hands off

56 1 0

Auther: bradshawsbaby

“Another round over here, hot stuff!”

You did your best to refrain from rolling your eyes, making your way over to the table in the back, where one of the most obnoxious men you’d ever encountered in your life was snickering with his friends. Setting your tray down on the table, you began clearing away their empty glasses, your chin held high as you did everything in your power to ignore their leering glances. You had purposely worn a pair of high-waisted jeans and a T-shirt with The Hard Deck’s logo on it, one that completely shielded your chest from prying eyes. But creeps would be creeps.

“I’ll be right back with a fresh round for you guys,” you told them in as neutral a voice as possible, managing to sidestep the hand that was coming perilously close to your behind.

“Thanks, cutie,” the jerk in the pink polo shirt said with a wink and a lascivious grin.

Skin crawling, you lifted up your tray and quickly moved away from them. If Penny wasn’t such a good friend, you would’ve walked out of The Hard Deck right that minute.

Though you technically hadn’t been on payroll at Penny’s bar since before you and Rooster were even engaged, you still volunteered to help out from time to time on the nights when The Hard Deck got really busy. You always refused to take any money from Penny, but she insisted that you keep your tips. It was a little agreement that the two of you had come to.

“Are those guys giving you a problem?” Penny asked as she refilled their drinks. She shot a look over at their table, where they were guffawing obnoxiously, probably at some stupid joke.

You glanced over your shoulder and followed her gaze. This time, you did roll your eyes. “No more so than your standard, run-of-the-mill loser,” you told her, carefully arranging the mugs of beer on your tray.

“Y/N,” Penny sighed, shaking her head. “I can ask them to leave. Or tell them they’re going to have to buy a round if they don’t cut it out. You’re doing me a favor. I don’t want you—”

“It’s fine, Penny,” you cut her off, smiling. “Really. Not worth making a scene over. You don’t need any more stress.”

“Okay, if you’re sure,” Penny replied, still looking skeptical. She shot another glance at the table in the back, then smiled conspiratorially. “Rooster and the others will be here soon anyway, huh? I’m sure they won’t want to mess with them.”

“Definitely not,” you laughed in agreement, hefting the full tray of beers over to their table. “Here you go, gentlemen,” you said politely, setting their drinks down in front of them. They were the farthest thing from gentlemen in your mind, but you’d learned to be polite to even the rudest of customers from your full-time waitressing days.

“Why don’t you join us, hot stuff?” Pink Polo smirked, brushing his hand against the back of yours, which made you stiffen immediately. Evidently the wedding band sitting very snugly on your finger wasn’t sending a clear enough message.

“Can’t,” you told him curtly, snatching your empty tray back up. “There’s a lot of other customers who need me. Plus, my husband will be here any minute,” you added pointedly.

“Husband, huh? You got a husband stupid enough to let his pretty little wife prance around this bar all night?” he shot back, leaning back in his seat smugly.

You bit your tongue to keep from firing back at him, not wanting to cause any trouble for Penny. But his words, paired with that smug look on his face, had infuriated you. Swallowing back your anger, you pasted a false smile on your face. “No, but I do have a husband who respects and trusts me enough to let me help out a friend,” you told him, spinning away without a second glance. The sound of their laughter echoing behind you made your blood boil.

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