to yourself, “Shit.”

You were called out of your little trip down memory lane by Mr. Clark, your little brother’s science teacher who had been recruited to chaperone this evening’s prom.

“Y/N, are you okay?”Mr. Clark reached out to you, concern filling his entire face.

You wiped away the lone tear that you didn’t even realize fell and nodded your head, trying to clear your throat. “I’m good, Mr. Clark.” Liar.

He smiled slightly, “Well the last dance is coming up. You might want to gather your things so they don’t sweep you out of here when they come in to clean. Do you have a ride home?”

“I do, yes,” you answered his question, sitting up straight in the chair. “I’ll be out of here soon.”

Mr. Clark nodded his head slowly, patting you on the shoulder before walking away. You rolled your eyes, annoyed by your own behavior and you began muttering to yourself, “Get yourself together, Y/N. This is what everyone warned you about. Did you listen? No.”

You leaned down to slip your shoes back on before standing up. You grabbed your clutch, making sure you had everything you needed before heading for the exit. A second later Ed Sheeran’s voice filled the room, the song ‘Perfect’ beginning to play.

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