Forbidden Fruit- Steve Harrington

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Original auther: harringtonsteve

Friday nights were reserved for one thing: Date Night.

With you and Steve, there was a fifty percent chance that date night would end in the two of you up at the Henderson's with Dustin and whoever else had ended up there for the night. That night, however, was different. You'd made Steve promise that the Party wasn't going to be involved. You loved them, but it had been two weeks since you'd been out on a proper date.

Steve smirked to himself as he walked up the steps and knocked on the door. You'd been grinning all day, practically bouncing on the balls of your feet anytime he so much as mentioned tonight. And the kiss that you'd given him before he'd driven Dustin home had made his head spin. He glanced to the door and knocked again, a little more insistent that time. He looked down at his shoes, making sure that everything looked good. The door opened, and his teeth raked across his lower lip, the smirk spreading across his features as he looked up - and froze.

"Mrs - Mrs. Wheeler?" He choked out, the smirk long gone in favor of wide eyes and a mouth hung open. Your mother was mirroring his expression, her hand across her chest, covering up the incredibly indecent clothing that she was wearing. The robe that she was wearing stopped mid-thigh, and he was terrified to look any lower. The robe was hanging open, exposing far more than any boyfriend should see of his significant other's mother.

"Oh, God. I thought you were Billy," she mumbled, her voice soft. Steve's eyes widened, choking on the breath that he'd just tried to take in. Her eyes widened as well, realizing what she'd just said.

"You thought I was who?"

"Oh, Steve, I - Y/N isn't here. You can just go-"

It occurred to Steve that you actually had told him to meet you at Benny's instead of picking you up at your house. Something about studying over at Lauren's before the date. He should have apologized, and walked away. He should have just shrugged. He should have done a lot of things, but all that he managed to get out was a hysterical, "You thought I was Billy?"

What was he supposed to do? Warn her about how much of a giant prick he was? Maybe that was why she liked him, though, because he was a giant prick. Or because he had one.

Oh God, he was going insane. He sees too much skin of Karen Wheeler one time, and he lost it.

"Steve, I really -"

"Does Y/N know? Does - Ma'am, I've heard what the other mothers are saying, I just - He could be your kid." This wasn't his business, it really wasn't. But all Steve was able to think about was that the rumors were true and that you were going to be sick.

The Wheelers marital troubles weren't necessarily a secret, but it wasn't something that was really talked about, either. No one was oblivious to the mounting tension, but you and Steve didn't really talk about it. As far as he knew, none of you really talked about it. Even with you and Nancy, who only had ten months between you two, it wasn't really spoken about much. Mike wouldn't even acknowledge it, just throwing himself into school and the Party.

"Steve, you should really go." He was jarred from his thoughts as she spoke. The mention of her oldest child had apparently annoyed her - or made her feel guilty. Steve would've felt bad, but he was half sick from knowing that your mother was having an affair, and half sick from thinking about the size of Billy's dick.

By the time he made it to the diner, he'd worked himself into a full blown mess. He walked into Benny's, trying to focus on his breathing. His hair was the closest it had been to looking like bedhead in a long time. He spotted you in the back, the slope of your shoulders a familiar sight. But it was when you tilted your head to the left, that's when his heart sank even more. Billy was sitting across from you, a serious look on his face as the two of you talked.

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